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Debunking conventional wisdom about voting patterns and allaying recent concerns about electoral stability and possible third party movements, the authors uncover faulty practices that have resulted in a skewed sense of the American voting population.
The amount of money needed to run a competitive congressional campaign is staggering, with special interests playing a central role in raising these funds. Also of concern is the declining competitiveness of House elections. And while recognition of the need to reform campaign financing is widespread, partisan and House/Senate differences over what these changes should be have complicated legislative efforts. Almost $450 million was spent in both the 1986 and 1988 congressional campaigns, much of it coming from wealthy contributors and political action committees (PACs). Increasing criticism of the current system will undoubtedly force Congress to keep campaign finance reform on it's legisla...
"As the title of our book suggests, we view the idea of government by the people as a defining element of American politics and government. From the Mayflower Compact to the Declaration of Independence to the expansion of rights and liberties to more and more citizens in the last century, we have expanded on the idea of self-government. Too often, Americans take their basic rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for granted. But these rights were guaranteed neither by those who wrote our Constitution nor by the citizens who have worked, one generation after another, to expand these rights and set our government's course. Rather, government by the people today depends on citize...
Money and politics in an election that broke the mold Beginning with the 1960 election, readers could turn to one book for an authoritative and comprehensive examination of campaign finance at the federal level. Now, the latest in this respected series, Financing the 2016 Election, explores the role of money in one of the most unconventional elections in modern American history. A team of leading scholars has dug into the roles played by political parties and special interest groups (including their “Super PACS”) in the presidential and congressional elections of 2016. David Magleby and his team of experts examined Federal Elections Commission reports and interviewed dozens of key partic...
Updated edition of : Referendums. c1978.
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Every four years, The State of the Parties brings readers up to date on party action in election years and in between. With the dual themes of continuity and change characterizing the new edition, this essential party primer includes: three new chapters on party roles in the 2008 election, a section on the impact of party resources for the campaign, extensive coverage of party mobilization efforts via the Internet and local activity, and new chapters covering topics ranging from Republican's fall from grace to party governance under Nancy Pelosi to President Obama's role in party politics, and as always, a distinguished roster of contributors.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Explore American politics through the Constitution Government by the People, 2016 Presidential Election (Subscription), 26/e provides a thorough, Constitution-based introduction to the foundational principles, processes, and institutions of American government. Throughout, authors David Magleby, Paul Light, and Christine Nemacheck highlight the central role that people play in a constitutional democracy, inspiring students to see how similarities and differences in political beliefs continue to shape government to this day. The 2016 Presidential Election Edition includes coverage of the major issues in today’s headlines to engage students in learning, as well as to boost the relevance of course material to students’ lives.
NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyPoliSciLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyPoliSciLab, search for for 0134114043 / 9780134114040 Government by the People, 2014 Elections and Updates Edition plus MyPoliSciLab for American Government -- Access Card Package, 25/e Package consists of: * 0133914682 / 9780133914689 Government by the People, 2014 Elections and Updates Edition, 25/e * 0133930645 / 9780133930641 MyPoliSciLab for American Government Valuepack Access Card MyPoliSciLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. For courses in American Government Explore American politics through the Const...
Explore American politics through the Constitution Government by the People, 2012 Election Edition continues a tradition of excellence by offering the most classroom-tested introduction to the foundational principles, processes, and institutions of American government. Emphasizing the accomplishments of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, this text highlights the central role people play in a constitutional democracy. Government by the People inspires students to see how similarities and differences in political beliefs continue to shape government today. This text features full integration with the New MyPoliSciLab. MyPoliSciLab includes a wide array of resources ...