This book offers a comprehensive analysis in the theories and framework of Chinese contract law as well as its implication in Chinese judicial practices through the recent cases in Chinese people’s courts. It aims to provide answers to the above questions in a systematic way, theoretically and practically; it therefore analyzes the issues surrounding the process of contract-making and performance under the Chinese contract law and doctrines underlying the law. The focus is upon issue-oriented discussions from which different solutions may be drawn based on the nature of particular fact patterns. In addition, for research purposes, an analytical comparison is employed with regard to the laws that govern contracts to help illustrate how Chinese law is distinctive. In short, the book presents a well-analyzed inside view of Chinese contract law in theory and practice, which will be of interest to both academic researchers and practitioners in the area of contracts.
This exhaustive cumulative guide covers the changes in key personnel and administrative institutions from 1968 to the present. It traces the career paths of the many high officials within the numerous governmental, military, educational, and economic organizations in China. The directory also provides information on major institutions in China by following the restructuring, division, and mergers of organizations. This new edition includes new sections on trade organizations; special administrative regions; museums, libraries, and galleries; banks and insurance companies; and social and community mass organizations.
Annotation The three volume set LNCS 4491/4492/4493 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2007, held in Nanjing, China in June 2007. The 262 revised long papers and 192 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 1.975 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on neural fuzzy control, neural networks for control applications, adaptive dynamic programming and reinforcement learning, neural networks for nonlinear systems modeling, robotics, stability analysis of neural networks, learning and approximation, data mining and feature extraction, chaos and synchronization, neural fuzzy systems, training and learning algorithms for neural networks, neural network structures, neural networks for pattern recognition, SOMs, ICA/PCA, biomedical applications, feedforward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, neural networks for optimization, support vector machines, fault diagnosis/detection, communications and signal processing, image/video processing, and applications of neural networks.
Despite the political instability characterizing twentieth-century Taiwan, the value of baseball in the lives of Taiwanese has been a constant since the game was introduced in 1895. The game first gained popularity on the island under the Japanese occupation, and that popularity continued after World War II despite the withdrawal of the Japanese and an official lack of support from the new state power, the Chinese Nationalist Party.
Freedom of Information (FOI) in China is often perceived as a recent and intriguing phenomenon. This book presents a more complex and detailed understanding of the evolution of FOI in China, using information flow analysis to explore the gradual development of government receptivity to FOI in an information environment through time. The book argues that it is necessary to reassess the widely divergent origins of FOI reform in China, and asserts that social, political and legal factors should have central roles in understanding the development of FOI in China. The book uses information flow analysis to find that FOI reform in China formed part of a much longer process of increased transparency in the Chinese information environment, which gradually shifted from the acceptance of proactive disclosure to that of reactive disclosure. FOI thus has become a beneficiary of this gradual transformation of the Chinese information environment.
This book examines mechatronics and automatic control systems. The book covers important emerging topics in signal processing, control theory, sensors, mechanic manufacturing systems and automation. The book presents papers from the 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automatic Control Systems in Hangzhou, held in China during August 10-11, 2013.