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This volume presents studies of some of the key artistic manifestations in Catalonia in recent times, a period of innovation and experimentation, and addresses issues concerning literature, film, theatre and performance art. From the creation of a new popular theatre in the work of the Valencian playwright Rodolf Sirera, or the conception of landscape, myth and memory in the late work of the novelist Mercè Rodoreda and the urgency of memory and remembrance in the writings of Jordi Coca, the effects of censorship in Catalonia appear to have proved a spur and a challenge to writers. Desiring to occupy illegal spaces, performance groups have manifested both literally and metaphorically the international dimension of Catalan culture in the modern period, posed in the present volume by the instances of La Cubana and Els Joglars, and further evidenced in the cross-fertilization in the work of contemporary Catalan playwrights and filmmakers to foreground issues of national plurality and tensions arising between the periphery (Catalonia) and the centre (Spain and Castile).
Non-linguistic conflicts are often projected on to language differences, and may be played out in the language policies of governments and other holders of power. This text deals broadly with this interaction of language issues and political process.
Los estudios Ibéricos abarcarían el conocimiento de las diversas culturas de la Península y al estudio de la Civilización Ibérica como un todo.
Aquest treball d’investigació recull per primera vegada tots els programes de ràdio que es van fer en català, durant el segle XX, a l’estranger. El llibre té dues parts: «Una història de L’hora catalana. El programa de ràdio dels catalans emigrats i exiliats a Amèrica» i «Les emissions internacionals en llengua catalana». L’hora catalana, que va començar a Buenos Aires l’any 1928, no solament va ser el primer programa de ràdio en català fora de Catalunya, sinó que va ser també la primera programació en llengua estrangera que es va fer a tot Amèrica per i per a les comunitats d’immigrants, i a la qual, anys després, s’hi va afegir altres Hores Catalanes de rà...
This manual is intended to fill a gap in the area of Romance studies. There is no introduction available so far that broadly covers the field of Catalan linguistics, neither in Catalan nor in any other language. The work deals with the language spoken in Catalonia and Andorra, the Balearic Islands, the region of Valencia, Northern Catalonia and the town of l'Alguer in Sardinia. Besides introducing the ideologies of language and nation and the history of Catalan linguistics, the manual is divided into separate parts embracing the description – grammar, lexicon, variation and varieties – and the history of the language since the early medieval period to the present day. It also covers its current social and political situation in the new local and global contexts. The main emphasis is placed on modern Catalan. The manual is designed as a companion for students of Catalan, while also introducing specialists of other languages into this field, in particular scholars of Romance languages.
NUEVA VERSIÓN, MUY AMPLIADA, DE EL PRIVILEGIO CATALÁN He aquí la explosiva situación actual: un golpe de Estado todavía latente, unos gobernantes separatistas que proclaman casi diariamente su intención de volver a dar otro en cuanto puedan y cientos de miles de catalanes en constante agitación debido a que la intoxicación mediática ha conseguido convencerles de que los políticos procesados por vulnerar el código penal son presos políticos, encarcelados por su ideología. Pero todo esto no es nuevo, ni surgió con la Constitución de 1978, ni con el régimen franquista, ni con el Desastre del 98, ni con la Renaixença, sino que tiene su origen bastante más atrás: en un siglo XV...