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This open access book is written by world-renowned experts on radiomolecular precision oncology to celebrate the work, life, principles and ideology of Richard P Baum. It includes commentaries, reviews and some thought provoking novel ideas on radionuclide precision oncology, covering topics such as various aspects of theranostics and molecular radiotherapy like radiolabeled peptides, radiolabeled antibodies, dosimetry, and quality control as well as the diagnosis and treatment of specific tumor types. Featuring contributions by biologists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, geneticists, and physicians from a range of specialties, this Festschrift is highly interdisciplinary and will be a valuable resource for future precision oncologists.
This issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics is devoted to "Clinical Management of Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Lung" and is edited by Dr. Pier Luigi Filosso. Articles in this outstanding issue include: Pathology of neuroendocrine tumors, Clinical and radiological presentation of neuroendocrine tumors of the lung, Neuroendocrine tumors and endocrine syndromes, The significance of histology: typical and atypical bronchial carcinoids, Surgical management of well-differentiated lung neuroendocrine tumors, Surgical management of large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNC) of the lung, The role of surgery in small cell carcinoma, Management of thymic neuroendocrine tumors, Medical treatment of advanced thoracic neuroendocrine tumors, Radiometabolic treatment of advanced neuroendocrine tumors, Biological and clinical prognostic factors in thoracic neuroendocrine tumors, and more!
`This book is the best available on octreotide from a combined basic science and clinical perspective.'Gut
This issue of Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics, edited by Dr. Ashley Grossman, will focus on Innovations in the Management of Neuroendocrine Tumors. Topics include, but are not limited to, Molecular targeted therapy of NETs – State of the art; Surgical approaches to the management of liver metastases; Liquid biopsies for NETs – circulating tumour cells and DNA; Novel functional imaging of NETs; The problem of appendiceal carcinoids; Peptide radioreceptor therapy comes of age; Current chemotherapy use in NETs; The problem of grade 3 NETs; Molecular genetic studies of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours reveal new therapeutic approaches; The new WHO classification; Gastrinomas – medical or surgical treatment; When and how to use somatostatin analogues; The NETest as the way forward; Lung and thymic carcinoids; Carcinoid heart disease; Gastric carcinoids; New treatments for the carcinoid syndrome; and The genesis of the NETs concept – From Oberdorfer to 2018.
Monografija o Mariji Tereziji se pridružuje številnim obeležitvam 300. obletnice rojstva cesarice Marije Terezije, ki so potekale v letu 2017. Vladarica je bila v preteklosti pogosto objekt znanstvenega raziskovanja, a večinoma v tujem zgodovinopisju. Slovensko zgodovinopisje se je do sedaj z njenim življenjem in vladanjem ukvarjalo sorazmerno malo. Pričujoča monografija tako prinaša številne nove ugotovitve in nove poglede na Marijo Terezijo in njeno dobo. Pri monografiji je sodelovalo več kot dvajset priznanih raziskovalcev, večinoma iz Slovenije, nekaj pa tudi iz tujine. Izhodišče prispevkov je slovenski prostor in vplivi cesaričnih reform nanj. Te reforme so bile korenite, temeljite in dolgoročne, kar pomeni, da njihove učinke čutimo še danes, čeprav se tega morda ne zavedamo. Druga rdeča nit monografije pa je ohranjanje spomina na Marijo Terezijo na Slovenskem kot tudi v njenih nekdanjih deželah, ki so danes samostojne države (Avstrija, Madžarska, Hrvaška in Češka). Monografija je napisana pretežno v slovenskem jeziku, medtem ko so prispevki tujih avtorjev v tujem jeziku (nemško, angleško, italijansko in hrvaško) z daljšim slovenskim povzetkom.
Gastritis presents a thorough review of current concepts in gastric inflammation. The book includes reviews of basic scientific research on the cell biology and pathophysiology of gastric inflammation. Results of up-to-date clinical research are considered within the context of basic science information. The book also considers inflammatory problems through the electron microscope and the endoscope. Inflammatory mediators, neutrophils, and other causes of stomach inflammation are only a few of the subjects covered in this superb reference volume for gastroenterologists and scientists studying gastric pathophysiology.
This book on neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) aims to present, in a clear and innovative manner, a broad topic that is still unevenly and in some respects poorly delineated. The novel feature is the nature of the focus on the principles of prognosis, diagnosis, and therapy, which are outlined on the basis of well-defined clinical scenarios described with the aid of high-quality images and illustrations. The salient observations to emerge from the reported clinical cases are clearly summarized, taking into account evidence from the literature and the available guidelines. All of the significant prognostic factors – histopathological, molecular, and imaging – and current diagnostic and therape...