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Fractured Scenes is the first extensive academic account of music and sound art practices that fall outside of the scope of ‘mainstream music’ in Hong Kong. It combines academic essays with original interviews conducted with prominent Hong Kong underground/independent musicians and sound artists as well as first hand-accounts by key local scene actors in order to survey genres such as experimental/noise music, deconstructed electronic music, indie-pop, punk, garage rock, sound art and DIY ‘computer’ music (among others). It examines these Hong Kong underground music practices in relief with specific case studies in Mainland China and Japan to begin re-defining the notion of a ‘musical underground’ in the context of contemporary Hong Kong.
This book explores the influence of geographical isolation and peripherality on the functioning of music industries and scenes which operate within and from such locales. As is explored, these sites engage dynamic practices to offset challenges resulting from geographical isolation and peripherality.
This book examines Electronic Dance Music (EDM) scenes in 18 cities across Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia, North America and Australia. It focuses on the historical development of these scenes, with an emphasis on the post-2000 context, including the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching effects. Expert contributors highlight the influence of geographical contexts, as well as cultural and political histories, in the development of mainstream EDM scenes and underground Electronic Dance Music Cultures. This expansive work offers additional insights on cultural and creative policies, planning interventions and regulations associated with nightlife management, and provides a detailed analysis of current challenges inherent to the governance of EDM scenes in contemporary cities.
The Routledge Companion to Diasporic Jazz Studies recognizes the proliferation of jazz as global music in the 21st century. It illustrates the multi-vocality of contemporary jazz studies, combining local narratives, global histories, and cultural criticism. It rests on the argument that diasporic jazz is not a passive, second-hand reflection of music originating in the US, but possesses its own integrity, vitality, and distinctive range of identities. This companion reveals the contradictions of cultural globalization from which diasporic jazz cultures emerge, through 45 chapters within seven thematic parts: • What is Diasporic Jazz? • Histories and Counter-Narratives • Making, Dissemi...
This unique book is structured by country, from prehistoric to present times.
Drawing together theory and advanced empirical research from a variety of disciplines, this book offers a new multidisciplinary perspective on human interaction. It conceives of the living body in terms of its interaction with other bodies, and its openness to and engagement with the material and cultural world.
Version N&B de l'ouvrage. De violents tremblements de terre agitrent la cha"ne des Alpes pendant les journZes des 18 et 19 octobre 1356. Ces secousses furent terribles et Zbranl rent les montagnes. Leurs rZpercussions se firent sentir ^ plus de cent lieues et produisirent, ^ Montbard, dÕaffreux ravages... Le 21 dZcembre 1754, alerte est donnZe ^ Montbard. La bande ^ Mandrin [le cZl bre contrebandier] est entrZe ^ Seurre le 17 dZcembre et a pris la route de Beaune. La municipalitZ avise aussit(TM)t les habitants, qui re oivent la consigne de se munir dÕun fusil et de se tenir pr ts ^ se rassembler sur la place de la rue des Barres au premier signal dÕalarmeÉ Vous ne connaissiez pas ces Zpisodes bourguignons ? Cet ouvrage retrace lÕhistoire de Montbard et ses environs. Vous y dZcouvrirez la vie locale, le dZveloppement de la ville, la fa on dont vivaient les habitants, les questions politiques et Zconomiques ^ diffZrentes Zpoques, ou encore des hommes cZl bres: Saint-Bernard, Buffon ou Daubenton.