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Since accidentally discovering the ability of glycerol on protecting cells from freezing damage, many researchers have been pursuing to develop cryopreservation methods of a very wide range of cells and some tissues, and these have found widespread applications in biology and medicine. From the point of view of living organisms, cryopreservation is a useful tool for ex situ conservation of genetic resources together with its contribution on conservation of their biodiversity. Cryopreservation in Eukaryotes includes totally 12 chapters, which have been written by the expert researchers in the field. The chapters are a comprehensive collection of the most frequently used methods for eukaryotes. With this book, every researcher will better understand the principles, background, and current status of cryopreservation in particular organisms.
This book covers the biotechnology of all the major fruit and nut species. Since the very successful first edition of this book in 2004, there has been rapid progress for many fruit and nut species in cell culture, genomics and genetic transformation, especially for citrus and papaya. This book covers both these cutting-edge technologies and regeneration pathways, protoplast culture, in vitro mutagenesis, ploidy manipulation techniques that have been applied to a wider range of species. Three crop species, Diospyros kaki (persimmon), Punica granatum (pomegranate) and Eriobotrya japonica (loquat) are included for the first time. The chapters are organized by plant family to make it easier to make comparisons and exploitation of work with related species. Each chapter discusses the plant family and the related wild species for 38 crop species, and has colour illustrations. It is essential for scientists and post graduate students who are engaged in the improvement of fruit, nut and plantation crops.
Development of efficient transformation protocols is becoming a complementary strategy to conventional breeding techniques for the improvement of crops. Thus, Transgenic Plants - Advances and Limitations covers the recent advances carried on improvement of transformation methods together with assessment of the impact of genetically transformed crops on biosafety. Each chapter has been written by one or more experienced researchers in the field and then carefully edited to ensure throughness and consistency.
In the recent years, the looming food scarcity problem has highlighted plant sciences as an emerging discipline committed to devise new strategies for enhanced crop productivity. The major factors causing food scarcity are biotic and abiotic stresses such as plant pathogens, salinity, drought, flooding, nutrient deficiency or toxicity which substantially limit crop productivity world-wide. In this scenario, strategies should be adopted to achieve maximum productivity and economic crop returns. In this book we have mainly focused on physiological, biochemical, molecular and genetic bases of crop development and related approaches that can be used for crop improvement under environmental adversaries. In addition, the adverse effects of different biotic (diseases, pathogens etc.) and abiotic (salinity, drought, high temperatures, metals etc) stresses on crop development and the potential strategies to enhance crop productivity under stressful environments are also discussed.
Turkey’s position in transatlantic alliances goes back in the 1950s. Turkish Foreign Policy “Fresh Look” was launched just prior to the failed coup d’etat last July, and was intended to mend ties with its neighbors with whom Turkey has strained relationships. Turkey’s new pragmatic reconciliation policy strives to build bridges without damaging existing transatlantic alliance. The goal of developing good relations with its neighbors that surround the Mediterranean and the Black sea, presents Turkey with a number of challenges. Turkey is seen as a bridge between West and East due to its geographic location. This volume intends to shed more light into past, present and future Turkey-...
This book provides complete, comprehensive, and broad subject-based reviews for students, teachers, researchers, policymakers, conservationists, and NGOs interested in the biodiversity and conservation of woody plants. Forests cover approximately 31 percent of the world’s total landmass; 93 percent is natural forest and only 7 percent consists of planted trees. Forest decline is progressing at an alarming rate worldwide. In addition to human activities (logging, deforestation, and exploiting forest lands for agriculture and industrial use), a number of other factors – including pests and diseases, drought, soil acidity, radiation, and ozone – are cumulatively contributing to global for...
Suriye ve Libya’daki krizler devam ederken ABD ve İsrail, hazırladıkları “Ortadoğu Planı”yla ortaya çıktılar. Öyle anlaşılıyor ki hızlı başlayan 2020 kolay geçmeyecek. Neyse ki Türkiye uzunca bir zamandır önümüzdeki zorlu döneme hazırlık yapıyor. Bu hazırlık ekonomiden savunma sanayisine, diplomasiden afetlerle mücadeleye hemen her alanda devam ediyor. Kriter olarak biz de yeni dönemin dinamiklerinin daha iyi anlaşılması için çaba gösteriyoruz. Bu sayıda bölgesel gelişmelere geniş bir yer ayırdık. SETA Dış Politika Direktörü Muhittin Ataman’la bölgedeki son durumu konuştuk. Bunun yanında İran’ı Özden Zeynep Oktav, Murat Özer ve M...
15 Temmuz darbe girişiminin ardından Türkiye, milletin desteğini arkasına alan güçlü bir irade ile varoluş savaşına girişti. PKK/PYD, FETÖ ve DEAŞ gibi terör örgütlerine karşı topyekun mücadele başlattı. Bu mücadele hem siyasi hem de sosyal anlamda bir hazırlık gerektiriyordu. Cumhur İttifakı ve Türkiye ittifakı bu amaçla şekillendi. Türkiye’nin menfaatini önceleyenler devlet ve milletin bekası için bir araya geldi. Farklılıkları bir kenara bırakarak güçlerini birleştirdiler. Ancak bu mücadele için sadece birlik olmak da yetmiyordu. Daha önceki terör operasyonlarında ve Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı’nda tecrübe edildiği üzere milli muharebe ...
Turizmde Güncel Yaklaşımlar isimli çalışmamız son yıllarda turizm sektörünün gündeminde olan konularda hazırlanmış bir eserdir. Bu eser içerisinde yer alan çoğu bölüm son 3 yıl içerisinde lisansüstü araştırmalara ve bilimsel çalışmalara konu olmuş güncel başlıkları içermektedir. Bu kitabın yazılmasının temel amacı, turizm alanında lisansüstü eğitim gören öğrencilere ve araştırmacılara ışık tutmak ve yeni fikirler vermektir. Ayrıca bu çalışmanın ilgili alandaki literatüre katkı sağlaması planlanmıştır. Sade ve anlaşılır bir dille hazırlanan bu kitap; her seviyede turizm öğrencisi için güncel bir kaynak olma özelliği ta...