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Performance Constellations maps transnational protest movements and the dynamics of networked expressive behavior in the streets and online, as people struggle to be heard and effect long-term social justice. Its case studies explore collective political action in Latin America, including the Zapatistas in the mid-’90s, protests during the 2001 Argentine economic crisis, the 2011 Chilean student movement, the 2014–2015 mobilizations for the disappeared Ayotzinapa students, and the 2018 transnational reproductive rights movement. The book analyzes uses of space, time, media communication, and corporeality in protests such as virtual sit-ins, flash mobs, scarfazos, and hashtag campaigns, a...
From objects to sounds, choreography is expanding beyond dance and human bodies in motion. This book offers one of the rare systematic investigations of expanded choreography as it develops in contemporaneity, and is the first to consider expanded choreography from a trans-historical perspective. Through case studies on different periods of European dance history – ranging from Renaissance dance to William Forsythe's choreographic objects and from Baroque court ballets to digital choreographies – it traces a journey of choreography as a practice transcending its sole association with dancing, moving, human bodies.
This volume, written in a readable and enticing style, is based on a simple premise, which was to have several exceptional ethnographers write about their experiences in an evocative way in real time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rather than an edited volume with dedicated chapters, this book thus offers a new format wherein authors write several, distinct dispatches, each short and compact, allowing each writer's perspectives and stories to grow, in tandem with the pandemic itself, over the course of the book. Leaving behind the trope of the lonely anthropologist, these authors come together to form a collective of ethnographers to ask important questions, such as: What does it mean to live...
Publicación donde se recogen las ponencias presentadas en las VIII Jornadas de Arte Medieval de Villaviciosa, desarrolladas en julio de 1991. En su día, los objetivos de su contenido y la elección de este título se justificaba en la proposición de estudiar diversos temas artísticos en relación con los "Caminos" en plural por considerar que no hubo uno sólo sino varios. Pero también con el deseo de que, como antaño, siguieran acogiendo a todas las ideas y no se cierren a nadie
Over the past 20 years European theatre underwent fundamental changes in terms of aesthetic focus, institutional structure and in its position in society. The impetus for these changes was provided by a new generation in the independent theatre scene. This book brings together studies on the state of independent theatre in different European countries, focusing on the fields of dance and performance, children and youth theatre, theatre and migration and post-migrant theatre. Additionally, it includes essays on experimental musical theatre and different cultural policies for independent theatre scenes in a range of European countries.
By taking a fresh approach to the study of history in general, Alexandra Carter's Rethinking Dance History offers new perspectives on important periods in dance history and seeks to address some of the gaps and silences left within that history. Encompassing ballet, South Asian, modern dance forms and much more, this book provides exciting new research on topics as diverse as: *the Victorian music hall *film musicals and popular music videos *the impact of Neoclassical fashion on ballet *women's influence on early modern dance *methods of dance reconstruction. Featuring work by some of the major voices in dance writing and discourse, this unique anthology will prove invaluable for both scholars and practitioners, and a source of interest for anyone who is fascinated by dance's rich and multi-layered history.
This book renews thinking about the moving body by drawing on dance practice and performance from across the world. Eighteen internationally recognised scholars show how dance can challenge our thoughts and feelings about our own and other cultures, our emotions and prejudices, and our sense of public and private space. In so doing, they offer a multi-layered response to ideas of affect and emotion, culture and politics, and ultimately, the place of dance and art itself within society. The chapters in this collection arise from a number of different political and historical contexts. By teasing out their detail and situating dance within them, art is given a political charge. That charge is informed by the work of Michel Foucault, Stuart Hall, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Rancière and Luce Irigaray as well as their forebears such as Spinoza, Plato and Freud. Taken together, Choreography and Corporeality: RELAY in Motion puts thought into motion, without forgetting its origins in the social world.
El llibre proposa un viatge a través de l'art a la cerca de preguntes -més que no pas respostes- sobre les possibilitats de representació del cos, alhora depositaries i generadores de diferents concepcions de la relació entre corporeitat i identitat. La pintura, la fotografia, la literatura, la dansa i el cinema són els marcs d'unes lectures que, des dels seus plantejaments teòrics, coincideixen en la consideració del cos com a quelcom menystingut per la tradició filosòfica que, no obstant, a la llum del pensament contemporani, esdevé element indispensable per a pensar la nostra subjectivitat, una subjectivitat indissociable ja de la corporeitat.
Como todo mundillo artístico, el de la danza está lleno de personajes y anécdotas fascinantes que a veces pasan inadvertidas para el gran público. El crítico, director de orquesta y pianista Delfín Colomé nos lo descubre en esta recopilación de artículos en primera persona, que sólo un apasionado de la danza, entregado a ella desde hace veinte años, puede escribir. Ameno e ilustrativo, este libro ayudará tanto al iniciado como al curioso a descubrir a los personajes históricos, a conocer mejor a los contemporáneos, a apreciar los estilos menos conocidos y, sobre todo, a pensar la danza.
A finales del s. XX algunos creadores han empezado a cuestionarse que es danza y cual es el cuerpo ideal para bailar y esto les ha empujado a buscar nuevas formas de expresión a través de la diversidad. A lo largo de estas páginas revisamos los orígenes de la danza inclusiva en Occidente y su estado actual dentro y fuera de nuestras fronteras. Este recorrido histórico nos permite analizar los elementos que dificultan el acceso de las personas con diversidad funcional a la educación artística y por lo tanto a la profesionalización. Sin pretender ser una guía para el trabajo inclusivo en danza, hemos incluido un apartado donde ofrecemos algunos de los elementos que permiten abrir las clases de danza a las necesidades de "todos los cuerpos" y no de "algunos cuerpos".