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Decolonial Pluriversalism offers a unique, powerful, and crucial perspective on decolonial theories, political thoughts, aesthetics, and activisms. In going beyond a postcolonial critique of eurocentrism, it provides some of the most original interventions in the field of decolonial theory. Drawing from the Francophone worlds, Latin American and Caribbean philosophies, it explores concepts of creolization, racialization, Afropean aesthetics, arts and cultural productions, feminisms, fashion, education, and architecture. Contributors: Zahra Ali, Luis Martínez Andrade, Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun, Jane Anna Gordon, Mariem Guellouz, Léopold Lambert, Alanna Lockward, Fátima Hurtado López, Olivier Marboeuf, Donna Edmonds Mitchell, Corinna Mullin, Marine Bachelot Nguyen, Minh-Ha T. Pham, Françoise Vergès, Patrice Yengo
Cărțile au destinele lor. Iar câteodată li se oferă o nouă viață într-un mod atât de natural, încât ajungem să fim convinși că dorința anumitor cititori de a le descoperi și, mai ales, pasiunea unor redactori profesioniști este principalul combustibil al unui asemenea demers editorial. Cartea pe care o țineți în mâini este o reeditare într-un format nou și într-un singur volum a primelor Antologii Lansman, adunând un total de 28 de piese, venind în întâmpinarea identității grafice pe care noua, inventiva și energica echipă a Editurii Universității „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu a conceput-o pentru această serie începând cu 2021. / Editorii
This accessible introduction challenges fixed understandings of the geographical or conceptual "origins" of feminist performance, offering a fresh and open-ended guide to the moments and movements that have come to define this vital field. Designed for weekly use on performance studies courses, each of the book’s ten chapters highlights the key works of feminist performance, including performance art, live art, body art, activism, and theater. These milestones are all linked to acts of rupture and political reanimation, as artists broke with dominant understandings of gender, art, and value, that were taken to be insurmountable and static. Milestones are a range of accessible textbooks, breaking down the need-to-know moments in the social, cultural, political, and artistic development of foundational subject areas.
Die Anthologie versammelt Theatertexte, die neue Narrative von Geschlecht und Identität wagen. Die Stückauswahl bildet den Versuch eines Querschnitts durch das bestehende Korpus zeitgenössischer Bühnentexte, die Alternativen jenseits der heterosexuellen Norm finden und nicht-binäre Realitäten greifbar machen. Marine Bachelot Nguyen beschreibt in Schatten und Lippen die Verwirklichung privater und politischer Wünsche vietnamesischer LGBTI*s vor dem Hintergrund postkolonialer Dynamiken. Dany Boudreaults hybrider, im Grenzbereich von Drama und Poesie angesiedelter Text Wir sind schön, für hässliche Leute widmet sich Fragen nach der Geschlechtsidentität, dem Außenblick und der Selbst...
Catégoriser l’espèce humaine en deux genres est un réflexe, une habitude évidente. Réalité biologique et physiologique immuable ? Socle sur lequel s’érigent nos cultures ? L’état des recherches révèle que cette catégorisation peut être questionnée. Sexe et genre sont des concepts troubles, parfois ambivalents, que ce livre vise à déconstruire afin d’accompagner et de soutenir le processus de dépathologisation du vécu trans-identitaire. Si les personnes trans ont fortement gagné en visibilité, les divergences et les polémiques que suscitent leurs parcours sont nombreuses. La sphère du soin n’y échappe pas, les prises en charge – particulièrement les modalit...
Entre Viêtnam, France et Russie, Marine Bachelot Nguyen, François-Xavier Phan et Marina Keltchewsky sont partis à la recherche de leurs mémoires familiales, en résonance avec les grandes idéologies qui les traversent. Leur but ? Interroger les forces et les blessures que la politique et l'Histoire inscrivent dans les corps et les âmes, autrement dit les circulations et brassages qui constituent et déterminent chacun de nous. 0Lors d'une résidence à Hô Chi Minh Ville, ils ont pu se plonger ensemble dans les paysages et méandres du Viêtnam contemporain, dans leurs archives et souvenirs personnels, dans les légendes et les parts manquantes de leurs histoires familiales. 0Ce texte rend compte de cette exploration et d'une écriture complice pour déployer un récit à trois voix et trois langues naviguant de l'intime à l'épique ; un voyage historique et sensible auquel ils convient lecteurs et spectateurs.
Longtemps passées sous silence, la sexualité dans les empires coloniaux et la domination sur les corps apparaissent aujourd'hui comme des sujets de recherches majeurs. Les héritages de cette histoire font désormais débats dans nos sociétés de plus en plus métissées et mondialisées. Six siècles d'histoire ont construit des imaginaires, des fantasmes et des pratiques analysés dans cet ouvrage au fil des cinquante contributions de spécialistes internationaux. Coordonné par un collectif paritaire de dix chercheur.e.s de plusieurs disciplines, l'ouvrage Sexualités, identités et corps colonisés tisse des liens entre passé et présent, et explore les nombreuses facettes de cette h...
This timely desk reference focuses on marine-derived bioactive substances which have biological, medical and industrial applications. The medicinal value of these marine natural products are assessed and discussed. Their function as a new and important resource in novel, anticancer drug discovery research is also presented in international contributions from several research groups. For example, the potential role of Spongistatin, Apratoxin A, Eribulin mesylate, phlorotannins, fucoidan, as anticancer agents is explained. The mechanism of action of bioactive compounds present in marine algae, bacteria, fungus, sponges, seaweeds and other marine animals and plants are illustrated via several mechanisms. In addition, this handbook lists various compounds that are active candidates in chemoprevention and their target actions. The handbook also places into context the demand for anticancer nutraceuticals and their use as potential anti-cancer pharmaceuticals and medicines. This study of advanced and future types of natural compounds from marine sources is written to facilitate the understanding of Biotechnology and its application to marine natural product drug discovery research.
This book is about important relevant recent research topics in sustainable aquaculture practices. A critical assessment of the sustainable fishing methods and the aspect of sustainable aquaculture feed is presented in this volume. A special focus has been given to socio-economic and environmental assessment of aquaculture practices and analysis of carbon footprint under an intensive aquaculture regime. Aquaponics as a niche for sustainable modern aquaculture has been highlighted. The effect of use of pharmaceuticals to prevent fish disease on the surrounding marine environment is an emerging area of concern, and a critical discussion on this aspect is included in the book. The spread of organic waste and nutrients released by fish farms to natural water bodies has raised considerable concerns. Therefore the methods to prevent their dispersion and removal (treatment) have been comprehensively covered in this book. This book is an essential read for academician, researchers, and policy makers in the field of aquaculture.