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National Museums is the first book to explore the national museum as a cultural institution in a range of contrasting national contexts. Composed of new studies of countries that rarely make a showing in the English-language studies of museums, this book reveals how these national museums have been used to create a sense of national self, place the nation in the arts, deal with the consequences of political change, remake difficult pasts, and confront those issues of nationalism, ethnicity and multiculturalism which have come to the fore in national politics in recent decades. National Museums combines research from both leading and new researchers in the fields of history, museum studies, cultural studies, sociology, history of art, media studies, science and technology studies, and anthropology. It is an interrogation of the origins, purpose, organisation, politics, narratives and philosophies of national museums.
W książce została przedstawiona historia i twórczość formistów, ugrupowania działającego w latach 1917–1922. Powstanie grupy, stanowiło kulminację procesu zapoczątkowanego jeszcze przed I wojną światową, związanego z wpływem sztuki awangardowej, kontaktami z Berlinem i Monachium, a szczególnie z Paryżem. Przyjęte nazwy „Ekspresjoniści Polscy”, a następnie „Formiści Polscy” i „formiści” odwoływały się do nurtów sztuki rozwijającej się od początku XX wieku, wskazując przy tym na narodowy aspekt grupy. Organizowane przez formistów wystawy objęły swym zasięgiem Kraków, Warszawę, Lwów i Poznań, co doprowadziło do powstania szerokiego ruchu ar...
The focus on concepts of power and domination in societal structures has characterized sociology since its beginnings. Max Weber’s definition of power as “imposing one’s will on others” is still relevant to explaining processes in the arts, whether their production, imagination, communication, distribution, critique or consumption. Domination in the arts is exercised by internal and external rulers through institutionalized social structures and through beliefs about their legitimacy, achieved by defining and shaping art tastes. The complexity of how the arts relate to power arises from the complexity of the policies of artistic production, distribution and consumption—policies whi...
This volume offers a comprehensive perspective on the relationship between the art scene and agencies of the state in countries of the region, throughout four consecutive yet highly diverse historical periods: from the period of state integration after World War I, through the communist era post 1945 and the time of political transformation after 1989, to the present-day globalisation (including counter-reactions to westernisation and cultural homogenisation). With twenty-three theoretically and/or empirically oriented articles by authors from sixteen countries (East Central Europe and beyond, including the United States and Australia), the book discusses interconnections between state polic...
The European continent gathers together, without a doubt, the most famous works of art, evidence of the history of Western art. The cultural capitals and their emblematic museums contain paintings, sculptures, or rather works of art, devised by the great artists, representative of European culture. From Madrid to London, passing through Prague, the major works of the old continent are presented here. Thanks to detailed information about the museums and their collections, you, too, can explore and discover Europe’s fascinating cultural heritage.
Nowe i na nowo napisane wydanie pierwszej książki Grzegorza Piątka – Sanatora. Mityczny prezydent Warszawy zdjęty z piedestału. Bohaterski prezydent, wzór patriotyzmu, mąż stanu – tak postrzegamy człowieka, który stał się symbolem walczącej Warszawy we wrześniu 1939 roku. Czy aby na pewno był tak idealny? Grzegorz Piątek rzetelnie i z pasją odtwarza życie i karierę Stefana Starzyńskiego. Pokazuje despotycznego polityka, ale i autentycznie zaangażowanego w sprawy miasta działacza, opisuje mity, które nawarstwiły się przez lata. Dzięki temu otrzymujemy wielowymiarowy, pasjonujący portret jednej z najbardziej znanych postaci przedwojennej elity.
This book is a short introduction to Witold Gombrowicz’s life and work as one of the most prominent figures in twentieth-century literature and theater, providing intertextual perspectives that allow readers to analyze his short stories, plays, and novels in broad contexts. Gombrowicz (1904–1969) was a writer and philosopher whose experimental literary works belong to the stream of European existentialism and simultaneously mark the birth of postmodernism. In Gombrowicz’s grotesque universe, there is no separation between literature, biography, sexuality, and philosophy. His novels, including Ferdydurke, Trans-Atlantyk, and Pornography, contain autobiographical elements, whereas in his renowned Diary, daily life becomes an object of sophisticated philosophical reflection that links introspection with humor and a gift for observation. Gombrowicz: An Introduction is an approachable guide for students and instructors of Slavic literature and culture, comparative literature, philosophy, and theater studies.