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El Padre Fidel vuelve a asombrarnos con la publicación de La inquietud del tiempo. Esta obra nos ofrece un relato detallado en el tiempo de la obra y presencia del Padre Varela en España mientras ejercía su responsabilidad como Diputado a las Cortes de 1821-23. El libro deja ver la figura de Varela en un ambiente poco estudiado hasta ahora en la vasta literatura valeriana, su trabajo parlamentario en España. Ahora podemos conocer cómo ejerció Varela esta misión, su discernimiento justo sobre asuntos de gobierno a través de las múltiples y cambiantes situaciones en esta época dramática del Trienio Liberal que, por cierto, resultó ser determinante de su destino para siempre.
This volume examines the lives of more than thirty-five key personalities in Latin American law with a focus on how their Christian faith was a factor in molding the evolution of law in their countries and the region. The book is a significant contribution to our ability to understand the work and perspectives of jurists and their effect on legal development in Latin America. The individuals selected for study exhibit wide-ranging areas of expertise from private law and codification, through national public law and constitutional law, to international developments that left their mark on the region and the world. The chapters discuss the jurists within their historical, intellectual, and pol...
This comprehensive history of the church in Latin America, with its emphasis on theology, will help historians and theologians to better understand the formation and continuity of the Latin American tradition.
Chronicles the life of Jesuit João Rodrigues (1558-1633), who spent more than half his life in Japan and China. Rodrigues won the friendship of Japan's two succesive supreme rulers, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu; took an active role in the silk trade between China and Japan; and, serving as the principle interpreter between East and West, was for some years the most influential European in the entire country.
This book reconfigures the study of the origins of the Enlightenment in the Spanish Empire. Challenging dominant interpretations of the period, this book shows that early eighteenth-century Spanish authors turned to Enlightenment ideas to reinvent Spain’s role in the European balance of power. And while international law grew to provide a legal framework that could safeguard peace, Spanish officials, diplomats, and authors, hardened by the failure of Spanish diplomacy, sought instead to regulate international relations by drawing on investment, profit, and self-interest. The book shows, on the basis of new archival research, that the Diplomatic Enlightenment sought to turn the Spanish Empire into a space for closer political cooperation with other European and non-European states and empires.
Questo è l’unico libro che racconta chi era veramente Pablo Escobar La vera storia del più grande narcotrafficante del mondo raccontata da suo figlio Credevamo che fosse già stato detto tutto su Pablo Escobar, il più sanguinario e potente narcotrafficante di tutti i tempi, che all’apice del suo successo fu il settimo uomo più ricco del mondo, ma nel leggere queste pagine scioccanti ci si rende conto che le cose di cui eravamo a conoscenza finora erano soltanto storie narrate dall’esterno, mai dall’intimità del suo focolare. Le storie familiari sono fatte di silenzi, e solo il trascorrere del tempo può concedere uno spazio. Ventitré anni dopo la morte del capo del cartello col...