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Fiktionens magt
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 168

Fiktionens magt

Tv-serier har taget verden med storm de seneste år. House Of Cards, Breaking Bad, True Detective og Homeland er blot nogle af de serier, der har lagt gaderne øde. Serierne er fiktion, men afspejler ofte en virkelighed eller en opfattelse af faktiske forhold. Og vores syn på mange samfundsaspekter, hvad enten det er politik, kvindefængsler eller politiarbejde, bliver præget af de skildringer, vi har set i tv-serierne. Denne antologi går tæt på en række af de største og mest betydningsfulde amerikanske tv-serier i nyere tid og ser nærmere på, hvilken indflydelse de har haft. Holdet bag er en blanding af journalister, der arbejder med amerikansk politik, kultur og medier, og af akademikere og eksperter fra hver deres felt. Dette er bogen om "Fiktionens magt". Mette Rolan Kjærsgaard er uddannet cand.comm. fra RUC med speciale i amerikanske tv-serier. Hun er kulturskribent på Kongressen.com og arbejder desuden som freelancejournalist og ekstern lektor i journalistik på RUC. Hun har tidligere bidraget til bøgerne Fem år med Obama – forandring, vi kunne tro på? og Glimt af Amerika.

Glimt af Amerika
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 392

Glimt af Amerika

Der findes ikke nogen formel på Amerika. Ingen enkel måde at definere landet eller dets indbyggere. Men skal man alligevel gøre forsøget, må det være at sige, at USA er kontrasternes land. Stedet med ubegribelig rigdom, skønhed og glamour. Stedet, hvor drømme kan blive til virkelighed, og hvor træerne næsten vokser helt ind i himlen. Men samtidig også stedet, hvor millioner lever under fattigdomsgrænsen, og hvor grundlaget for din eksistens kan styrte i grus, hvis du mister dit arbejde. Det er landet, der på godt og ondt sætter den internationale dagsorden, både politisk, økonomisk og kulturelt. Og landet, hvis præsident kaldes verdens mægtigste mand. Formålet med denne bo...

What is Techno-anthropology?
  • Language: en

What is Techno-anthropology?

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This anthology explores the different approaches to and readings of 'Techno-Anthropology, ' which is a new interdisciplinary research and study area at Aalborg University. Techno-Anthropology is a hybrid that, in different ways, redefines and transcends distinctions, such as humans vs. technologies, or the natural sciences vs. the humanities. Thereby, gaps are bridged between different disciplines and professions working with new technologies, and between technological artifacts and their users. The book will appeal to scientists, anthropologists, engineers, philosophers, designers, sociologists, planners, educators, innovators, and decision makers. Its chapters are concerned with a wide range of issues related to Techno-Anthropology: ethnographic field work in expert and technology cultures * interdisciplinary perspectives on education * collaboration and communication * philosophical analyses and ethical judgments of new and emerging technologies * digital anthropology * anthropology-driven design. (Series: Series in Transformational Studies / Serie om Laerings-, forandrings- og organisationsudviklingsprocesser -- Vol. 3)Ã?Â?

Jihad and Death
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 138

Jihad and Death

Islamic State has replaced Al Qaeda as the great global threat of the twenty-first century, the bogeyman we have all come to fear. But Daesh started as a local movement, rooted in the resentment of the Sunni Arabs of Iraq and Syria. It is they who have lost most in the geo-strategic shift in the balance of power in the region over the last thirty years, as Iranian-backed Shias have mobilised politically and advanced on the social and economic fronts. How has Islamic State been able to muster support far beyond its initial constituency in the Arab world and to attract tens of thousands of foreign volunteers, including converts to Islam, and seemingly countless supporters online? In this compelling intervention into the debate about Islamic State's origins and future prospects, the renowned French sociologist of religion, Olivier Roy, argues that the group mobilised a highly sophisticated narrative, reviving the myth of the Caliphate and recasting it into a modern story of heroism, death and nihilism, using a very contemporary aesthetic of violence, well entrenched amid a youth culture that has turned global and violent.

  • Language: en


The fast-paced history of the little-known war between Germany and Denmark which shaped a century, told for the first time - soon to be a BBC drama.

The Return of History
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 220

The Return of History

In the 2016 CBC Massey Lectures, former Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General and international relations specialist Jennifer Welsh delivers a timely, intelligent, and fascinating analysis of twenty-first-century geopolitics. In 1989, as the Berlin Wall crumbled and the Cold War dissipated, the American political commentator Francis Fukuyama wrote a famous essay, entitled “The End of History,” which argued that the demise of confrontation between Communism and capitalism, and the expansion of Western liberal democracy, signalled the endpoint of humanity’s sociocultural and political evolution, and the path toward a more peaceful world. But a quarter of a century after Fukuyama’...

The Films of Jean-Luc Godard
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 204

The Films of Jean-Luc Godard

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1970
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Making & Doing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 285

Making & Doing

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-08-17
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  • Publisher: MIT Press

How ten making & doing projects expand STS scholarship through a focus on knowledge expression and knowledge travel in addition to knowledge production. Making & doing projects expand STS scholarship to include the trajectories of STS knowledge flow beyond the boundaries of the field by actively interweaving knowledge expression and travel with knowledge production. In this edited volume, contributors from around the world present and critically assess ten empirical making & doing projects. They recount how their projects advance STS, and describe how they themselves learn from their interlocutors and the settings in which they do and share their STS work. A coda explains how the infrastruct...

Boxer, Beetle
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 291

Boxer, Beetle

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-08-05
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  • Publisher: Hachette UK

NED BEAUMAN HAS BEEN NAMED AS ONE OF GRANTA MAGAZINE'S BEST OF YOUNG BRITISH NOVELISTS 2013 Longlisted for the 2012 Man Booker Prize and shortlisted for the for the Guardian First Book Award, Ned Beauman was chosen by The Culture Show as one of the twelve Best New British Writers in 2011. This is a novel for people with breeding. Only people with the right genes and the wrong impulses will find its marriage of bold ideas and deplorable characters irresistible. It is a novel that engages the mind while satisfying those that crave the thrill of a chase. There are riots and sex. There is love and murder. There is Darwinism and Fascism, nightclubs, invented languages and the dangerous bravado of youth. And there are lots of beetles. It is clever. It is distinctive. It is entertaining. We hope you are too.

Controversy Mapping
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 385

Controversy Mapping

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-09-30
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  • Publisher: Unknown
