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This Regional Government Law book is highly recommended to be used as a reference book related to the provisions and laws that apply in the regional government order. This book also reviews regional government laws in countries that adhere to a federal and unitary system other than Indonesia. Detailed description of regional government in Indonesia is also written in this book based on reference sources and current laws. Complete information related to regional government makes this book not only as a reference book in universities, it can also be used as a reading by anyone who has a concern for regional government, especially in Indonesia.
Buku Hukum Pemerintah Daerah ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk digunakan sebagai buku referensi terkait dengan ketentuan dan hukum yang berlaku dalam tatanan pemerintan daerah. Buku ini juga mengulas tentang hukum pemerintah daerah di negara yang menganut sistem federal dan kesatuan selain Indonesia. Deskripsi detail tentang pemerintah daerah di Indonesia juga dituliskan dalam buku ini berdasarkan sumber referensi dan undang-undang yang berlaku saat ini. Informasi yang lengkap terkait pemerintah daerah menjadikan buku ini tidak hanya bisa digunakan sebagai buku referensi di perguruan tinggi, juga bisa digunakan sebagai yang dibaca oleh kalangan manapun yang memiliki konsen terhadap pemerintan daerah, terutama di Indonesia.
Tenaga kerja merupakan faktor yang terpenting dalam proses produksi, Sebagai sarana produksi, tenaga kerja sangatlah penting dalam proses produksi daripada sarana produksi lain seperti bahan mentah, tanah, air, dan sebagainya, dikarenakan manusialah yang menggerakkan atau mengoperasikan seluruh sumber-sumber tersebut untuk menghasilkan suatu barang yang bernilai yang nantinya akan berpengaruh terhadap besaran Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) di suatu wilayah. Hukum ketenagakerjaan adalah hukum yang mengatur tentang tenaga kerja. Hukum ketenagakerjaan semula dikenal dengan istilah perburuhan. Setelah kemerdekaan ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia diatur dengan ketentuan Undang-undang No. 14 Tahun 1969 tentang Pokok-pokok Ketentuan Tenaga Kerja.
كتاب في السيرة النبوية يعتبر من أهم المراجع والكتب للدارسين والباحثين في هدي الرسول الكريم جمع فيه ابن قيم الجوزية هدي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في كافة شئونه الخاصة والعامة بشكل واسلوب لم يسبق اليه أحد
In our digital era, harnessing innovations and emerging technologies to support teaching and learning has been an important research area in the field of education around the world. In science/STEM education, technologies can be leveraged to present and visualize scientific theories and concepts effectively, while the development of pedagogic innovations usually requires collective, inter-disciplinary research efforts. In addition, emerging technologies can better support teachers to assess students’ learning performance in STEM subjects and offer students viable virtual environments to facilitate laboratory-based learning, thereby contributing to sustainable development in both K-12 and higher education.
There have been major developments in our understanding of the causes of rheumatic disease and in their treatment during the last half-century. This book provides a detailed review of the seminal papers that have paved the way for breakthroughs in the clinical management of the entire spectrum of rheumatic disease.
This book gathers selected theoretical and applied science papers presented at the 2016 Regional Conference of Sciences, Technology and Social Sciences (RCSTSS 2016), organized biannually by the Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia. Addressing a broad range of topics, including architecture, computer science, engineering, environmental and management, furniture, forestry, health and medicine, material science, mathematics, plantation and agrotechnology, sports science and statistics, the book serves as an essential platform for disseminating research findings, and inspires positive innovations in the region’s development. The carefully reviewed papers in this volume present work by researchers of local, regional and global prominence. Taken together, they offer a valuable reference guide and point of departure for all academics and students who want to pursue further research in their respective fields.
"In 2012, the year 1433 of the Muslim calendar, the Islamic population throughout the world was estimated at approximately a billion and a half, representing about one-fifth of humanity. In geographical terms, Islam occupies the center of the world, stretching like a big belt across the globe from east to west."--P. vii.