The brain is an extremely energy consuming part of the body, which makes it dangerously vulnerable to metabolic stress. It’s no wonder then that abnormalities of brain energy metabolism are becoming the usual suspects and a hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases. The socioeconomic burden of these alone begs for urgent measures to be taken for better understanding both fundamental and applied problems of neuroenergetics and neuroprotection. For instance, brain imaging reveals that the diseased brains of Alzheimer’s patients cannot efficiently utilize the vital brain fuel, glucose. The resulting energy deficit causes neuronal hyperactivity, seizures and cognitive impairments. Administ...
"If you or someone you know suffers from Alzheimer’s, I highly recommend this book."—Robb Wolf, New York Times bestselling author "An important and informative text . . . an excellent book."—Dr. David Perlmutter, New York Times bestselling author A revolutionary multi-pronged nutrition and lifestyle intervention to combat Alzheimer’s disease at its roots from Certified Nutrition Specialist Amy Berger Amy Berger’s research shows that Alzheimer’s results from a fuel shortage in the brain: As neurons become unable to harness energy from glucose, they atrophy and die, leading to classic symptoms like memory loss and behavioral changes. This is a revolutionary approach—one that has ...
These proceedings focus on various aspects of computer science and its applications, thus providing an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues and progress in this and related areas. The book includes theory and applications alike.
Homeostatic Control of Brain Function offers a broad view of brain health and diverse perspectives for potential treatments, targeting key areas such as mitochondria, the immune system, epigenetic changes, and regulatory molecules such as ions, neuropeptides, and neuromodulators. Loss of homeostasis becomes expressed as a diverse array of neurological disorders. Each disorder has multiple comorbidities - with some crossing over several conditions - and often disease-specific treatments remain elusive. When current pharmacological therapies result in ineffective and inadequate outcomes, therapies to restore and maintain homeostatic functions can help improve brain health, no matter the diagno...
A practical reference to the medical and surgicaltreatment of epilepsy The third edition of The Treatment of Epilepsy has beenthoroughly updated. It is a reference work, but has a strongpractical bias, and is designed to assist neurologists,neurosurgeons and other clinicians at all levels who are involvedin the treatment of patients with epilepsy. It is a definitivesource of clinical information to guide clinical practice andrational therapy. Written and edited by leading experts, many actively involvedwith the International League Against Epilepsy, this newedition: covers the recent advances in the principles and approaches toepilepsy therapy, the introduction of new drugs and the developmentof new surgical techniques contains 26 completely new chapters and 61 newcontributors includes pharmacological properties and prescribing informationfor all drugs used in the treatment of epilepsy features the important contribution of a new editor JeromeEngel Jr, Professor of Neurology at the University of CaliforniaSchool of Medicine in Los Angeles.
A Comprehensive Guide for Patients and Practitioners Although evidence supporting the benefits of ketogenic diet therapies continues to mount, there is little to guide those who wish to adopt this diet as a metabolic therapy for cancer. Keto for Cancer fills this need. Inspired by the work of Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried, PhD, nutritionist Miriam Kalamian has written the first book to lay out comprehensive guidelines that specifically address the many challenges associated with cancer, and particularly the deep nutritional overhaul involved with the ketogenic diet. Kalamian, a leading voice in the keto movement, is driven by passion from her own experience in using the ketogenic diet for her young...
This book is dedicated to Dr. Philip A. Schwartzkroin. The book has a novel format because it is not intended to be a set of reviews. Instead, it is an effort to explore important topics in the epilepsy research field. Because articles are written by leaders in the field who have years of experience and individuals with diverse expertise, articles are likely to have a long-lasting impact and be relevant for both epileptologists and neuroscientists. Authors address topics that are important, unresolved questions in the field of epilepsy research, drawing on available data from both the bench and the clinic to support their points. A given topic is addressed by one or more authors, each writing from his/her own unique perspective. For all of the individuals who have been trained or worked with Philip Schwartzkroin in the past and/or have appreciated his contributions to the epilepsy field, this volume is an excellent way to celebrate his achievements and look to the ways they have moved the field forward and continue to stimulate its growth.
why go keto? Whether you are just curious about the keto craze or ready to fully embrace the keto lifestyle, The Complete Book of Ketones: A Practical Guide to Ketogenic Diets and Ketone Supplements is for you. The Complete Book of Ketones is your comprehensive guide to all things Keto, and can help you answer the question, why go keto? The Complete Book of Ketones is far more than recipes and diet tips. This book provides a breakdown of the science behind ketogenics and includes personal testimonies from people who have experienced the benefits of practicing a keto lifestyle first hand. This book also provides strategies for increasing ketone levels, an overview of the different types of ketogenic diets and their benefits, a list of ketone supplements, keto-friendly recipes and ingredients, sources for finding specialty foods, and much more.