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Train Wreck
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 17

Train Wreck

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-08-19
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  • Publisher: Annick Press

The narrator of TRAIN WRECK is looking back at the year she was 15 ... She is in love with a bad boy named Johnny. Johnny’s friends play a cruel trick on a misfit named Susie by convincing her that Johnny is attracted to her. When the prank goes too far, the narrator wants something big to happen to prove Johnny still loves her. The prank goes tragically wrong when Suzy is gang-raped. The narrator, now married to Johnny, reflects on the day she watched the horrific attack and did nothing.

Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis in Public Health
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 179

Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis in Public Health

This book is the first to focus on sex- and gender-based analysis (SGBA) in public health, addressing the dearth of thinking, practice, and publication on SGBA and public health. The Canadian government is a global leader in seeking gender equity and mandating SGBA in federal initiatives, programs, and policies, continuing to advocate for the uptake of SGBA. However, there is differential uptake of SGBA in many fields, and public health is lagging behind. This book analyses the movement toward SGBA in Canada and internationally, highlighting some key examples of public health concern such as HIV/AIDS and tobacco use. An international group of experts in the fields of SGBA, public health, pro...

Resilience in Ecology and Health
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 583

Resilience in Ecology and Health

This edited book is a collection of essays addressing emerging concerns and pivotal problems about our planet’s environment and ecology. The contributions gathered here highlight the inter-relation of topics and expertise, connecting resilience with ecology, health, biotechnology and generational challenges. The book concludes with an ethical analysis of the multiple and over-lapping challenges that require urgent attention and long-term resolution. The book is written for scholars and students in a variety of disciplines and fields that deal with sustainability.

Negotiating Non-Motherhood
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 262

Negotiating Non-Motherhood


Too Late
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 19

Too Late

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-08-19
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  • Publisher: Annick Press

In TOO LATE, 15-year-old Greg is in a teen sex offenders’ facility because of an assault on his stepsister. He hates the professionals who try to help him and can’t wait to go home. When he enters a room for a meeting, his mother is there crying. Her partner, whom Greg calls Step Dude, sits at her side. They have come to tell Greg they don’t want him back. It’s too late to be good, they say. Greg comes to the crippling realization of what he has become: the father he has both hated and feared.

Solo Planet
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 171

Solo Planet

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-03-19
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  • Publisher: NavPress

How can the church do better for its millions of singles? Journalist Anna Broadway traveled around the world to interview nearly 350 Christians for answers. Solo Planet draws on her 17 months of fieldwork to provide a first-of-its-kind account of the single life of Christians from nearly 50 countries. Discussing a variety of topics—loneliness, sexuality, aging, housing, cooking, celebrations, parenting, and many more, it gives us the global-church story of singleness. Because when singles thrive in a church, everyone benefits. But consider these typical barriers within most churches: Singles and marrieds often don’t know how to talk to each other. Christians continue to act as if nearly ...

  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 75


Flickorna är en samling berättelser om Söt, Sol, Lilla Kräk, Arg och de andra. Det är flickor som alla lever på gränsen till det uthärdliga. För att överleva skapar de egna världar där språket spränger vallarna mellan fantasi och verklighet. Malin Lindroth debuterade 1985 med diktsamlingen Lära gå.

Nuckans hjärtespalt
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 58

Nuckans hjärtespalt

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-01-27
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  • Publisher: Norstedts

"Jag har stulit era frågor. Förlåt. Men det var det enda sättet att börja reparera de skador som tystnaden har åsamkat oss." När Nuckan går in i rollen som hjärtespaltsrådgivare tar hon sig an läsarnas frågor ur en helt annorlunda vinkel än vanliga relationsspalter. Nuckan vill helt enkelt föra andra samtal om kärlek, makt och relationer än de som ryms i vår tids ideal om romantisk tvåsamhet. För hur kan en samlevnadsform, som gör så många så olyckliga och begränsade, betraktas som ett tecken på normalitet? Här behövs en nucka för att reda ut begreppen. Malin Lindroth fick ett enormt genomslag med Nuckan, och i sin nya bok prövar hon nuckblicken i praktiken. Nuckans hjärtespalt är en bok som tar frågor om kärlek och ensamhet på största allvar, men den är också full av humor. Den är radikalare än vanliga relationsspalter, men också mer innerlig. Kort sagt: Nuckan är tillbaka.

  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 57


I diktsamlingen Kameleontdansen tar Malin Lindroth steget in i en kvinnlig identitets sökande efter ett hållbart jag, efter en plats i kameleonternas dans. Malin Lindroth debuterade 1985 med diktsamlingen Lära gå.

The Europa Directory of Literary Awards and Prizes
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 691

The Europa Directory of Literary Awards and Prizes

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-12-22
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  • Publisher: Routledge

A complete guide to the major awards and prizes of the literary world. * An invaluable source of information on awards and prizes world-wide * Covers over 1,000 awards and prizes * Comprehensive background information on each award * Extensive contact details. Contents * Includes internationally awarded prizes along with prestigious national awards * Subject areas covered include adult and children's fiction, non-fiction, poetry, lifetime's achievement, translation and drama * Information is provided on the history of each award, its purpose, what is awarded, how often the prize is awarded, eligibility and restrictions, the awarding organization and the most recent recipients * Full contact details of the awarding organization are provided, including main contact name, postal address, e-mail and Internet address, telephone and fax numbers * Fully indexed by keyword, awarding organization and award by subject.