O principal desafio para os professores especialistas no Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE), que assumem a regência de uma Sala de Recursos Multifuncional (SRM), conforme a Política Nacional de Educação Especial na perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva, publicada no ano de 2007, é atender alunos com deficiências, transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades ou superdotação que são encaminhados a esse espaço. Nesses ambientes devem ser oferecidas todas as condições de pleno desenvolvimento para que consigam ter acesso ao currículo da sala de aula regular em que estão matriculados. Para tanto, o Atendimento Educacional Especializado que ocorre na Sala de Recu...
Reading involves decoding and comprehension components and, to become efficient, it requires a large number of cognitive and linguistic processes. Among those, the phonological awareness, the alphabetic principle, the decoding, the fluency, the lexical development and the text comprehension development. The reading comprehension is strongly related with the development of vocabulary, oral language, linguistic skills, memory skills and ability to make inferences, and the world experiences of each individual. These processes become important only when the professional needs to deal with students presenting difficulties in learning how to read. The difficulty using the knowledge of conversion r...
I made the important decision to manage a Special Issue, because I believe it to be extremely important to focus on children’s and adolescents’ physiological and psychological development. I aimed to collect research that investigates the role of physical activity and sport on physical and mental well-being, with a particular focus on practical implications, innovation, tools, and technique. This Special Issue, “Health Promotion in Children and Adolescents through Sport and Physical Activities” addresses pediatric exercise science as a key scientific discipline able to help future generations live longer and better. It is already clear that sedentariness and a low level of muscular strength and power significantly affects cognitive functions and daily relations, but it is interesting to understand the key determinants and how we can help practitioners better manage these concerns in their patients. Authors were invited to submit letters, original research papers, case studies, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews.
The increasing ethnic, racial, cultural, religious, and language diversity in nations throughout the world is forcing educators and policymakers to rethink existing notions of citizenship and nationality. To experience cultural democracy and freedom, a nation must be unified around a set of democratic values such as justice and equality that balance unity and diversity and protect the rights of diverse groups. Diversity and Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives brings together in one comprehensive volume a group of international experts on the topic of diversity and citizenship education. These experts discuss and identify the shared issues and possibilities that exist when educating fo...
This OECD review gives a brief overview of education in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. It presents an analysis of the system from pre-school to tertiary education and lifelong learning, and identifies key directions for policy reform.
This book is a product of Brazilian Academy of Sciences Study Group about water issue. The water cycle was addressed based on an integrated point of view, aiming at joining technological and ecological solutions and integrating quantitative and qualitative aspects of this important environmental asset. Issues such as the water resources management and irrigated agriculture, water and health, water and economy, conservation and reuse as management tools, water in the Brazilian semi arid, water in Amazon, urbanization and water resources, education for the sustainability of water resources, groundwater, availability, pollution and eutrophication of water and science, technology and innovation are of the utmost importance for this exact moment in Brazil, and particularly to the State of Sao Paulo. Addressing these issues will undoubtedly contribute towards a sustainable management of water resources trough the coordinated work of different fields of science, progressing a systemic view about water, that would then finally allow management professionals the possibility of an integral action in anticipating problems and thus anticipate solutions.
Meaningful interaction between teachers and students is crucial to any educational environment, and particularly so in intercultural settings. When educators take steps to incorporate culturally responsive teaching into their classrooms, student learning is enriched and improved. The Handbook of Research on Effective Communication in Culturally Diverse Classrooms focuses on the significance of cultural sensitivity toward diverse students and the importance of communication to increase the overall educational experience. Highlighting key concepts relating to curriculum design, teaching models, and critical pedagogies in transcultural classrooms, this book is a pivotal reference source for teachers, teacher educators, and researchers interested in the impact of intercultural communication in learning environments.
Entre a diversidade de problemas que envolvem a dinâmica da formação de professores e também entre as incontáveis transformações sociais ocorridas ao longo do século XX e início desse século XXI, insere-se a necessidade de permanente discussão dos objetivos, das funções do professor, e de como tais questões podem ser vistas para se atingir um desempenho cada vez mais satisfatório, tanto sob o ângulo pedagógico-científico quanto sob o político social. Pode-se afirmar que a presença da escola no cotidiano das pessoas figura entre os aspectos mais impactantes da experiência da contemporaneidade. A tendência à universalização da educação gerou debates crescentes a respeito do papel da escola e consequentemente da formação de professores. Nesse contexto cabe ressaltar a atualidade e a relevância das contribuições do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) e do Programa Residência Pedagógica (RP), sobre os quais apresentamos os trabalhos desenvolvidos no âmbito dos editais CAPES 01/2020 e 02/2020, respectivamente, que tiveram início em outubro de 2020 com 1.008 bolsistas, 15 campus e todas as licenciaturas da Unesp.
This comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference work provides the first systematic review to date of how sociologists have studied the relationship between race/ethnicity and educational inequality over the last thirty years in eighteen different national contexts.