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The Eruption of Insular Identities explores themes common to the literatures of the Azores and Cape Verde, two isolated archipelagos in the former Portuguese empire but contemporaneously in the Portuguese-speaking world. In the 1930s, writers from both archipelagoes initiated projects to explore acorianidade and caboverdianidade, firmly placing narratives within their respective regional spaces, a tradition that would be continued by following generations. Despite vast differences in the realities in the two archipelagos in terms of race and politics, the insularity lent itself to two bodies of literature with striking similarities. The authors aim is to set out these similarities as a means...
O Centro de Estudos Africanos do ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, na continuação do 1º colóquio NRedes e em colaboração com a ESECS do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, realizou nos dias 29 e 30 de Março de 2010 no ISCTE o primeiro Congresso Internacional sobre a Cooperação no âmbito da Educação entre Portugal, os PALOP e Timor Leste. Na Comissão Organizadora deste Congresso participaram, para além das organizadoras deste livro, o Engenheiro José Manuel Prostes da Fonseca a quem, pelo empenho e dedicação, se presta aqui um homenagem especial, a Doutora Margarida Lima de Faria, o Professor António Fazendeiro e o Professor Filipe Santos. A organização deste evento também não teria sido possível sem a colaboração do Gabinete Multimédia da ESECS de Leiria e o apoio do Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento (IPAD) e da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, entre outros. Este Congresso reuniu cerca de 150 participantes de sete países que durante os dois dias do Congresso debateram questões relacionadas com a temática em foco.
Decolonization represented the end of colonial rule, but did not eradicate imperial and colonial categories and mythologies. Situated in the wider context of European colonial legacies, this book looks at the legacies of the Portuguese empire in today's Portugal. Using an interdisciplinary agenda, with contributions from experts in the fields of history, anthropology, literature, and sociology, the several case studies included in the volume look at a wide range of colonial legacies. These include a set of commemorative practices that feed on imperial mythologies, old colonial and racial classifications that condition citizenship rights, and post-imperial modes of culture consumption. Legacies of the Portuguese Colonial Empire is the first book written so far in English on this topic, enabling the Portuguese case to enter into a broader dialogue with other national experiences relating to the legacies of colonialism and empire in today's Europe.
Elisa Tavares befasst sich in diesem Buch mit dem Batuku, einer mündlichen Tradition aus Kap Verde, die Dichtung, Musik und Tanz in sich vereint. Es kombiniert linguistische und ethnologische Herangehensweisen, um vor dem Hintergrund der Medialisierung der kapverdischen Gesellschaft zu untersuchen, in welchem Verhältnis Tradition und Wandel im Batuku stehen und um aufzuzeigen, wie sich dies auf seine Authentizität auswirkt. Es wird die Bedeutung des Batuku sowie die Funktionen, die diese Kommunikationsform im Laufe der Geschichte erfüllte, analysiert. Zudem wird diskutiert, inwiefern die Praxis des Batuku, die in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten so gewaltige Veränderungen erfahren hat, in ihrer jetzigen Form noch identitätsstiftend ist.
Selon les légendes, les îles du Cap-Vert, qui s'égrènent au large du Sénégal, seraient les débris de l'Atlantide, le mythique continent englouti. Ces îles arides, longtemps inhabitées, ont été cependant le lieu de rencontre des Portugais, qui les ont peuplées dès le XVe siècle, et des Africains, venus du continent, pour la plupart en esclavage. Est-ce le souvenir du cataclysme originel, auquel se mêlent les sentiments qu'éveille l'insularité, et les apports du métissage qui donnent une telle vitalité à la culture capverdienne ? Si la musique des îles du Cap-Vert est connue en France et en Afrique d'expression française, sa littérature l'est moins. Cet ouvrage présente...