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A classic of contemporary Catalan literature, and a haunting and satirical portrait of a vanishing age, Llorenç Villalonga's The Dolls' Room concerns the decline of Don Toni and Dona Maria Antonia Bearn: aristocrats, cousins, husband and wife, and members of the decadent, age-old ruling class of the town that bears their name. Their story is told by the naïve family priest, Don Joan, who was taken under Don Toni's wing as a schoolboy. Describing the shabby grandeur of his benefactors' lives—their ancient, rundown family mansion, their grand but ruinous excursions to Paris and Rome, and the mysterious events that lead to their deaths—the humbly devout Joan is continually challenged, and perhaps titillated, by Don Toni's impious personality, his defiance of church authority, and his scandalous affairs. Partly condemning and partly admiring his devilish mentor, the pure-minded Don Joan's lurid "biography" of the Bearns is a testament to the eternal attractiveness of the libertine, and the lengths to which we go in justifying our own worst impulses.
En aquesta obra s’ofereix una nova lectura de Mort de dama (1931) i Bearn o la sala de les nines (1956, 1961), de Llorenç Villalonga. Els capítols sobre Mort de dama n’analitzen les peculiaritats de l’estructura i el caràcter autoreferencial; l’assaig sobre Bearn argumenta que el món bearnià és una ficcionalització de la teoria dels cicles històrics d’Ortega i proposa llegir la història a través del filtre que proporciona Le Docteur Pascal, d’Émile Zola.
Estudi sistemàtic de tota la producció novel·lística de l'escriptor mallorquí. Llibre innovador i oportú que apareix en el moment en què els actes de celebració del centenari de la naixença de Villalonga han donat major vigència a la seua aportació literària.
Practical travel guide to Mallorca & Menorca featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Mallorca & Menorca, how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Mallorca & Menorca, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. The Rough Guide to Mallorca & Menorca covers: Palma, So´ller, Port de So´ller, Biniaraix, Fornalutx, Deia`, Son Marroig, Valldemossa, La Granja, Andratx, Port d'Andratx, Sa Dragonera, Pollença, Cala Sant Vicenç, Badi´a de Pollença, Al...
This bibliography, listed alphabetically by authors of books and articles on Mercè Rodoreda, offers a detailed description of the content of more than two hundred studies on her work. In addition to Rodoreda’s narrative, the last decade has seen many more studies of her theater, poetry, painting, and early journalism. Also included is a comprehensive listing of editions and translations, as well as an index. The intention is to analyze and diffuse the great body of academic production on this worldwide representative of Catalan culture, with the hope that future studies can profit by a reading of pertinent existing scholarship on the subject. There are various kinds of publications, from ...
Recull de les conferències llegides en el Col·loqui Llorenç Villalonga, celebrat del 20 al 22 de novembre de 1997 a Palma. Anàlisi de diversos aspectes de la personalitat i de l'obra villalonguiana: des d'interpretacions globals de la seva obra al comentari dels seus escrits més desconeguts -com els pastitxos oels pousse-café-, tot passant per les zones més fressades de la seva producció -Mort de Dama, Bearn o la sala de les nines, els contes o els Desbarats.
Explores the enduring link between national space and genealogy in the modern novel. Winner of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Choice ACRL Taking its cue from recent theories of literary geography and fiction, Genealogical Fictions argues that narratives of familial decline shape the history of the modern novel, as well as the novel’s relationship to history. Stories of families in crisis, Jobst Welge argues, reflect the experience of historical and social change in regions or nations perceived as “peripheral.” Though geographically and temporally diverse, the novels Welge considers all demonstrate a relation among family and national history, genealogical succession, and ...
Whether you want to explore the Alhambra, marvel at La Sagrada Familia, or enjoy tapas, wine, and flamenco, the local Fodor's travel experts in Spain are here to help! Fodor's Essential Spain guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos. Fodor's “Essential” guides were named by Booklist as the Best Travel Guide Series of 2020. Fodor's Essential Spain 2025 travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MU...
Als seixanta anys de l'aparició de Les Grands Cimetières sous la lune de Bernanos i de La persécution religieuse en Espagne de Joan Estelrich, aquest llibre ressegueix l'estada de la família Bernanos a Mallorca i de la fortuna de Les Grands Cimetières arreu del món, estudia minuciosament l'activitat d'Estelrich al servei de l'Espanya de Franco i analitza l'activitat de Llorenç Villalonga davant el feixisme.