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Seize your place in a new era in commerce and industry In Strategy in The Age of Disruption, a team of dedicated strategists delivers an exciting and practical guide to Industry 4.0, a commercial transformation that’s impacting every facet of the market, the environment, and our social lives. You’ll learn what Industry 4.0 is, what it means for you and your company, and how you—as a leader, manager, expert, entrepreneur, or investor—can capitalize on it and put it into practice. This is a complete handbook on strategic execution. It’s a step-by-step tutorial designed to get you to clearly see your strategic position, the choices available to you, and how to execute on those choices. You’ll also find: Ways to move beyond outdated business models that no longer serve the companies that follow them Common myths about strategy and how to put them to bed for good Deep and insightful explanations of the fourth industrial revolution and what it means for your sector and company Highly visual and endlessly engaging, Strategy in The Age of Disruption will systematically guide you through how to manage the challenges of the present and the promise of the future.
Alle er kreative! I denne bog viser Lene Tanggaard (professor i kreativitet) og Christian N. Stadil (ejer af bl.a. Hummel), at alle kan blive endnu mere kreative. De har interviewet en række af Danmarks mest kreative mennesker, for at finde ud af, hvordan de gør. Picasso gik i bad, når han skulle få nye ideer. I bogen hører du om Ingolf Gabolds blå elefanter, Kenneth Bagers bad, Bjarke Ingels visioner, René Redzepis lørdagssessioner, Jørgen Leth gåture og Søren Rasteds tvivl. Du får inspiration til at udfordre dig selv og arbejde med din egen kreativitet.
The legendary artist Pablo Picasso took baths when he was in need of new ideas for his work. Other people take walks in the park or visit an art gallery or watch YouTube in an attempt to spark their creativity and imagination. This book inspires us to work harder with our creativity—both as individuals and companies. Being creative is now critical in our careers, but most people regard creativity as somewhat mystical, slippery, and a rare entity. In fact, all of us are capable of creativity—if that is what we want. Often, it is about having the right mindset and finding the right spark to set off your creativity. This book contains wonderful stories of people from different backgrounds—such as opera, architecture, science, art, sports, toys, film, and technology—and how they find and use their creativity. It includes practical tips and tricks to help you lead a more creative and imaginative life at work and home.
Manning og Stadil mødes i deres nye bog om interessen for personlig udvikling. De er enige om, at det her i livet ikke drejer sig om at snuppe et selvudviklingsfix eller finde den fuldendte opskrift på det gode liv, men om at man vokser som menneske ved at holde sig nysgerrig og åben. De øser af egne erfaringer og fra den inspiration, de selv har fået fra zenmestre, bedstemødre, vestens filosoffer og det levede liv. De har en ufrelst tilgang til emnet og taler i bogen befriende åbent om det, som har gjort dem til det, de er. Hos Manning og Stadil er der plads til både det spirituelle og en tur i byen. Det er på én gang en opsang, et oplæg og en opfordring: Find din personlige karm...
Danmarks fremtrædende erhvervsfolk, vismænd og forskere er samlet for at give et unikt syn på hvordan Danmarks fremtid tegner sig. Danmark står midt i store forandringer. Som samfund er det ikke noget, vi lukker øjnene for. Vi konstaterer, at det sker, og vi ser og diskuterer hver eneste dag effekten af forandringerne. Vi erkender ikke til fulde, hvad der foregår, mens vi står midt i det hele. Bogen tager udgangspunkt i faktuelle virkeligheder og nytænkning i forhold til balancen mellem velfærd, vækst og værdier ud fra akademiske, erhvervsmæssige, økonomiske og samfundsmæssige perspektiver.
'Understanding Branding' von Prof. Daniela Hensel basiert auf den Lehrerfahrungen im Bereich Corporate Design und Designmanagement und der langjährigen Zusammenarbeit mit vielen unterschiedlichen Kunden, wie Daimler, Audi, Cosmos Direct, WWF und Berlinale. Das Buch gibt einen hautnahen und aktuellen Einblick in die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kunden und Agenturen und nimmt die Scheu vor strategischen Designaufgabenstellungen. Namhafte Agenturen, die einen intimen Einblick in ihre Arbeit gewährten sind MetaDesign, Strichpunkt und EdenSpiekermann. In dem Buch werden die Prozesse einfach und klar gegenübergestellt und praxisnah erklärt. Ergänzt werden diese Praxisbeispiele durch allgemeines Fachwissen, das den aktuellen Herausforderungen des Brandings Rechnung trägt. Diese Kombination aus kompakter Einführung in das Thema Branding und tiefen Einblicken in die Praxis ist bisher einmalig. Das Buch entstand im Rahmen eines Kurs- und Forschungsprojekts an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin.
"Most of us breathe inefficiently. Life is often lived in the fast lane, and especially when we are stressed, we tend to use only the upper part of our lungs. We forget to breathe deep down into the stomach and thereby lose out on a lot of energy. Only when you become aware of your breathing and how to train it, you will be able to learn to breathe properly. Your body will immedi¬ately absorb more oxygen and after a short time you will have more energy and gain greater mental calmness. Advantages of efficient breathing: Gain more energy in your daily life Become better at managing stress Optimize your work and sport performances Avoid illnesses and get well faster Minimize chronic or transient pain Become happier and more positive Live a healthier and longer life."--Publisher description.
This is a book of ideas to spark your own creative thinking process. It will give you an opportunity to see other ways to approach your experiences. . . . As you read this book, you may find statements that you dont agree with; they may clash with your own belief systems. Thats all right. Its what Louise calls stirring up the pot. She says, Yo...