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Formulaic Language and New Data
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 278

Formulaic Language and New Data

The existence of formulaic patterns has been attested to all languages of the world. However, systematic research in this field has been focused on only a few European standard languages with a rich literary tradition and a high degree of written norm. It was on the basis of these data that the theoretical framework and methodological approaches were developed. The volume shifts this focus by centering the investigation on new data, including data from lesser-used languages and dialects, extra-european languages, linguistic varieties mostly used in spoken domains as well as at previous historical stages of language development. Their inclusion challenges the existing postulates at both a the...

Expanding the Lexicon
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 310

Expanding the Lexicon

The creation of new lexical units and patterns has been studied in different research frameworks, focusing on either system-internal or system-external aspects, from which no comprehensive view has emerged. The volume aims to fill this gap by studying dynamic processes in the lexicon – understood in a wide sense as not being necessarily limited to the word level – by bringing together approaches directed to morphological productivity as well as approaches analyzing general types of lexical innovation and the role of discourse-related factors. The papers deal with ongoing changes as well as with historical processes of change in different languages and reflect on patterns and specific subtypes of lexical innovation as well as on their external conditions and the speakers’ motivations for innovating. Moreover, the diffusion and conventionalization of innovations will be addressed. In this way, the volume contributes to understanding the complex interplay of structural, cognitive and functional factors in the lexicon as a highly dynamic domain.

Formulaic Language and New Data
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 285

Formulaic Language and New Data

Die Reihe Formelhafte Sprache / Formulaic Language bietet ein integratives Forum für innovative Publikationen, die sprachliche, kognitive und konzeptuelle Vorgeformtheit in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Betrachtungen rücken. Sie ist für Studien offen, die sich mit Vorgeprägtheit, Musterhaftigkeit bzw. Formelhaftigkeit auf allen sprachlichen Ebenen (im System wie in der Sprachverwendung) und außersprachlicher Natur (etwa bei der kulturbasierten und kulturspezifischen Wissensgestaltung und -tradierung) beschäftigen. Untersucht werden die Entstehung, die Dynamik und das Funktionieren von unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen des Formelhaften in solchen Bereichen wie Lexikon und Grammatik, Wortbildung u...

Historical Corpora
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 382

Historical Corpora

The volume contains 23 papers read at the international conference "Historical Corpora 2012", which was hosted by the LOEWE Research Cluster "Digital Humanities" of the State of Hesse at the University of Frankfurt on December 6-8, 2012. The papers, which include three keynote speeches, have been duly updated for the present volume. The contributions take a broad variety of perspectives on "historical corpora", including their structuring, their management, and various other facets. In addition to this, they cover a large amount of different languages, extending from German - in nearly all its historical facettes - across the Romance languages into the Caucasus and from the recent past down into antiquity. Differences also concern the linguistic interests prevailing in the papers, which may focus on syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, lexicological or other phenomena.

Manual of Discourse Traditions in Romance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 846

Manual of Discourse Traditions in Romance

Discourse Traditions are a key concept of diachronic Romance linguistics. The present manual aims to establish this approach at an international level by assembling contributions that introduce its theoretical foundations, discuss connections with alternative approaches of text and discourse analysis, show the relevance of Discourse Traditions for the history of Romance languages, and explore possibilities for future applications of the concept.

Productive Patterns in Phraseology and Construction Grammar
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 328

Productive Patterns in Phraseology and Construction Grammar

Adopting a corpus-based methodology, this volume analyses phraseological patterns in nine European languages from a monolingual, bilingual and multilingual point of view, following a mostly Construction Grammar approach. At present, corpus-based constructional research represents an interesting and innovative field of phraseology with great relevance to translatology, foreign language didactics and lexicography.

Transnational Mobilities in Early Modern Theater
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Transnational Mobilities in Early Modern Theater

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-02-24
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  • Publisher: Routledge

The essays in this volume investigate English, Italian, Spanish, German, Czech, and Bengali early modern theater, placing Shakespeare and his contemporaries in the theatrical contexts of western and central Europe, as well as the Indian sub-continent. Contributors explore the mobility of theatrical units, genres, performance practices, visual images, and dramatic texts across geo-linguistic borders in early modern Europe. Combining 'distant' and 'close' reading, a systemic and structural approach identifies common theatrical units, or 'theatergrams' as departure points for specifying the particular translations of theatrical cultures across national boundaries. The essays engage both 'dramat...

Cultures and Traditions of Wordplay and Wordplay Research
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 299

Cultures and Traditions of Wordplay and Wordplay Research

The book series is dedicated to the study of the multifaceted dynamics of wordplay as an interface phenomenon. The contributions aim to bring together approaches from various disciplines and present case studies on different communicative settings, inluding everyday language and literary communication, and thus offer fresh perspectives on wordplay in the context of linguistic innovation, language contact, and speaker-hearer-interaction. La collection vise à analyser la diversité de la dynamique du jeu de mots en tant que phénomène d’interface. Les contributions réunissent les approches de différentes disciplines et présentent des études de cas de situations de communication variée...

Historische Textmuster im Wandel
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 421

Historische Textmuster im Wandel


Historische formelhafte Sprache
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 433

Historische formelhafte Sprache

Sprachen funktionieren durch das Zusammenwirken des Usuellen, des Formelhaften und der Variation, die paradoxerweise gleichzeitig ein Indikator der Festigkeit und ihre treibende Kraft sein kann. In der gegenwartssprachlich bezogenen Linguistik ist der Begriff formelhafte Sprache einerseits nicht neu, aber er gehört andererseits sicherlich nicht zu der Gruppe der etablierten Termini mit scharfen Konturen und klaren Gegenstandsbereichen. Noch weniger verständlich ist, was in den historischen Entwicklungsstufen einer Sprache als formelhaft bezeichnet werden kann. Die Studie geht von der Annahme aus, dass die konstitutive Rolle der Formelhaftigkeit auch für historische Kommunikationssituationen typisch und genauso vielfältig ist. Sie setzt sich zum Ziel, die Gründe für die marginale Betrachtung der formelhaften Wendungen in älteren Sprachstufen aufzudecken, einen theoretischen Rahmen ihrer Erforschung zu erarbeiten, die Aufmerksamkeit auf die methodischen Herausforderungen ihrer korpus- und computerbasierten Untersuchung zu lenken und die Mechanismen der historischen Verfestigungsprozesse aufzudecken.