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The landscape of European migration has changed considerably over the past decades, in particular after the fall of the iron curtain and again after the EU enlargement to the east. The author researches the phenomenon of highly qualified migration using the example of migration between the Czech Republic and Germany. The book reveals diverse strategies migrants use to respond to the possible de-valuation of their qualification, e.g. by making use of their language skills, starting new studies or using transnational knowledge.
Full Color (CMYK) Edition.This is the reconstructed history of Bond Hill, currently a neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio, originally founded just after the Civil War as a railroad suburb on the urban fringe of the most densely populated city on the planet. How did teetotalers, cooperators, railroad moguls, real estate brokers, and radical socialists pool their energies to found a new society and build affordable housing for "men of moderate means"? How did church politics and other critical events shape the social and environmental transformation of a once rural community? This history provides a complete survey of the Bond Hill area, from the post-Colonial period through the Village of Bond Hill's annexation by the City of Cincinnati in 1903, up until the present day.
Originally conceived by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989 as a tool for the analysis of the ways in which different forms of social inequality, oppression and discrimination interact and overlap in multidimensional ways, the concept of 'intersectionality' has attracted much attention in international feminist debates over the last decade. Framing Intersectionality brings together proponents and critics of the concept, to discuss the 'state of the art' with those that have been influential in the debates that surround it. Engaging with the historical roots of intersectionality in the US-based 'race-class-gender' debate, this book also considers the European adoption of this concept in different nati...
This open access book focuses on migrant and minority cemetery needs through the conceptual lens of the mobilities of the living and the dead. In doing so, the book brings migration and mobility studies into much-needed dialogue with death studies to explore the symbolically and politically important issue of culturally inclusive spaces of cemeteries and crematoria for migrants and established minorities. The book addresses majority and minority cemetery and crematoria provisions and practices in a range of North West European contexts. It describes how the planning, management and use of cemeteries and crematoria in multicultural societies can tell us about the everyday lived experiences of migration and migrant heritage, urban diversity, social inclusion and exclusion in Europe, and how these relate to migrant and minority experience of lived citizenship, practices of territoriality and bordering, colonial/postcolonial narratives. The book will be of interest to readers in the fields of migration/mobilities studies and death studies, as well as policy makers and practitioners, such as local government officers, cemetery managers and city planners.
This book provides readers with a critical analysis of the restorative justice efforts of the Ovaherero and Nama communities in Namibia, who contend that they should receive reparations for what happened to their ancestors during, and after the 1904–1908 German-Ovaherero/Nama war. Arguing that indigenous communities who once lived in a German colony called “German South West Africa” suffered from a genocide that could be compared to the World War II Holocaust Namibian activists sued Germany and German corporations in U.S. federal courts for reparations. The author of this book uses a critical genealogical approach to all of this “lawfare” (the politicizing of the law) in order to i...
Highlights the wines of the Rhone Valley and includes descriptions of the wines, tasting notes, guidelines for cellaring the wines, and price ranges."
An exploration of how an official French visual culture normalized France’s colonial project and exposed citizens and subjects to racialized ideas of life in the empire. By the end of World War I, having fortified its colonial holdings in the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, the Indian Ocean, and Asia, France had expanded its dominion to the four corners of the earth. This volume examines how an official French visual culture normalized the country’s colonial project and exposed citizens and subjects alike to racialized ideas of life in the empire. Essays analyze aspects of colonialism through investigations into the art, popular literature, material culture, film, and exhibitions that ...
Title of the first 10 volumes of the series is Germans to America : lists of passengers arriving at U.S. ports 1850-1855.
1963 wurde zwischen Deutschland und Marokko ein Anwerbeabkommen vereinbart. Aus der „vorübergehenden Beschäftigung“ marokkanischer „Gastarbeiter“ ist längst eine vielschichtige Einwanderungsgeschichte geworden. Den frühen Bergwerksarbeitern folgten bald Frauen und Kinder, später auch hoch qualifizierte Bildungsmigranten. In der zweiten und dritten Generation fanden teilweise erfolgreiche Aufstiege statt. Diese Prozesse trugen dazu bei, dass die Gruppe der marokkanischen Migranten und ihrer Nachkommen heute ähnlich heterogen wie die Migrationsgesellschaft insgesamt ist. Der Band widmet sich der Migration und Integration dieser bisher kaum beachteten Gruppe. Die interdisziplinäre Bestandsaufnahme geht aus einer Kooperation des Deutsch-Marokkanischen Kompetenznetzwerks (DMK) mit dem Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität Osnabrück hervor.