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Biohacker's Handbook
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 573

Biohacker's Handbook

Biohacking is all about optimizing human performance, health and well-being by utilizing science, technology and a deep understanding of human physiology and nutrition. Biohacker’s Handbook is the most anticipated health & wellness book of the decade. The authors – Olli Sovijärvi, M.D., technology expert Teemu Arina and nutrition expert Jaakko Halmetoja – upgrade the fundamentals of a balanced life: sleep, nutrition, exercise, work and the mind. What is the 20 % that will lead to 80 % of the results when it comes to optimal well-being? Biohacker’s Handbook takes the latest research into holistic health and turns it into practical and applicable information in a visual and readable format. With more than 1500 references and hundreds of images, Biohacker’s Handbook is “the missing manual of the human body” and an essential addition to the library, work desk, kitchen, gym, suitcase and bedroom of anyone with a genuine interest in optimal human performance, health and wellbeing. Pages: (572 in printed version) References: 1634 Edition: 1st Authors: Olli Sovijärvi, Teemu Arina, Jaakko Halmetoja Visual design, layout and illustrations: Lotta Viitaniemi

Design Ethnography
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Design Ethnography

This book advances the practice and theory of design ethnography. It presents a methodologically adventurous and conceptually robust approach to interventional and ethical research design, practice and engagement. The authors, specialising in design ethnography across the fields of anthropology, sociology, human geography, pedagogy and design research, draw on their extensive international experience of collaborating with engineers, designers, creative practitioners and specialists from other fields. They call for, and demonstrate the benefits of, ethnographic and conceptual attention to design as part of our personal and public everyday lives, society, institutions and activism. Design Ethnography is essential reading for researchers, scholars and students seeking to reshape the way we research, live and design ethically and responsibly into yet unknown futures.

The Neo Diet
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 904

The Neo Diet

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-06-01
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  • Publisher: Neo Press

Chances are that your diet will kill you. At least that's what research is suggesting. In the past few years, several studies have linked our food choices to most chronic diseases, and to the increase of overall mortality risk. But even if we ignore all that, it's important to know that your diet is not letting you achieve the best version of yourself. Do you suffer from indigestion, abdominal pain, weight gain, brain fog, headaches, joint pain, frequent colds, allergies, lack of energy, low libido, or even depression? Yes, the food you eat is causing these symptoms. Your diet is making you fat, dumb, tired and sick! Have you ever felt confused or unsure about what to eat? You are not alone....

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 46


We've considered some untold mysteries about SLEEP in this book, That will must be surprising for you. Join in the community by saying SLEEP MATTERS, Read and Be informative about the FACTS of sleep. This book is based on the personal experiences of its authors, and the advice it contains is based on a combination of experience and scientific research. This book and the viewpoints that it expresses should not be treated as medical advice. Consult with your doctor before ordering or using any of the herbs or supplements mentioned in this book. Some brief tasks that have been discussed by Experts such as; sleep, sleep hacks, mystery of sleep, sleep medications, sleep concerns, health concerns.

The Workaholic's Detox
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 165

The Workaholic's Detox

A must-read for anyone seeking a more fulfilling, efficient lifestyle, "The Workaholic's Detox" is a transformative guide for busy professionals seeking balance with their work obligations. Offering a unique blend of biomedical engineering, project management, and holistic wellness, this book reveals the secrets to balancing productivity with personal wellbeing and intimate relationships. The book explores prioritizing, setting boundaries, effective communication, habit-building, and much more. With insights into mindset's role in personal development, the book emphasizes action over mere knowledge, aiming to shift readers from work-centric habits to balanced living with practical steps for ...

Avantoon! Talviuimarin käsikirja
  • Language: fi
  • Pages: 147

Avantoon! Talviuimarin käsikirja

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-10-12
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  • Publisher: Minerva

