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Ermeni ve Rum kültür varlıklarıyla Kayseri
  • Language: en

Ermeni ve Rum kültür varlıklarıyla Kayseri

"In an effort to afford a glimpse into Kayseri’s rich sociocultural past, this book traces the physical and built environment that has been left from the Armenian and Greek communities of the region and presents the relationship of the urban culture of Ottoman Kayseri to its rural hinterland by way of statistical information and visual material. The book comprises mainly the results of the fieldwork in Kayseri in the summer and fall of 2015 that was jointly undertaken by the Hrant Dink Foundation and the Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. Accompanied by contextualizing introductory articles that shed light on the social and economic history of the Armenian and Greek commu...

The Migration Conference 2017 Programme and Abstracts Book
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 292

The Migration Conference 2017 Programme and Abstracts Book

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com

The Migration Conference 2017 hosted by Harokopio University, Athens from 23 to 26 August. The 5th conference in our series, the 2017 Conference was probably the largest scholarly gathering on migration with a global scope. Human mobility, border management, integration and security, diversity and minorities as well as spatial patterns, identity and economic implications have dominated the public agenda and gave an extra impetus for the study of movers and non-movers over the last decade or so. Throughout the program of the Migration Conference you will find various key thematic areas are covered in about 400 presentations by about 400 colleagues coming from all around the world from Australia to Canada, China to Mexico, South Africa to Finland. We are also proud to bring you opportunities to meet with some of the leading scholars in the field. Our line of keynote speakers include Saskia Sassen, Oded Stark, Giuseppe Sciortino, Neli Esipova, and Yüksel Pazarkaya.

The Artful Baker
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 483

The Artful Baker

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-10-17
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  • Publisher: Abrams

More than 100 extraordinary desserts—with photos and meticulous instructions—by the creator of the internationally acclaimed blog Cafe Fernando: “Superb.” —David Lebovitz, bestselling author of My Paris Kitchen Written, styled, photographed, and designed by Cenk Sönmezsoy, The Artful Baker shares the inspiring story of a passionate home baker, beginning with his years after graduate school in San Francisco and showcasing the fruits of a baking obsession he cultivated after returning home to Istanbul. Sönmezsoy’s stories and uniquely styled images, together with his original creations and fresh take on traditional recipes, offer a window into the life of this luminary artist. Th...

Eleştirmenin Günlüğü 2007
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 194

Eleştirmenin Günlüğü 2007

2001 yılının hemen başında başladı bir "müzik günlüğü" tutma/yazma telaşım. Amacım, Radikal ya da benzeri bir yerde yayımlanan yazılarımda yer alamayacak fikirlerin/görüşlerin, bir biçimde yazıya aktarılması, satırlara dizilmesiydi. Bir nevi "Benim yazacağım her şey mühimdir" saplantısı; ama bir nevi de, kaynak ve arşiv çabalarına el hareketi çekenlere inat, müziğimizin adımlarını yıl yıl/tarih tarih kayıt altına almaktı. Aradan geçen uzun yıllar boyunca, bir "müzik günlüğü" tutma iddiamdan uzaklaşmamaya çalıştım. Gün geldi sinema, gün geldi edebiyat, gün geldi her türden popüler kültür gelişmesine de bulaşmadım değil; ama ...

Interpreting Constitutions
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 372

Interpreting Constitutions

  • Categories: Law

This book describes the constitutions of six major federations and how they have been interpreted by their highest courts, compares the interpretive methods and underlying principles that have guided the courts, and explores the reasons for major differences between these methods and principles. Among the interpretive methods discussed are textualism, purposivism, structuralism and originalism. Each of the six federations is the subject of a separate chapter written by a leading authority in the field: Jeffrey Goldsworthy (Australia), Peter Hogg (Canada), Donald Kommers (Germany), S.P. Sathe (India), Heinz Klug (South Africa), and Mark Tushnet (United States). Each chapter describes not only the interpretive methodology currently used by the courts, but the evolution of that methodology since the constitution was first enacted. The book also includes a concluding chapter which compares these methodologies, and attempts to explain variations by reference to different social, historical, institutional and political circumstances.

Understanding Women's Empowerment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 236

Understanding Women's Empowerment

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown

"This report examines the distribution and correlates of two different dimensions of the empowerment of currently married women age 15-49 in 23 developing countries"-- P. xv.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 350


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-11-16
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  • Publisher: Periscope

This Turkish bestseller tells the story of a real-life Sephardic Jewish woman who gained access to Suleiman the Magnificent.

Women, Science and Fiction
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 241

Women, Science and Fiction

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2000-09-19
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  • Publisher: Springer

Since Mary Shelley drew inspiration for Frankenstein from the scientific speculations to which she attended as a 'nearly silent listener' at the now famous chateau in Switzerland, many other women have been similarly motivated to produce works informed by scientific theory. Successive chapters trace the history of women's science fiction writing from the turn of the century to the early 1990s, analysing how women writers have utilised the genre to critique the ideology that informs what counts as scientific knowledge.

  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 180


Yazarımız M. Sadık Aslankara’dan yeni bir roman... Aslankara, adından da anlaşılacağı gibi bir ömür değerlendirmesine, geçmişle hesaplaşmaya girişiyor romanında: Kahramanımız, edebiyatımızın ünlü 50 Kuşağı’na mensup bir yazar. 60’lı yıllarda çıkardığı ve o dönemde hayli ilgi çeken öykü kitabından sonra tiyatro yazarlığına yönelmiş. Yaşadığı hayal kırıklıklarından sonra da yaşadığı, ömrünü geçirdiği adaya çekilmiş... Onu adasından çıkaransa, ömrünün son demlerinde doğduğu kasabada bir oyununun sahnelenmesi olmuş. Edebiyat, tiyatro, taşra kasabaları, çocukluk aşkları, eski arkadaşlıklar, kent ve sanat yaşamının sahtelikleri, kırgınlıklar, ülkede yaşanan politik altüst oluşlar... Ömürdeğer, tanıdık bir aydın tipini irdeleyen, yaşadığımız çağa onun bakışıyla eğilen, Türk aydınının kendi ülkesinde nasıl bir lince, bir ötekileştirilmeye uğradığını anlatan bir roman. Hüznünün yanında unutulmaz dil tadıyla...

Kalbini Sahibine Bırak
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 167

Kalbini Sahibine Bırak

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-08-01
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  • Publisher: Ser Kitap

Kalp, bedenimizde hayatın merkezi olduğu gibi, mânevî hayatımızın da merkezidir. Dünya hayatının keşmekeş hâli ile büyük sıkıntılar çeken Âdemoğlunun ilâcı, aslında kendisinde ve kalbindedir. Rabbimiz, bütün dertlere devâ olacak reçeteyi şu şekilde bizlere sunmuştur: "Onlar, îman eden ve Allâh'ı anmakla kalpleri huzur bulan kimselerdir. İyi bilin ki, kalpler, ancak Allâh'ı anmakla huzur bulur." (er-Ra'd, 28) Kalp, Cenâb-ı Hakk'ın nazargâhıdır. Öyleyse orayı her türlü kirden, siyah noktadan, mâsivâdan, hâsılı kalbi Allâh'ın zikrinden alıkoyacak her türlü şeyden temizlemek gerekir.