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Market Civilizations
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 229

Market Civilizations

A deep investigation of neoliberalism's proselytizers in Eastern Europe and the Global South Where does free market ideology come from? Recent work on the neoliberal intellectual movement around the Mont Pelerin Society has allowed for closer study of the relationship between ideas, interests, and institutions. Yet even as this literature brought neoliberalism down to earth, it tended to reproduce a European and American perspective on the world. With the notable exception of Augusto Pinochet’s Chile, long seen as a laboratory of neoliberalism, the new literature followed a story of diffusion as ideas migrated outward from the Global North. Even in the most innovative work, the cast of cha...

Crack-Up Capitalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 231

Crack-Up Capitalism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-04-04
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  • Publisher: Random House

'Gonzo brilliance ... unique and highly entertaining' Financial Times 'Revelatory reading' Adam Tooze, author of Crashed 'After reading Quinn Slobodian's new book, you are not likely to think about capitalism the same way' Jacobin Look at a map of the world and you'll see a neat patchwork of nation-states. But this is not where power actually resides. From the 1990s onwards, globalization has shattered the map, leading to an explosion of new legal entities: tax havens, free ports, city-states, gated enclaves and special economic zones. These new spaces are freed from ordinary forms of regulation, taxation and mutual obligation - and with them, ultracapitalists believe that it is possible to ...

The Law of the Metal Scene
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 146

The Law of the Metal Scene

Metal Studies is a genuinely interdisciplinary research field. However, different specialist traditions, differing theoretical and methodological approaches, and also terminological "translation difficulties" make collaboration within the field difficult. This volume aims to explore the potential and limitations of interdisciplinary work by examining an example area - the laws of Heavy Metal - from the point of view of central disciplines. Laws are regarded as social conventions - i.e., rules that are made by human beings and are culturally stable. Examples of laws include conventions of musical language, the dress code in the metal scene, behavioural norms, and conventions in writing song lyrics. The volume includes contributions from the fields of law, social ethics, art history, religious studies, musicology, sociology, linguistics, and cultural history.

Proceedings of the XVIII International symposium Symorg 2022 (BOOK OF ABSTRACTS)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 363

Proceedings of the XVIII International symposium Symorg 2022 (BOOK OF ABSTRACTS)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: FON

With 140 contributions by authors from 19 different countries, XVIII International Symposium of Organizational Sciences – SymOrg 2022 successfully sets the high level for future conferences. The topic of SymOrg 2020, “Sustainable Business Management and Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID Era”, attracted researchers from different institutions, both in Serbia and abroad. This year, more than 300 scholars and practitioners authored and co-authored scientific and research articles that had been accepted for publication in the Book of Abstracts. All the contributions to the Book of Abstracts are classified into the following 13 key topics:  Blockchain...

Wirtschaft(lich) studieren
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 209

Wirtschaft(lich) studieren

Für den deutschsprachigen Raum liegt hier die erste Studie vor, die sich der studentischen Wahrnehmung eines Studiums der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, insb. der Volkswirtschaftslehre, mit Mitteln der qualitativen Sozialforschung nähert. Aus Gruppengesprächen an fünf der wichtigsten VWL-Studienstandorte in Deutschland und Österreich konnten mithilfe der dokumentarischen Methode vier grundlegende Orientierungen rekonstruiert werden, die für den studentischen Umgang mit einem wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studium als einschlägig bzw. typisch gelten dürfen. Entgegen einem weitestgehend inhaltlich orientierten Diskurs um den Status quo akademischer ökonomischer Bildung (Monismus bzw. Plura...

Kapitalismus ohne Demokratie
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 254

Kapitalismus ohne Demokratie

Freiheit und Demokratie, so der Investor Peter Thiel 2009, seien nicht länger kompatibel. Wer die Freiheit liebe, müsse daher versuchen, der Politik in all ihren Formen zu entkommen. Zuflucht suchen könnten Libertäre im Cyberspace, im Weltraum und auf dem offenen Meer. Das mag verblasen klingen, steht aber in einer jahrzehntealten Tradition marktradikaler Ideen: Denker wie Milton Friedman begeisterten sich für das noch unter britischer Oberhoheit stehende Hongkong; Margaret Thatcher träumte von einem Singapur an der Themse. In seinem Buch Globalisten hatte sich Quinn Slobodian mit Versuchen befasst, ökonomische Fragen der demokratischen Willensbildung zu entziehen, etwa durch ihre Üb...

Le Capitalisme de l’apocalypse
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 233

Le Capitalisme de l’apocalypse

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2025-01-24T00:00:00+01:00
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  • Publisher: Seuil

Quinn Slobodian est spécialiste de l’histoire du néo-libéralisme et professeur d'histoire économique et politique globale à l'Université de Boston. Il a notamment publié Les Globalistes. Une histoire intellectuelle du néolibéralisme (Seuil, 2022). Si l’on jette un rapide coup d’œil à un planisphère, nous ne verrons qu’un patchwork d’États-nations, net et bien connu. Et si notre réalité était toute autre ? La mondialisation a bouleversé l’ordre du monde, entraînant un foisonnement de nouvelles entités : paradis fiscaux, ports francs, cités-États, enclaves fermées et zones économiques spéciales. Ces nouveaux espaces, libérés des formes ordinaires de régle...

Market Civilizations
  • Language: en

Market Civilizations

A deep investigation of neoliberalism's proselytizers in Eastern Europe and the Global South Where does free market ideology come from? Recent work on the neoliberal intellectual movement around the Mont Pelerin Society has allowed for closer study of the relationship between ideas, interests, and institutions. Yet even as this literature brought neoliberalism down to earth, it tended to reproduce a European and American perspective on the world. With the notable exception of Augusto Pinochet’s Chile, long seen as a laboratory of neoliberalism, the new literature followed a story of diffusion as ideas migrated outward from the Global South. Even in the most innovative work, the cast of cha...

EURO 2012 The 14th UEFA European Football Championship
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 338

EURO 2012 The 14th UEFA European Football Championship

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-07-02
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com

Spain's breath-taking and record-breaking win over Italy in the 2012final in Kiev, Ukraine was the thrilling ending to a EURO 2012 competition that had begun back in 2010. This book is the definitive record of every one of the 271 games in both the qualification competition and the Finals tournament in Poland & Ukraine. There are tables showing the standings of each team after every round of games, so the progress of teams can be followed as they attempted to qualify. There are also full squad details for the 2012 Finals tournament plus sections on the tournament scorers.

Darkness by Design
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 264

Darkness by Design

"Capital markets have undergone a dramatic transformation in the past two decades. Algorithmic high-speed supercomputing has replaced traditional floor trading and human market makers, while centralized exchanges that once ensured fairness and transparency have fragmented into a dizzying array of competing exchanges and trading platforms. Darkness by Design exposes the unseen perils of market fragmentation and 'dark' markets, some of which are deliberately designed to enable the transfer of wealth from the weak to the powerful. Walter Mattli traces the fall of the traditional exchange model of the NYSE, the world's leading stock market in the twentieth century, showing how it has come to be ...