Paranna hyvinvointiasi avantouinnilla. Helppolukuinen ja käytännöllinen opas avanto- ja talviuinnin harrastajalle ja siitä kiinnostuneelle. Kirja opastaa alkuun suositussa harrastuksessa ja avaa lajia jo pidempään harrastaneelle uusia näkökulmia. Käytännönläheinen ja tuoreimpiin tutkimuksiin perustuva teos tuo tutuiksi niin avantouinnin terveysvaikutukset, tavat ja erilaiset uintikulttuurit kuin harrastuksen lisääntyneen suosion syytkin. Kirjassa näkyvät myös kirjoittajien omat talviuinnin havainnot ja kokemukset. Pasi Heikura on pitkän linjan radiotoimittaja, tietokirjailija ja avantouimari. Pirkko Hiissa Huttunen on biokemisti ja termobiologian dosentti. Hän on Suomen tunnetuimpia kylmän terveysvaikutusten tutkijoita, ja monet hänen julkaisuistaan käsittelevät kylmäaltistuksen vaikutuksia. Dosentti Taina Kinnunen on kulttuuriantropologian lehtori Oulun yliopistossa, kirjailija, luennoija ja kolumnisti. Hän tutkii ihmisen kulttuurista elämää ruumiillisuuden näkökulmasta. Antti Lindfors. on Suomen Akatemian tutkijatohtori Helsingin Yliopistosta. Hän on aiemmin kirjoittanut avantouinnista osana terveysteknologioita ja ns. biohakkerointia.

Help! I'm Losing My Hair
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 153

Help! I'm Losing My Hair

This book talks about hair loss, Alopecia, baldness and different disturbances of the scalp and how you can get real help that is based on extensive studies. The book contains a vast amount of knowledge of nutrition and dietary supplements. You will also obtain information on how to treat your hair right and on erroneous myths. The book is the result of over 35 years of research work carried out at Hair Academy Finland regarding the reasons of hair loss. Physicians have assisted us on issues related to how the body functions, professors on research-related issues and nutrition professionals and various researchers on several issues related to nutrition and health. The book clarifies how even the imperceptible disturbances of the body may hinder hair growth. The results of hair research have been astonishing - new hair growth occurs, and the overall well-being of the body simultaneously increases.

Ansver Oksman - 100 best logos
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 114

Ansver Oksman - 100 best logos

The 100 best logos by Ansver Oksman. Ansver Oksman is a designer, an artist and a businessman from Varkaus, Finland. Apart from his career in design and marketing, he is also known for his own champagne brand and multiple competition victories in breakdance with a group called Moonfreeze he founded in 1998. Ansver opened his first studio and gallery on Iso Roobertinkatu in Helsinki in 2006. He has worked as a designer for dozens of international companies and has left a legacy of hundreds of personally crafted quality logos. Along with logos, he has designed complete visual looks for many brands and designed products, flavours, clothing lines and shoes. He is an accomplished artist in his own right. After spending years working in England and France, he has started his own design agency in Lauttasaari, Helsinki - OKSMAN.DESIGN.

Биохакинг: Руководство по полному раскрытию потенциала организма
  • Language: ru
  • Pages: 1219

Биохакинг: Руководство по полному раскрытию потенциала организма

Биохакеры считают, что укреплять здоровье дешевле и выгоднее, чем лечить болезнь. Организм человека состоит из множества разных систем. И биохакинг позволяет понять, как эти системы работают. Авторы — практикующий врач Олли Совиярви, специалист по цифровизации Теэму Арина и эксперт по питанию Яакко Халметоя — доступно рассказывают об одной из самых перспективных и спорных тем нашего века. Теория, изложенная на базе наработок авторов и анализа результатов исследований, подкреплена множеством простых практических рекомендаций.

Supermarket survival
  • Language: fi
  • Pages: 227

Supermarket survival

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-06-17
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  • Publisher: Readme.fi

Voisiko ruokavalion parantaminen olla nautinnollista ja oman luonnon mukaista? Entä, jos ravitsemusta ei tarvitsisi edes ajatella, kun se sujuisi hyvin ihan itsestään? Suomi ehti jo tottua ravinneköyhään tehoruokaan. Supermarket Survival näyttää tien kohti monipuolisesti ravitsevaa herkuttelua - sinun oman mielihalusi mukaan. Kehosi haluaa parempaa ruokaa. Ensin täytyy vaan löytää ne aidot vaihtoehdot jokaiseen mielihaluun. Sen jälkeen voi nauttia kehon täyteen ravinteita. Miettiminen vaihtuu nautiskeluun. Ei tarvitse enää sortua huonoon ruokaan, kun voikin sortua vielä houkuttelevampaan hyvään. Supermarket Survivalissa Olli opastaa, kuinka voit nauttia ravinnosta rajattomasti, ja saada hyvinvointia samassa herkkupaketissa. Miksi suurin osa ruokakaupan tarjonnasta on ravinneköyhäksi jalostettua ultratehotuotantoa - ja kuinka löytää ruokakaupan kätketyt aarteet.