At present, there is no scholarly consensus on the ecclesiastical organization in the Roman province of Scythia (4th-7th centuries). This volume proposes a new interpretation of some of the historical evidence concerning the evolution of the see of Tomi: a great metropolis, first with suffragan bishoprics outside Roman Scythia and then inside it, and later an autocephalous archbishopric. Though there are also many unclear aspects regarding the evolution of monastic life in the province, this book reveals that, in contrast with the development of the monastic infrastructure in Roman Scythia, a spiritual decline began in the mid-5th century.
Studies and editions of Anglo-Saxon apocryphal materials, filling a gap in literature available on the boundaries between apocryphal and orthodox in the period. Apocrypha and apocryphal traditions in Anglo-Saxon England have been often referred to but little studied. This collection fills a gap in the study of pre-Conquest England by considering what were the boundaries between apocryphaland orthodox in the period and what uses the Anglo-Saxons made of apocryphal materials. The contributors include some of the most well-known and respected scholars in the field. The introduction - written by Frederick M. Biggs, one of the principal editors of Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture - expertl...
The author presents a comprehensive historical examination of the early Christian graeco-latin translations of the biblical 'apocrypha' and 'pseudepigrapha'. The analysis of the translation techniques employed yields a distinction between 'literal' and 'adaptive' translations on the hand and translations associated with the textual tradition of the bible and those not associated with it. Whereas the former can be distinguished by the respective handling of textual macrostructures, the latter 'biblical' translations were subject to constant revision according to their original and thus always display a number of different versions. Als erster Schritt hin zu einer Geschichte der christlichen �...
This study is about the multitude of early medieval children donated 'to God in the monastery'. It puts child oblation in the context of contemporary gift-giving practices, providing in-depth treatment of the oblation ritual and its social setting.
Offered here for the first time, a wide variety of specialists explore continuity and change in pre-modern Europe. Collectively, they contribute to the current historiographical debates about continuity and discontinuity between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern era. The themes reflect eminent scholar Heiko A. Oberman’s vast range of interests in religious, cultural and political history across a broad chronological and conceptual spectrum that seeks to overcome the limits of the divide between Medieval and Early Modern History. Publications by Heiko A. Oberman: • Edited by Thomas A. Brady, Jr., Heiko A. Oberman, and James D. Tracy, Handbook of European History 1400-1600: Late Middle ...
Chrodegang of Metz (c. 712-766) was a leading figure of the late Merovingian and early Carolingian Church. Born to one of the principal aristocratic families in Austrasia, he served as referendary of Charles Martel, and was appointed bishop of Metz in the 740s. As bishop, Chrodegang became one of the foremost churchmen in Francia, chairing councils, founding monasteries, and beginning a reform of the lives of the canons of the Metz cathedral. This book is a major study in the English language on Chrodegang, examining his preoccupation with the creation of communities of faith and concord modelled on the early Church. It explores his attempts to unite the Frankish episcopacy, his rule for the cathedral clergy in Metz - the Regula canonicorum - and his introduction of new liturgical practices that sought to transform his see into a hagiopolis, a holy city which provided a model for later Carolingian reform.
In his introduction to this commentary on the Rule of Benedict, Abbot Georg Holzherr offers this analogy: “The Rule is comparable to an old heavy red wine that is enjoyed in small sips. . . . Head and heart, soul and mind should taste the words of the Rule, just as the eye enjoys the color of the wine while tongue, nose, and mouth take in the delightful gift of God each in their own way.” In this new translation, based on the completely revised seventh edition of DieBenediktsregel, Holzherr has created a profoundly rich commentary using up-to-date research methods and the latest translations of ancient monastic texts. At the same time, this commentary is meant not only for experts in the...
Remain in me, as I remain in you. Jesus ' disciples are given this command in John's gospel, and it is a command that extends to every one of his followers, including us. We deepen this mutual indwelling 'we in Christ and Christ in us 'each Sunday through the word and at the tale. In Abiding Word, Barbara Reid, OP, takes the Sunday experience to every day with accessible weekly meditations on the lectionary readings of year. This collection of articles, which includes Scripture readings for Sundays and solemnities followed by reflections, allows readers to meditate on the connection between the sacred text and their daily lives. Living with the word day by day invites us into a closer relati...
The Psalms were an important part of the education, daily life, and spiritual development of medieval clerics and monks, and they had a significant impact on lay culture as well. The Place of the Psalms in the Intellectual Culture of the Middle Ages surveys their influence, giving a unique window into the intellectual, spiritual, and emotional culture of the period.
The Cappadocian Fathers had great influence on the church of the fourth century, having brought their passion for Christ and theological expertise to life in their ministry. Their work was not devoid of influence, including that of their immediate family members. Within their writings we uncover the lives of seven women, the Cappadocian Mothers, who may have had more influence on the theology of the church than previously believed. As the Cappadocians wrestle with the Christianization of the concept of deification, we find the women in their lives becoming models for their theological understanding. The lives of the women become points of intersection in the kenosis-theosis parabola. Not only are the Cappadocian Mothers uncovered in the texts, but they become models of an optimistic theology of restoration for all of humanity without constraint of gender.