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Imaging of the Brain provides the advanced expertise you need to overcome the toughest diagnostic challenges in neuroradiology. Combining the rich visual guidance of an atlas with the comprehensive, in-depth coverage of a definitive reference, this significant new work in the Expert Radiology series covers every aspect of brain imaging, equipping you to make optimal use of the latest diagnostic modalities. Compare your clinical findings to more than 2,800 digital-quality images of both radiographic images and cutting edge modalities such as MR, multislice CT, ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine, including PET and PET/CT. Visualize relevant anatomy more easily thanks to full-color anatomic views throughout. Choose the most effective diagnostic options, with an emphasis on cost-effective imaging. Apply the expertise of a diverse group of world authorities from around the globe on imaging of the brain. Use this reference alongside Dr. Naidich's Imaging of the Spine for complementary coverage of all aspects of neuroimaging. Access the complete contents of Imaging of the Brain online and download all the images at
Imaging of the Spine-an exhaustive, full-color reference-combines the ease of use of an atlas with the comprehensive coverage of a definitive reference work, in print and online. Renowned experts Drs. Thomas P. Naidich, Mauricio Castillo, Charles Raybaud, James G. Smirniotopoulos, Soonmee Cha, and Spyros Kollias cover every aspect of spine imaging, including the latest diagnostic modalities, interventional techniques, and image-guided procedures through over 1300 digital quality illustrations. Access the fully searchable text online at, with downloadable images. View 1300 digital quality images of both radiographic images and cutting edge modalities-MR, multislice CT, ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine. Consult the expertise of a diverse group of experts from around the globe on the imaging of the spine. Tap into comprehensive coverage that includes diagnostic and therapeutic options, with an emphasis on cost-effective imaging. Find information quickly and easily thanks to consistent and tightly focused chapters, a full color design, and key points boxes.
A number of books and research papers have been published on trauma and biomechanics.Theyhavesofarnotbeenrealisticallyintegrated.Thebasicaim ofthisbookistopresentauni?edapproachbetweentheengineeringandm- ical professions. The available engineering analyses and mathematical models can be interlinked and glued together with the medical ?ndings by means of surgeries and X-rays/scans. They can be translated into vastly developed computer programs predicting e?ects of plasticity, temperature, cracking, and crushing with and without muscles and other interlocking phenomenon. The available mathematical-cum-engineering model on trauma and bone mechanics are then linked to the ?nite element analysis ...
Part of the Essential Emergency Medicine Series, this book offers emergency department staff a one-stop shop for information about all aspects of imaging. With the demand for cost-effective treatment, and the plethora of imaging options, the emergency physician needs to know which test will provide the best information with the least impact on the patient. The authors present information in a systematic, user-friendly approach. Beginning with the suspected diagnosis, the clinician reviews a brief overview of the condition, usual findings, and possible lab tests. "Bedside Pearls" reflect usual findings; classic images with more pearls about the specific technique follow. Each chapter ends with the advantages and disadvantages of the various imaging modalities.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitles included with the product. The only official Kaplan Lecture Notes for USMLE Step 1 cover the comprehensive information you need to ace the exam and match into the residency of your choice. * Up-to-date: Updated annually by Kaplan’s all-star faculty * Integrated: Packed with clinical correlations and bridges between disciplines * Learner-efficient: Organized in outline format with high-yield summary boxes * Trusted: Used by thousands of students each year to succeed on USMLE Step 1
The only official Kaplan Lecture Notes for USMLE Step 1 cover the comprehensive information you need to ace the exam and match into the residency of your choice. Up-to-date: Updated annually by Kaplan’s all-star faculty Integrated: Packed with clinical correlations and bridges between disciplines Learner-efficient: Organized in outline format with high-yield summary boxes Trusted: Used by thousands of students each year to succeed on USMLE Step 1 Looking for more prep? Our USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2022: 7-Book Set has this book, plus the rest of the 7-book series.
At the heart of every medical imaging technology is a sophisticated mathematical model of the measurement process and an algorithm to reconstruct an image from the measured data. This book provides a firm foundation in the mathematical tools used to model the measurements and derive the reconstruction algorithms used in most imaging modalities in current use. In the process, it also covers many important analytic concepts and techniques used in Fourier analysis, integral equations, sampling theory, and noise analysis.This text uses X-ray computed tomography as a "pedagogical machine" to illustrate important ideas and incorporates extensive discussions of background material making the more a...
Established as the leading textbook on imaging diagnosis of brain and spine disorders, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine is now in its Fourth Edition. This thoroughly updated two-volume reference delivers cutting-edge information on nearly every aspect of clinical neuroradiology. Expert neuroradiologists, innovative renowned MRI physicists, and experienced leading clinical neurospecialists from all over the world show how to generate state-of-the-art images and define diagnoses from crucial clinical/pathologic MR imaging correlations for neurologic, neurosurgical, and psychiatric diseases spanning fetal CNS anomalies to disorders of the aging brain. Highlights of this edition include over 6,800 images of remarkable quality, more color images, and new information using advanced techniques, including perfusion and diffusion MRI and functional MRI. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and an image bank.