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The learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic has made some changes. Learning that was previously face-to-face has changed to online learning. Teachers are required to be able to plan online learning, including mathematics teachers. The questioning activity which is the main activity in learning mathematics must still be carried out by a mathematics teacher. Through questions the teacher can stimulate the curiosity of students and evaluate their level of understanding of the material that has been taught. Asking using technology in online learning certainly has advantages and disadvantages. The teacher must determine the right strategy for asking questions so that the questions can be in accordance with the purpose of creating these questions. However, the conditions of online learning certainly make the teacher a dilemma of having to ask good/ideal or effective questions. There are many types of questions a math teacher can ask. Each type of question certainly has its own purpose in learning. Teachers also have reasons in choosing strategies and types of questions to be asked in online learning.
This is an open access book. We warmly invite you to participate in Mathematics and Science Education International Seminar that was held on November 13th, 2021 in Bengkulu – Indonesia. Since participants may come from different countries with variety of backgrounds, the conference is an excellent forum for participants to exchange research findings and ideas on mathematics and science and to build networks for further collaborations.. The disruption era is related to the development of the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 era. Industrial revolution 4.0 era is marked by massive digital technology development in all aspects. Digital technology transformation is applied in human life and it is known as human-centered society. Development of digital technology has been influence some aspects such as education, environment, and society. Using digital technology does not only gives negative impacts but also positive impacts. It is important to strengthen sustainable education that has insight into conservation and local wisdom in this era for a better society.
Di dalam kereta khusus ini, makanan dan air minum telah habis setelah satu hari perjalanan. Mereka hanya bisa membawa perbekalan secukupnya. Mereka pun tidak diberi tahu detail tentang berapa lama perjalanan untuk sampai ke tujuan. Suara debum keras gerbong kereta terdengar, semua orang menjadi waspada; pintu-pintu ditarik membuka diiringi suara berisik. Mata-mata yang letih mengerjap-ngerjap terkena sinar cahaya yang merembes masuk. Para penumpang melangkah turun ke peron, berjalan terhuyung membawa barang-barang, dan menganga bingung melihat lingkungan sekitar mereka. Inikah Kota Krakow? Melalui 10 cerpen terbaiknya, Qaisra Shahraz membawa kita berjalan-jalan dari Afghanistan hingga Polandia; dari Zaman Perbudakan, Perang Dunia, hingga zaman modern; dari kepercayaan leluhur hingga pemahaman fleksibel masa kini; koleksi ini akan menyentil rasa empati dan wajib dimiliki! [Mizan, Noura Books, Migrasi, Pakistan, Peru, Indonesia]
The foundational reference in dermal toxicology, this classic text has been completely revised to bring it up to date in the new Eighth Edition, with almost a third of its chapters being newly added. The structure of the text has also been reorganized to enable easier location of a topic of interest. With contributions from leading international ex
Covering the entire spectrum of Arabic manuscripts, and especially the handwritten book, this book consists of a glossary of technical terms and a bibliography. The technical terms, collected from a variety of sources, embrace a vast range of topics dealing with the making and reading (studying) of Arabic manuscripts. They include: the Arabic scripts, penmanship, writing materials and implements, the make-up of the codex, copying and correction, decoration and bookbinding. A similar coverage is reflected in the bibliography. In view of the fact that, as yet, there is no concise monograph on Arabic manuscripts in the English language, this book is an important contribution to this field. And, since Arabic manuscripts represent an enormous resource for research, this work is an indispensable reference for all students of Islamic civilization.