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The Facts On File Companion to World Poetry : 1900 to the Present is a comprehensive introduction to 20th and 21st-century world poets and their most famous, most distinctive, and most influential poems.
Mimesis is a critical and philosophical term going back to Aristotle. It carries a wide range of meanings, including imitation, representation, mimicry, the act of expression, and the presentation of self. In modern literary criticism, mimesis has received renewed attention in the last two or three decades and been subject to wide-ranging interpretations. Nicolae Babuts looks at the concept of mimesis from a cognitive perspective. He identifies two main strands: the mimetic relation of art and poetry to the world, defined in terms of reference to an external reality, and the importance of memory in the making of plots or storytelling.Babuts suggests that there is a material identity we canno...
Provides a comprehensive introduction to 20th- and 21st-century world poets and their most famous, most distinctive, and most influential poems.
Divided into two parts, this volume includes contributions focused on both myth and some of its contemporary reflections (Part I) and the connection between myth, music and ritual (Part II). The fifteen contributions gathered here are authored by academics and researchers from Brazil, France, Poland, Mexico, South Africa and Romania. They focus on a variety of subjects, including folklore, literature, classical and traditional music, science-fiction, philosophy, and religion, among others. The volume operates with an awareness of the capital role the study of the imaginary, with all its implications, is playing in the contemporary world.
Hitchins traces how Rumania's political and intellectual élites attempted to create an independent state before the advent of communist rule in 1947.
Twelve studies explicitly developed to elaborate on travel writing published in book form by east Europeans travelling in Europe from ca. 1550 to 2000. How did east Europeans have positioned themselves with relation to the notion of Europe, and how has the genre of travel writing served as a means of exploring and disseminating these ideas? A truly comparative and collective work with a substantial introductory study, the book has taken full advantage of the interdisciplinary and comparative potential of the team of project scholars working in the different national literatures, from different disciplinary perspectives
Mă gândesc la un articol despre Hogaș. Teribil mă chinuiește Hogaș. E așa de curios că a murit! Lipsește așa de mult! Parcă aș vrea să-i mai spun ceva – și nu se mai poate! Niciodată n-am simțit ceva la fel despre un mort. Probabil pentru că avea atâta viață, era însăși viața. Și era și Moldova, și trecutul, și munții, și mânăstirile – care nici ele nu mai sunt. A murit simbolic!” (Garabet Ibrăileanu către George Topîrceanu, 1918)
Lucrarea nu e numai o istorie a cenzurii presei culturale ieșene, ci și o istorie detaliată a publicațiilor literare ieșene. (Eugen Negrici) Bună cunoscătoare a conceptelor și a strategiilor propagandei comuniste, ca și a statutului, rolului și evoluției cenzurii din aceeași epocă, Monica Mărgărint aplică acest aparat teoretic pe un material excavat din surse primare (în speță, presa literară ieșeană postbelică). (Nicolae Mecu) Meritele lucrării sunt legate, în primul rând, de admirabila cercetare documentară: autoarea se oprește asupra publicațiilor vremii, dar și asupra paginilor mai greu accesibile – arhivele instituțiilor de partid din țară, dar, în primul rând – așa cum arată proiectul de lucru –, de la Iași. (Cornel Ungureanu)