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Since the third edition of Tumors of Domestic Animals there has been an enormous expansion of our knowledge about the melocular mechanisms of tumor development and the ancillary aids used diagnose neoplasms . The fourth edition condenses this new body of information and presents it in a way that is useful to diagnostic pathologists, residents, veterinarians, and oncologists. The format of the previous editions has been maintained, but the text and the illustrations are substantially changed or entirely different. Readers will be able to find salient clinical information, prevalence data, biological behavior, and most importantly, accurate information about gross and microscopic lesions to he...
Tumors in Domestic Animals, Fifth Edition is a fully revised new edition of the most comprehensive and authoritative reference on veterinary tumor pathology in common domestic animals, now in full color throughout with the most current advances in research and diagnostics. Now in full color with hundreds of exquisite new images showing diagnostic features, pathogenesis, and techniques Adds new sections on relevant clinical pathology and oncology Updated throughout to include the very latest advances in research and diagnostics Takes a logical, user-friendly system approach Written by leading experts on animal tumor pathology
Color Atlas of Equine Pathology offers a practical guide to identifying equine diseases, presenting a single resource with more than 1000 images showing predominantly gross pathology. Organized by body systems, the book allows for picture matching during or after an equine necropsy. In this user-friendly atlas, each chapter takes a common format, presenting the disease process as well as congenital, degenerative, inflammatory, and neoplastic sequences, with text boxes offering quick reference to key information. The book begins with an introductory chapter summarizing the principles of the equine field necropsy, and subsequent organ-based chapters depict gross features of disease, focusing on macroscopic digital images supplemented by histology and immunohistochemistry when necessary. Some clinical information for correlation with pathology is included. Color Atlas of Equine Pathology is an essential resource for diagnostic veterinary pathologists and pathology residents, as well as for equine practitioners performing necropsies in the field.
This unique text is devoted to the full range of neoplastic properties exhibited by the comprehensive collection of human neoplasms. Like no other book of it's kind, it approaches cancer biology by surveying the diversity of neoplasms and by building a classification of neoplasms based on an understanding of the cellular options for tumor development. By grouping neoplasms into a comprehensive classification, we can develop class-specific methods to prevent, detect, and treat cancers. The book is divided into three broad units: speciation, classification and eradication. In the process of developing a classification for neoplasms, dozens of the fundamental questions in neoplastic development are asked and answered. Neoplasms provides readers with a fascinating and enjoyable way to learn the otherwise arcane and dense subject of human tumor diversity.
Veterinary Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology focuses on methods for establishing a diagnosis and set of differential diagnoses. Provides the only text dedicated solely to veterinary oral and maxillofacial pathology Guides the pathologist through the thought process of diagnosing oral and maxillofacial lesions Focuses on mammalian companion animals, including dogs, cats and horses, with some coverage of ruminants, camelids, and laboratory animal species Features access to video clips narrating the process of histological diagnosis on a companion website
Clostridial Diseases of Animals is the first book to focus on clostridial diseases in domestic and wild animals, offering a comprehensive reference on these common diseases. Provides a single resource for all aspects of clostridial diseases Presents current, comprehensive information with a focus on clinical relevance Covers each disease in depth, including etiology, epidemiology, clinics, gross pathology, histopathology, diagnostics, diagnostic criteria, prophylaxis, control, and treatment Written by the world-leading experts in the field of clostridial diseases in animals Offers photographs and summary tables to support the concepts discussed in the text and aid in recognition
Found worldwide from Alaska to Australasia, Toxoplasma gondii knows no geographic boundaries. The protozoan is the source of one of the most common parasitic infections in humans, livestock, companion animals, and wildlife, and has gained notoriety with its inclusion on the list of potential bioterrorism microbes. In the two decades since the publi
Der Atlas of Tumor Diagnostics in the Dog and Cat ist ein Diagnosehandbuch, mit dem sich feststellen lässt, ob und aus welchen Grund Proben Abnormalitäten aufweisen. 386 klinische Abbildungen zeigen normale und abnormale Ergebnisse. Zu Beginn des Buches werden spezifische Arten von Neoplasmen beschrieben. - Bietet einen kurzen Überblick über die Methoden, mit denen sich anhand einer Gewebeprobe (Biopsie) Diagnosen stellen und Prognosen ableiten lassen. - Stellt Fotos von per Biopsie gewonnenen Proben den Mikroaufnahmen von Zellen gegenüber, die über eine Feinnadelpunktion vorliegen. - Mit einem nützlichen Kapitel zu Handhabung, Verunreinigung und Versand von Probenmaterial.
Diese sorgfältig überarbeitete 3. Auflage präsentiert die jüngsten Neuerungen in dem Fachgebiet. Veterinäre für Nutztiere und Studenten der Tiermedizin finden in diesem Referenzwerk alles Wissenswerte rund um moderne Verfahren zur Gesunderhaltung und Haltung von Rindern. - Neuauflage dieses Klassikers, sorgfältig überarbeitet und jetzt mit Schwerpunkt auf den wichtigsten alltäglichen Aspekten zu Rindergesundheit und -haltung. - Konzentriert sich unter anderem erstmals auf praktische Fertigkeiten und den Wissenstransfer und enthält weitaus mehr farbige Illustrationen als die früheren Ausgaben. - Vermittelt wichtige Kompetenzen für die Praxis, um auf heutige Anforderungen an die Rindergesundheit und -haltung adäquat zu reagieren. - Verbindet nahtlos alles Wissenswerte zu Haltung, Fütterung und Krankheiten. - Autoren sind Fachexperten aus aller Welt.