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Nos últimos anos, houve um significativo aumento de cursos de licenciatura em Geografia a distância, oferecidos por Instituições de Ensino Superior, públicas e particulares. Este trabalho toma como objeto uma lista online de Geografia da qual participaram profissionais, professores e estudiosos de Geografia e tem por objetivo investigar as percepções dos participantes da lista sobre educação a distância. Considerando que se trata de uma discussão que ocorre em uma comunidade virtual, a pesquisa busca inicialmente compreender o significado de território virtual como espaço de comunicação e de debate entre profissionais de Geografia, centrando o foco nas mensagens sobre educaçÃ...
Bate-papos educacionais na internet: uma perspectiva linguÃstica busca contribuir com o uso adequado das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) em contextos educacionais, mais especificamente de bate-papos on-line. Ele é destinado aos professores, coordenadores, designers de aprendizagem e todos aqueles interessados em compreender como, apesar de seu potencial positivo no apoio e enriquecimento de cursos presenciais e a distancia, o planejamento adequado das TIC é imperativo para o alcance de um ensino-aprendizagem significativo e que apoie a inclusão de pessoas em contextos sociais como o mundo acadêmico, cientÃfico e industrial. A origem das discussões apresentadas é um ...
Genre theory has focused primarily on the analysis of generic constructs, with increasing attention to and emphasis on the contexts in which such genres are produced, interpreted, and used to achieve objectives, often giving the impression as if producing genres is an end in itself, rather than a means to an end. The result of this focus is that there has been very little attention paid to the ultimate outcomes of these genre-based discursive activities, which are more appropriately viewed as academic, institutional, organizational, and professional actions and practices, which are invariably non-discursive, though often achieved through discursive means. It was this objective in mind that t...
Adobe Certified Expert, David Bate, demystifies the complexities of Photoshop by teaching you its language. The ability of Photoshop to enhance or transform images is virtually limitless, but how do you get the results you are looking for? The key to success is learning how to speak to Photoshop, so it understands your vision. This book teaches you how to think like and communicate with Photoshop. You'll learn which tools work and which ones don't. More importantly you'll learn when and why. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be able to trouble-shoot your way through future image editing challenges. David Bate has worked in the graphic design industry for over 30 years. He currently teaches P...
Intended for use with Speaking Photoshop CC textbook. Workbook provides additional learning opportunities in the form of written questions and project assignments. Ideal for university, college or high school courses. Also useful for anyone interested in practicing and perfecting their newly attained Photoshop skills through supplementary, real-world Photoshop projects. Grading rubrics, a midterm and final are available to teachers using the workbook for their classes.
In recent years, prosodic competence has become increasingly important in second language acquisition studies, as it is a crucial element in the identification of non-native pronunciation and message understanding. This volume is the first attempt to provide a survey of interlanguage prosody research in L2 Italian. It begins with an overview of the possible approaches to the study of rhythmic-prosodic skills acquisition in an L2. The second part of the book emphasizes the relationship between the mother tongue and a second language, and investigates the presence of transfer in prosody interlanguage development. The third part illustrates prosody’s role in the interpretation of pragmatic meaning in native-non-native interaction, and its influence on message persuasiveness. And in the fourth part, technology meets prosody in the areas of second language teaching and speech synthesis.
This work describes practice in the analysis of metaphor on real-world discourse. The contributors have all had to find ways to deal with methodological issues in their own research and have developed techniques that are brought together here.
Originally published as O Ateneu in 1888, The Athenaeum is a classic of Brazilian literature, here translated into English in its entirety for the first time. The first-person narrator, Sergio, looks back to his time at the eponymous boarding school, with its autocratic principal and terrifying student body. Sergio’s account of his humiliating experiences as a student, with its frank discussion of corruption and homoerotic bullying, makes it clear that his school is structured and administered so as to reproduce the class divisions and power structure of the larger Brazilian society. In its muckraking mode, the novel is in the spirit of Naturalism, imported from France and well-acclimated to Brazil, where it blossomed. At the same time, Pompéia maintains the novel’s credibility as a bildungsroman by portraying the narrator’s psychological development. The novel’s conclusion suggests both a doomed society and its possible redemption, indicative of a moment of upheaval and transition in Brazilian history.
Diversity in the workplace has made significant progress in United States companies. Unfortunately, much of the apparent progress has been at the surface level of diversity (Hiller & Day, 2004), where readily visible characteristics identify people of varying genders, ages, ethnicity, and religions. What are needed are prescriptions, based on solid theory and research, that will allow the deep-level diversity to transform well intentioned affirmative action programs from their old reliance on surface-level diversity to a new reliance on deep-level diversity. It is our hope that this volume will stimulate the scholarly activity needed to make progress toward the above stated goal of making deep-level diversity the benchmark of human progress in the workplace.