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Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia provides an authoritative and current introduction to the contract laws of major Asian jurisdictions, and includes a bibliography of literature in the English language. The series will identify and discuss the current controversies and debates amongst the stakeholders of the subject jurisdictions, the likely direction of travel on these issues, as well as the values and policies which shape the development of the law in these areas. Furthermore, it will examine how European-sourced laws have acquired unique characteristics in the transplanted jurisdictions, and compare these with the emerging shape of European contract law and other international instruments. Each volume in the series will offer an insider's perspective into specific areas of contract law: remedies, formation, parties, contents, vitiating factors, change of circumstances, illegality, and public policy. It will explore how these diverse jurisdictions address common problems encountered in contractual disputes, and will offer a comparative assessment, horizontally as between the Asian jurisdictions, and vertically with source jurisdictions and international codes. Book jacket.
This book is written due to the request of numerous parties, institutions and organizations that wishes to know about Indonesian legal system and legal framework. I have published numerous books in the form of ‘Legal Anthology’, but most of them are in Indonesian, with numerous English legal writings scattered in those numerous anthology legal writings. In this particular book (volume 9), all of the English legal writings (in volume 1 to 8) that I have written are specially compiled in a systematic manner. I hope that the publication of this book will help foreign lawyers and institution to have insight and gain knowledge of Indonesian legal system and also exposure to my firm’s legal work. I would like to thanks Ms. Haghia Sophia Lubis S.H., LL.M. for helping me in editing this particular book. This book is written with the help of numerous parties whom which I might not have mentioned, and for that I would like to apologize. It is my sincere aim that this book will help the development of Indonesian legal system and foster relationship and understanding between countries that intends to cooperate in legal matters with Indonesia.
The Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia series charts the divergence in and common principles of contract laws across Asia, with a view to providing the scholarly foundations for future harmonization and reform. This second volume examines the formal requirements for contract formation and the rights of third parties.
Borneo, with its tales of White Rajahs and tribes of headhunters, has long excited the Western imagination. Today, however, there is another green imagination at work. Mention of the island is more likely to evoke images of tropical deforestation and concern about the cruel dispossession and displacement of indigenous peoples who once lived in relative harmony with their environment. It is perhaps not suprizing then, that most books dealing with the nomadic hunter-gatherers of Borneo have principally been pictorial studies. There is indeed a dearth of scholarship regarding these peoples, a situation that this first ever comprehensive review of nomadic groups in the Borneo rain forest aims to...
After the New Order follows up Abidin Kusno’s well-received Behind the Postcolonial and The Appearances of Memory. This new work explores the formation of populist urban programs in post-Suharto Jakarta and the cultural and political contradictions that have arisen as a result of the continuing influence of the Suharto-era’s neoliberal ideology of development. Analyzing a spectrum of urban agendas from waterfront city to green environment and housing for the poor, Kusno deepens our understanding of the spatial mediation of power, the interaction between elite and populist urban imaginings, and how past ideologies are integral to the present even as they are newly reconfigured. The book b...
This book is the leading reference on Indonesian private international law in English. The chapters systematically cover the whole of Indonesian private international law including commercial matters, family law, succession, cross-border insolvency, intellectual property, competition (antitrust), and environmental disputes. The chapters do not merely cover the traditional conflict of law areas of jurisdiction, applicable law (choice of law), and enforcement. The chapters also look into conflict of law questions arising in arbitration and assess Indonesian involvement in the harmonisation of private international law globally and regionally within ASEAN. Similarly to the other volumes in the Studies in Private International Law - Asia series, this book presents the Indonesian conflict of laws through a combination of common and civil law analytical techniques and perspectives, providing readers worldwide with a more profound and comprehensive understanding of the subject.
Indonesian Law In A Remazkably Complex Minture Of National Logislation And International Legislation. The Work Of This Book Is Organired Loosely And Is Dimed To Contribute Indonesian Law Knowledge About : • To Anticipate Change Of Law Paradigm As Result Of Global Developorent (Chapter I), • Agrarian Law Enforcement And Settlement Of Land Affairs Dispute In Judicature Precess (Chapter II), • Efforts For Land Affairs Dispute And Realization Of Cour’s Rule Which Had Permanent Legal Power At North Sumatra (Chapter III), • Role Of Justice As Agent Of Judicial Reform To Increase Rule Quality (Chapter IV), • Judicial Review Against Regulations Which Of Level And Degree Under The Laws (Chapter V), • Compensation As Result Of Governmental Apparatus Commitment Regulated In Bill Of Governmental Administrative Affairs And Prospect Of (Chapter VI), • ?????? (Chapter VII), • Judicature Competency Of State Law Administration To Resolve Conflictt Of Piblic Information (Chapter VIII).
Nurlaelawati's close and contextually sensitive analysis of judicial practice in Indonesia's Islamic courts yields invaluable insights into the subtle dynamics of legal change in a modern Islamic legal system. Prof. Mark Cammack, Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School, Los Angeles --
Over 5,000 entries arranged in four parts. Part I comprises reference and general works to provide a guide to information on Southeast Asia. Part II provides the setting of space and time. Part III features the people and Part IV the many facets of culture and society — language; ideas, beliefs, values; institutions; creative expression; and social and cultural change. Within each section, the arrangement is geographical, beginning with Southeast Asia as a whole followed by the various countries in alphabetical order.
The 1st International Conference on Tourism, Management and Technology is motivated by improving the quality of research and development relating to tourism, management and technology fields. Thus, this conference has aims: (1) to bring together the scientists, researchers and practitioners, and lecturers. (2) To share and to discuss theoretical and practical knowledge about innovation in tourism, management and technology fields. The conference took place in Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on August, 17th 2019. There are 34 papers that are participated from various topics. The conference involves tourism, management and technology fields, such as; Media and Technology in Tourism, Innovat...