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This book addresses domestic abuse and stalking among young people in the UK and Ireland, with a focus on intersectionality and lifestyle settings. In partnership with the Alice Ruggles Trust, this book draws on a wealth of expert contributions including those with lived experience, frontline services such as Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service, charities EmilyTest and Hollie Gazzard Trust, researchers of so-called honour-based abuse and online harms, and forensic psychologists who work with people who stalk. It begins with an overview of ways to recognise harmful behaviours, including those carried out online. The discussion then moves on to methods and motivations of stalking and co...
A sociological study of how media coverage, social movements, and personal experience shape our views of victims and offenders
This book presents the results of researches conducted with children and youth at risk for over 20 years in Brazil. It addresses a series of topics related to children and youth living in poverty or in situations of social vulnerability, such as family, sexual and dating violence; adolescent mothers and mothers who put their children for adoption; children and youth living in foster and institutional care; and adolescents involved in drug trafficking or incarcerated in juvenile detention centers. Building upon the Bioecological Theory of Human Development, this volume emphasizes the innovative knowledge about psychosocial development of vulnerable children and youth produced in Brazil and ai...
This book presents the method developed by Dr. Silvia Helena Koller and her students and collaborators to apply Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory of Human Development to empirical studies with children and adolescents. Although Bronfenbrenner's theory, in different stages of development, has been widely cited by several researchers, surprisingly little has been written about the theory itself, its evolution or about the methods that should be used to test it. This book fills this gap by presenting both an overview of Bronfenbrenner’s theory and a method to apply it to empirical research, the Ecological Engagement method. The book also shows how this method can be applied in prac...
This handbook discusses the latest findings from different fields of positive psychology from a global perspective by providing a coherent framework to get a better understanding of the development and practice of positive psychology. It starts with the parameters of positive psychology and a summary of the historical rise of positive psychology (both first wave and second wave of positive psychology) in the US, and its slow but steady growth on a global scale. This handbook highlights the major contributions of positive psychologists across 17 major regions of the world on theory, research, assessment and Practice. It discusses how positive psychology can progress human living in different countries and it shows the reasons why positive psychology has become an important source in research and education around the world.
Suitable for professionals, students, and lay readers alike, this book provides an immensely informative, profoundly moving, and remarkably comprehensive look at the range and nature of violence and abuse by and of humans today. Angela Browne-Miller, PhD, is editor of this comprehensive and unique set of four volumes containing over 110 chapters from over 130 international experts with backgrounds in behavioral science, social science, law, and medicine, as well as researchers, practitioners, and lay persons with varied specialties. These volumes cover the following areas reflected by their titles: Volume One: Fundamentals, Effects, and Extremes; Volume Two: Setting, Age, Gender, and Other K...
De repente, seu filho não é mais uma criança. Mas também ainda não é adolescente! Ou, para complicar ainda mais, às vezes se comporta como um, às vezes age como outro. Para ajudar os pais a entenderem a pré-adolescência, essa fase da vida que vai dos 8 aos 12 anos,a jornalista Daniela Tófoli mostra todas as mudanças que acontecem na cabeça e no corpo do seu filho e aborda os principais desafios dessa etapa baseada em uma ampla análise das pesquisas mais recentes e de entrevistas com especialistas em saúde, educação e comportamento. Pré-adolescente – um guia para entender o seu filho vai apoiar as famílias nessa rica e desafiadora travessia entre a infância e a adolescência.
O Laboratório de Ecologia do Desenvolvimento, vinculado à Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), desenvolve pesquisas na área da Psicologia do Desenvolvimento, entre elas no contexto do acolhimento infantojuvenil no Brasil, que ainda é uma realidade muito presente na vida de inúmeras crianças e adolescentes em situação de risco e vulnerabilidade social e pessoal. Nesse sentido, por meio do Núcleo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Acolhimento Institucional e Adoção (NEPAIA), várias iniciativas de estudos têm sido realizadas, com o intuito de contribuir com as discussões e aprimoramento do atendimento e das políticas públicas. Esta obra, portanto, é resultado da reunião de pesquisas nacionais e ações inovadoras, desenvolvidas em serviços de acolhimento de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros. Trata-se de uma construção coletiva, na qual profissionais e especialistas na área nos convidam a refletir sobre temas ainda pouco explorados na literatura, como acolhimento conjunto, família acolhedora, crianças e adolescentes ameaçados de morte, fenômeno da retratação de crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual, entre outros. Boa leitura!