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Dr. Tack receives financial support from Shire, Sofar and Tsumura. The other Topic Editors declare no competing interests with regards to the Research Topic theme.
In consultation with Dr. Charles Lightdale, Dr. Cai has assembled a list of articles devoted to gastroparesis with the most current and clinically relevant content. Dr. Cai invited top experts from well-known institutions to contribute reviews on the following topics: Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Gastroparesis; Diabetic Gastroparesis and Non-Diabetic Gastroparesis; Clinical Manifestations and Natural History of Patients with Gastroparesis; Evaluation of Patients with Suspected Gastroparesis; Symptomatic Management of Gastroparesis; Gastric Electrical Stimulator for Treatment of Gastroparesis; Surgical Treatment for Gastroparesis; Botulinum Toxin Injection for Treatment of Gastroparesi...
Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, Second Edition, is the definitive, indispensable reference for peptide researchers, biochemists, cell and molecular biologists, neuroscientists, pharmacologists, and endocrinologists. Its chapters are designed to be a source for workers in the field and enable researchers working in a specific area to examine related areas outside their expertise. Peptides play a crucial role in many physiological processes, including actions as neurotransmitters, hormones, and antibiotics. Research has shown their importance in such fields as neuroscience, immunology, pharmacology, and cell biology. The second edition of Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides pres...
Comment passer de « Sale Gosse » à « Mère Veille », c’est le fil conducteur de l’autobiographie de Patricia Robert. Son chemin de vie est parsemé de violences et de souffrances endurées pendant son enfance et répétées à l’âge adulte. Elle montre néanmoins qu’après avoir connu de tels malheurs la résilience est possible. Elle propose enfin des solutions en faveur de l’éducation et la prise en charge de tous ceux dont l’enfance est assassinée par des adultes. Son récit est porteur d’espoir pour toutes ces victimes. À PROPOS DE L'AUTRICE Patricia Robert décide de se consacrer à l’humain en 2007 et exerce comme PsychoAnalyste et sophrologue. Elle est également présidente d’honneur et fondatrice de l’association Gran'Dire Ensemble 16 dont la mission est d’apporter de l’aide aux enfants en difficulté pour leurs devoirs du soir. Ce livre marque sa deuxième publication, succédant à son ouvrage précédent intitulé "La Sale Gosse : florilège de pensées, de la légèreté à la gravité".
L'ouvrage Post-U FMC-HGE est publié chaque année lors des Journées nationales de formation médicale continue en hépato-gastroentérologie, qui ont lieu à Paris du du 24 au 27 mars 2011 dans le cadre des Journées francophones d'hépato-gastroentérologie et d'oncologie digestive.
Les explorations fonctionnelles digestives ont un rôle important en pathologie digestive, tant dans le domaine du diagnostic et du traitement que de la physiopathologie. Cet ouvrage collaboratif, édité à l'initiative du Groupe français de neurogastroentérologie (GFNG), a pour objectif de fournir aux lecteurs les connaissances nécessaires à la réalisation des explorations fonctionnelles digestives en pratique quotidienne (pH-métrie, manométrie oœsophagienne, manométrie ano-rectale, etc.). Pour chacune des méthodes d'exploration décrites, sont exposés le matériel, les principes des techniques, leurs modalités pratiques de réalisation, les données indispensables à leur inte...
On an August evening in 1933, in a quiet, working-class neighborhood in Paris, eighteen-year-old Violette Nozière gave her mother and father glasses of barbiturate-laced "medication," which she told them had been prescribed by the family doctor; one of her parents died, the other barely survived. Almost immediately Violette’s act of "double parricide" became the most sensational private crime of the French interwar era—discussed and debated so passionately that it was compared to the Dreyfus Affair. Why would the beloved only child of respectable parents do such a thing? To understand the motives behind this crime and the reasons for its extraordinary impact, Sarah Maza delves into the abundant case records, re-creating the daily existence of Parisians whose lives were touched by the affair. This compulsively readable book brilliantly evokes the texture of life in 1930s Paris. It also makes an important argument about French society and culture while proposing new understandings of crime and social class in the years before World War II.
The human genome encompasses ˜ 860 G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) including 374 non-chemosensory GPCRs. Half of these latter GPCRs recognize (neuro)peptides as natural ligands. GPCRs thus play a pivotal role in neuroendocrine communication. In particular, GPCRs are involved in the neuroendocrine control of feeding behavior, reproduction, growth, hydromineral homeostasis and stress response. GPCRs are also major drug targets and hence possess a strong potential for the development of innovative pharmaceuticals. The aim of this Research Topic was to assemble a series of review articles and original research papers on neuropeptide GPCRs and their ligands that would illustrate the different facets of the studies currently conducted in this domain.