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"Matti did not come to Ukko's funeral, although his parents sent a message about it. He could not cope with facing the loss in the form of a coffin, a funeral, the grief of the parents, the support of society for the bereaved. And he did not dare to risk meeting his own parents, his own family. He would stand there as a representative of sin from the south, the sin that had killed his best friend. They would blame him. They would be disgusted at the sight of him. And not for a single moment would they acknowledge his presence." "Northland" is a story about Matti from Kärsämäki in North Ostrobothnia, Finland. An isolated place with a single bus stop on the route between Oulu and Helsinki a...
In the traditional view of European scholarship, palimpsests are parchment manuscripts from Antiquity or the Middle Ages whose original content has been erased, scraped away, or washed off and later overwritten with new content. This removed content is usually the focus of research. The present volume, which brings together eighteen papers prepared for two workshops at the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures in Hamburg in 2021 and 2023, takes a broader perspective by going far beyond the borders of classical philology into the much less studied manuscript cultures of the Christian East (Aramaic, Armenian, Ethiopic, Georgian, Slavonic, Syriac), the Islamic world of Asia and Africa (Arabic), and East Asia (Japanese). It thematizes writing supports other than parchment that were suitable for palimpsesting; different practices applied in erasing and overwriting handwritten content and the various reasons for such undertakings; and the different methods that researchers can employ to reveal the content of the removed layers and the results that these methods can yield.
Folkloric Horror in Medieval Literature: New Discussions and Approaches focuses on the medieval and early modern precursors of what is now frequently described as Folk Horror. Part of the argument staged in this book stems from an observation that much of what is currently excluded from the conversation about folk horror, if not all horror generally, could be considered folkloric or folkloresque in many cases and would be worthy of inclusion in the discussion. The argument here is that the recurrent use of medieval literature and tropes as elements of the modern Folk Horror revival in the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries stems in part from a modern repulsion and fascination with the premodern. It is also an outgrowth of traditional narrative fascinations with the abject and the rejected sense of past and place which is present in recognizable forms in premodern literatures globally.
Magic, Past and Present brings together the latest interdisciplinary research by Finnish scholars on magic and witchcraft. The authors come from fields such as history, art, literature, religion, and culture. Geographically, the articles are set in Finland and its surrounding areas, and the time span is from the Middle Ages to the present day. The book’s chapters discuss magic and magic-users in a wide context, from medieval church paintings and their portrayed gender roles to the neoshamanism and paganism of the present day. They also address issues such as witchcraft accusations from the perspective of othering and groundbreaking figures like one of the first Finnish female magicians at the turn of the 21st century. The book is intended for scholars in various humanities fields, such as history, religious studies, folklore, and literature. A general audience will also find the book thought-provoking and informative.
"Matti kom ikke til Ukkos begravelse, selv om forældrene sendte besked. Han kunne ikke håndtere at stå ansigt til ansigt med tabet i form af en kiste, en begravelse, forældrenes sorg, samfundets støtte til de efterladte. Og han turde ikke risikere at møde sine egne forældre, sin egen familie. Han ville stå der som repræsentant for synden sydfra, den synd, som havde slået hans bedste ven ihjel. De ville bebrejde ham. De ville væmmes ved synet af ham. Og ikke et eneste øjeblik ville de anerkende hans tilstedeværelse." "Nordland" er en fortælling om Matti fra Kärsämäki i Nordøsterbotten i Finland. Et isoleret sted med et enkelt busstoppested på ruten mellem Oulu og Helsinki o...
Egill Yksikätinen – muinaissaagoja Pohjolasta sisältää useita aiemmin suomentamattomia islantilaisia saagoja. Suurin osa tarinoiden tapahtumista sijoittuu pohjoiseen maailmanpiiriin, aikaan ennen Islannin asuttamista ja Norjan yhdistymistä. Saagojen päähenkilöitä ovat viikingit ja myyttiset sankarit, jotka kohtaavat matkoillaan erilaisia yliluonnollisia olentoja kuten pelottavia peikkoja, petollisia kääpiöitä, ahneita lohikäärmeitä, viisaita valkyyrioita ja juonittelevia jumalia. Näistä kertomuksista lukija löytää monet modernin fantasiakirjallisuuden hahmot alkuperäisessä asussaan. Kirja on kiehtovaa luettavaa kaikille myyteistä, muinaistaruista ja Pohjolan historiasta kiinnostuneille.
This is the eBook companion to physical Nordic Forest Rituals Oracle Cards Nordic Forest Rituals Oracle Cards How to use your cards Journey into the soul of the Nordic forest with the enchanting Nordic Forest Ritual Oracle Cards. Each card draws its essence from the depths of Finnish folklore, capturing the wisdom of the trees, the enchanting stories of woodland creatures, and the spirits of Finnish nature. Connect with nature, unlock your intuition, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. The Nordic Ritual Cards invite you to embrace the ancient wisdom of the forest and find a deeper connection to the world around you. This booklet offers deeper insights into the symbolism...
Vuodesta 2002 lähtien olen kirjoittanut satoja kirja-arviota eri medioihin. Vuosien kuluessa tekstit ovat siirtyneet tietokoneelta, disketiltä ja muistitikulta toiselle. Olen kerännyt tekemieni arvioiden tiedot listalle ja yrittänyt pitää kaikki arviot tallessa. Silti listallani on kirjoja, joista kirjoitettuja tekstejä ei enää löydy. Sen vuoksi päätin kerätä jäljellä olevat arviot talteen. Julkaisin aikaisemmin ensimmäiset sata tietokirja-arviota, tässä on toiset sata arviota, tällä kertaa pääosin kaunokirjallisuutta ja lisäksi kansanperinne- ja Kalevala-aiheisia tekstejä.