Barcelona and Madrid
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 289

Barcelona and Madrid

For hundreds of years, Barcelona and Madrid have shared a deep rivalry. Throughout history, they have competed in practically every aspect of social life, sport, politics, and culture. While competition between cities is commonplace in many nations around the world, in the case of Barcelona and Madrid it has been, on occasion, excessively antagonistic. Over time they have each tried to demonstrate that one was more modern than the other, or more avant-garde, or richer, or more athletic, and so on. Fortunately, the Spain of today is a democracy and every nation and region of the State has the liberty to act. As such, the rivalry between these two capitals has become productive not only for th...

Best Served Cold: Studies on Revenge
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 173

Best Served Cold: Studies on Revenge

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-05-06
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This project seeks to explore various aspects of the nature of Persons and their experiences and in this instance focuses on concepts and applications of revenge. This volume is based on a collection of papers that were presented at Inter-Disciplinary.Net 1st Global Conference on Revenge.

A Comparative Guide to Sartrean and Deleuzean Selves in Modernist and Post-Modernist Fiction
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 171

A Comparative Guide to Sartrean and Deleuzean Selves in Modernist and Post-Modernist Fiction

This book provides insights into the maze of ‘know thyself’ through a carefully detailed, comparative study of the Sartrean no-self and the Deleuzean rhizomic self. It is informative, argumentative and rich in literary context, and mainly focuses on the shift in the notion of self from Sartre’s elegiac, suicidal and nihilistic tone seen pervasively in modernist fiction to the celebratory, Deleuzean self in postmodernist fiction. To trace this shift, the book presents a comparative analysis of selected novels, showing that authors like Bellow and Atwood have adopted a more positive attitude toward the self similar to the Deleuzean rhizomic self, while authors like Hedayat and Beckett have more reductionist, decadent, nihilistic views on the self, like the Sartrean no-self. Moreover, as argued in the cases of the protagonists in the selected novels, this book further asserts that the Deleuzean rhizomic self might be seen as a possible alternative to help one survive in times of crisis, in contrast to the nihilistic Sartrean no-self.

The Crucible of Francoism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 268

The Crucible of Francoism

The July 1936 coup d'tat against the Spanish Second Republic brought together a diversity of anti-Republican political and social groups under the leadership of rebel Africanista military officers. In the ensuing Civil War this coalition gradually came under the rule of Generalissimo Franco. This volume explores the hypothesis that the violence and combat experiences of the war were the fundamental ideological crucible for the Francoist regime. The rebels were a group of reactionary and anti-liberal forces with little ideological or political coherence, but they emerged from the conflict not only victorious but ideologically united under the dictator's power. Key to understanding this transi...

Spain After the Indignados/15M Movement
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 339

Spain After the Indignados/15M Movement

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-06-24
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  • Publisher: Springer

Spain After the Indignados/15M Movement explores how the aftershocks of the 2007 Great Recession restructured Spain’s political sphere and political imaginary. It brings together a representative sample of Spain’s leading progressive voices, including two of the five founding members of the Podemos party. The essays herein explore the areas of economics, politics, ecology, social change, media, and cultural politics in order to present a broad, critical account of contemporary Spain, with a special emphasis on emerging forms of sociopolitical contestation, self-organizing, democratic participation, and radical politics. The edited volume argues that Spanish cultural studies—which originally gravitated toward celebratory accounts of capitalist modernization, the cultural Movida and the advent of a postmodern Spain—must continue to build a new cultural politics that not only challenges the accepted narrative of the Spanish Transition to democracy, but that is committed to confronting the civilizatory challenges currently faced.

Federico García Lorca
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 260

Federico García Lorca

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008-03-03
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Immortalized in death by The Clash, Pablo Neruda, Salvador Dalí, Dmitri Shostakovich and Lindsay Kemp, Federico García Lorca's spectre haunts both contemporary Spain and the cultural landscape beyond. This study offers a fresh examination of one of the Spanish language’s most resonant voices; exploring how the very factors which led to his emergence as a cultural icon also shaped his dramatic output. The works themselves are also awarded the space that they deserve, combining performance histories with incisive textual analysis to restate Lorca’s presence as a playwright of extraordinary vision, in works such as: Blood Wedding The Public The House of Bernarda Alba Yerma. Federico García Lorca is an invaluable new resource for those seeking to understand this complex and multifaceted figure: artist, playwright, director, poet, martyr and in the eyes of many, Spain’s ‘national dramatist’.

Three Plays of Maureen Hunter
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 944

Three Plays of Maureen Hunter

Book is clean and tight. No writing in text. Like New

Rhetoric and Contingency
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 900

Rhetoric and Contingency

Human life is susceptible of changing suddenly, of shifting inadvertently, of appearing differently, of varying unpredictably, of being altered deliberately, of advancing fortuitously, of commencing or ending accidentally, of a certain malleability. In theory, any human being is potentially capacitated to conceive of—and convey—the chance, view, or fact that matters may be otherwise, or not at all; with respect to other lifeforms, this might be said animal’s distinctive characteristic. This state of play is both an everyday phenomenon, and an indispensable prerequisite for exceptional innovations in culture and science: contingency is the condition of possibility for any of the arts—...

  • Language: es
  • Pages: 177


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011
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  • Publisher: Eutelequia

"Asco", de José Ángel barrueco cuenta como una familia viaja en un crucero por el Adriático. A su regreso, dispuesto a contar el periplo, el narrador descubre que se trata del mismo barco en el que viajó una vez el escritor David Foster Wallace. De ese modo, la narración se convierte en un libro misceláneo, a medio camino entre el ensayo y el diario de viajes. En ese crucero, el protagonista siente repugnancia por el comportamiento colectivo y la mala educación del hombre cuando se junta con la masa. En ese barco, en el que el tiempo parece detenerse, empieza a preguntarse si existe alguna esperanza para el ser humano.

  • Language: es
  • Pages: 516


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011-04-29
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  • Publisher: DEBOLS!LLO

Ferran Gallego no se limita en esta obra a relatar la evolución de la extrema derecha en Francia e Italia: este libro es, sobre todo, una minuciosa crónica política de dos naciones decisivas en la construcción de la nueva Europa tras el desastre de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Si las condiciones de los años de entreguerras habían permitido formar una coalición de fuerzas en las que el fascismo resultó dominante, desde 1945 este se enfrentó a una atmósfera cultural hostil que lo deslegitimó, y a unas condiciones de bienestar económico que evitaron la radicalización de los sectores sociales medios en los que el fascismo había basado su popularidad. Reducido a un proceso de afirmación y resistencia, solo las grandes facturas iniciadas en los años ochenta le permitirían salir de sus espacios de reclusión y alcanzar, a través de los proyectos nacional-populistas, una fuerza capaz de contaminar la cultura política continental y restaurar los valores más profundos del fascismo clásico. Obra ganadora del Premio Así Fue 2004