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The Murder, Betrayal, and Slaughter of the Glorious Charles, Count of Flanders
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 297

The Murder, Betrayal, and Slaughter of the Glorious Charles, Count of Flanders

DIV In 1127 Charles the Good, count of Flanders, was surrounded by assassins while at prayer and killed by a sword blow to the forehead. His murder upset the fragile balance of power between England, France, and the Holy Roman Empire, giving rise to a bloody civil war while impacting the commercial life of medieval Europe. The eyewitness account by the Flemish cleric Galbert of Bruges of the assassination and the struggle for power that ensued is the only journal to have survived from twelfth century Europe. This new translation by medieval studies expert Jeff Rider greatly improves upon all previous versions, substantially advancing scholarship on the Middle Ages while granting new life and immediacy to Galbert’s well informed and courageously candid narrative. /div

Bulletin bibliographique de la Société internationale arthurienne
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 572

Bulletin bibliographique de la Société internationale arthurienne

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Chinese Language in European Texts
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 255

The Chinese Language in European Texts

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-08-19
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  • Publisher: Springer

This detailed, chronological study investigates the rise of the European fascination with the Chinese language up to 1615. By meticulously investigating a wide range of primary sources, Dinu Luca identifies a rhetorical continuum uniting the land of the Seres, Cathay, and China in a tropology of silence, vision, and writing. Tracing the contours of this tropology, The Chinese Language in European Texts: The Early Period offers close readings of language-related contexts in works by classical authors, medieval travelers, and Renaissance cosmographers, as well as various merchants, wanderers, and missionaries, both notable and lesser-known. What emerges is a clear and comprehensive understanding of early European ideas about the Chinese language and writing system.

Interruptions and Transitions: Essays on the Senses in Medieval and Early Modern Visual Culture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 332

Interruptions and Transitions: Essays on the Senses in Medieval and Early Modern Visual Culture

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-03-27
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Interruptions and Transitions: Essays on the Senses in Medieval and Early Modern Visual Culture is an anthology of the most recent works by Barbara Baert, discussing the connection between the experiences of the senses in the medieval and early modern visual culture, the hermeneutics of imagery, and the limits and possibilities of contemporary Art Sciences. The six chapters include Pentecost, Noli me tangere, the woman with an issue of blood, the Johannesschüssel, the dancing Salome, and the role of the wind. The reader is shown a medieval and early modern visual culture as a history of artistic solutions, as the fascinating approach between biblical texts, plastic imagination, and the art-scientific métier. This makes him a privileged guest in a unique in-between space where humans and their artistic expression can meet existentially.

From Saint Thomas Aquinas to Petrarch and Erasmus
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 190

From Saint Thomas Aquinas to Petrarch and Erasmus

A very accurate symbolic representation of the way in which the intellectual as a social role expresses himself in relation to other estates within the medieval world is the exordial miniature of a Milanese Codex, the ms. Biblioteca Nationale Braidense AD XIII 30 (ca. 1400), preserving Petrarch’s moral treatise De remediis utriusque Fortunae. The symbolism of the image refers not only to the diversification of society and the recognition of this diversity as a defining vision of human community, it also casts a special light on the position of the intellectual as a public dignity, as a figure of authority, above the official foci of authority within the medieval social structure. A figure ...

New Europe College Yearbook
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 420

New Europe College Yearbook

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Curso práctico de español
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 348

Curso práctico de español

Curso práctico de español. Comunicación I reprezintă un instrument de lucru în clasă și acasă, destinat atât începătorilor, cât și tuturor celor care doresc să-și aprofundeze cunoștințele de limba spaniolă. Este format din 24 de unități și recapitulare, organizate în jurul unui vocabular tematic de interes general, precum: familie, orientare în spațiu, program zilnic, mijloace de transport, mijloace de comunicare, călătorii, petrecerea timpului liber, artă și știință, alimentație și activități profesionale. Pe lângă textele și exercițiile propuse în fiecare unitate, sunt introduse și noțiuni de cultură și civilizație spaniolă, vocabular colocvial...

  • Language: es
  • Pages: 248


La poesía europea medieval del área románica se deja clasificar, teniendo en cuenta sus orígenes (cultos/traditionales) y las lenguas de su manifestación (latín/lenguas vernáculas) en tres categorías fundamentales: una poesía culta en latín, una poesía tradicional en lenguas vernáculas y una poesía culta de índole cortesana en lengua vulgar.

Curso práctico de español : gramática
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 136

Curso práctico de español : gramática

Acest manual constituie un suport teoretic și practic pentru cursurile de Practica limbii spaniole, partea de gramatică, adresat studenților Universității din București care studiază Filologie, Traducere și Interpretare sau Limbi Moderne Aplicate. Vine în continuarea manualului Curso práctico de español. Gramática I. Autorii au elaborat teoria și practica având în vedere nevoile specifice ale studenților de anul II. Manualul acoperă nivelele B1-B2, conform Cadrului European Comun de Referință, deși anumite elemente gramaticale pot depăși nivelul B2 uneori. Cartea este alcătuită din 12 unități și o recapitulare. În fiecare unitate se explică diferite conținuturi ...

Integralismo, gracia y vitalismo – La metáfora en la narrativa de vanguardia de Benjamín Jarnés
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 220

Integralismo, gracia y vitalismo – La metáfora en la narrativa de vanguardia de Benjamín Jarnés

La novela lírica de la vanguardia española, cuyo singular exponente fue Benjamín Jarnés (1888–1948), se vio dominada por la metáfora, como medio de expresión y experimentación. El análisis que propone la autora parte de la elaboración de un modelo de identificación e interpretación, centrado en el corpus de metáforas extraído de dos novelas del escritor aragonés: El profesor inútil (1926) y Teoría del zumbel (1930). La metodología multidisciplinar desarrollada a partir de la teoría conceptual de la metáfora, la poética cognitiva y la teoría de los mundos textuales consigue ofrecer por tanto una imagen compleja del uso metafórico y su disposición dentro de la narración, de la relación entre las expresiones metafóricas y las partes estructurales del discurso novelístico. Según se viene argumentando a lo largo del libro, los principios artísticos de la prosa de Benjamín Jarnés – el integralismo, la gracia y el vitalismo – encuentran eco en el proceso metafórico cuyo principal efecto es la creación de conceptos nuevos de múltiples significados.