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APPEAR – »Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development« – wird von der Österreichischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit finanziert und fördert Kooperationen in den Bereichen Lehre, Forschung und Management zwischen österreichischen Hochschulen und Universitäten, bzw. wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in insgesamt 13 Partnerländern. APPEAR ist nicht an einseitigem Wissenstransfer interessiert, sondern schafft transdisziplinäre und transnationale Räume des Lernens und gemeinsamen Forschens. Im Rahmen des seit 2009 laufenden Programmes wurden bislang 17 akademische Partnerschaften in lateinamerikanischen und afrikanischen Ländern; bzw. in Nepal realisiert, die in dem Reader vorgestellt werden. Dabei zeigen sich spannende Möglichkeiten partizipativer und transkultureller Wissensproduktion, die insbesondere auch für nachhaltige Entwicklungswege in den betroffenen Ländern von hoher Relevanz ist.
In 1955, nearly twenty years after publishing Im Lande des Gada ( In the Land of Gada), Jensen revisited the Gedeo of southern Ethiopia. Here, published for the first time, is the classic ethnography that Jensen wrote following that fieldwork. Divided into chapters on the country and its people, social life, the age groups and the dual division, the political order, and religious and spiritual life, and illustrated with 33 historical photographs from the archives of the Frobenius Institute, the book includes a preface and introduction by Getachew Senishaw.
In Privacy in the 21st Century Alexandra Rengel offers an assessment of the international right to privacy within both a historical and modern context. The book explores the underpinnings of privacy in religion, philosophy, and the law. The author explores the evolution of the legal concept of the right to privacy and offers a comparative law analysis of the global protections of privacy offered by individual states, international agreements, and recognized international legal norms. The author peers into the future of privacy, the technologies which affect the right to privacy, and the ways in which privacy may be protected in the future within the domestic and international law contexts. The author offers her insightful views on possible solutions to counteract encroachments on the right to privacy.
The dominant conceptions of development and the right thereto have been confined to narrow, sectoral interpretations focusing on economic matrices and collective entities such as the state or peoples. This book delimits these key notions of the public order of the 21st century in an entirely new fashion. Drawing on fundamental precepts of policy-oriented jurisprudence, this book offers a comprehensive and systematic study and redefinition of development and the right to development guided by the goal of maximum access by all to the processes of shaping and sharing of all things humans value, including, empirically, aspirations to power, wealth, well-being, affection, enlightenment, skills, respect, and rectitude. This new paradigm of development offers fertile ground for legal and policy responses designed to bring about a public order of human dignity in all parts of the planet. The book was awarded the Society of Policy Scientists 2012 Harold D. Lasswell Prize.
This volume explores the recent evolution of cultural heritage law which has resulted in the emergence of a new international conscience, rooted in the awareness that cultural heritage represents a holistic notion strongly connected with the identity of peoples.
Why has the United States taken such a firm stance against the International Criminal Court (ICC) and expended such diplomatic goodwill in an attempt to dismantle a tribunal that poses no serious risk to its citizens? This book critiques causal ideologies such as American exceptionalism, state sovereignty and laissez-faire capitalism to show how U.S. opposition is driven by pervasive political, legal, historic, military and economic conditioning factors. It shows how U.S. attitudes transcend partisan politics and predicts how the U.S.-ICC relationship will be affected by the economic crisis, shifting international geopolitical power structures, the crisis in the U.S. military, unfolding inte...
Acts of terror on a global scale are straining to the breaking point the due process guarantees of the legal systems of modern democracies. In unequalled breadth and depth, this book analyzes the rights of persons suspected of a crime, in normal times and emergencies, from the pre-trial phase to the trial and the post-trial period under all the universal and regional human rights treaty regimes, pertinent customary international law, general principles of law, international humanitarian law as well as the hybrid procedures developed by international criminal tribunals. The book then presents a detailed analysis of United States due process guarantees, in peacetime and in war, and the executive, legislative and judicial responses to the attacks of September 11, 2001. Professor Pati appraises the American actions in terms of international law s due process guarantees and proposes courses of action which can better defend a public order of human dignity.
Contemporary Ethiopian is, without question, facing enormous challenges. At the core of these challenges lay a state-building process major constituencies and elite groups were either alienated from, forced to acquiesce to, or coopted into. Unable to derive political legitimacy from democratic participation, successive governments largely relied on coercion and neopatrimonialism, modulated by constitutional narratives and reform efforts including the imperial regime's attempts to establish a constitutional republic, the Derg's abolition of the ??? (gab?r) system, and the EPRDF's recognition and prioritization of linguistic and cultural rights. Despite an initially promising political, legal,...