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The Church Confronts Modernity assesses the history of Roman Catholicism since 1950 in the United States, the Republic of Ireland, and the Canadian province of Quebec
This book examines a wide range of country experiences, offers examples of good practice, highlights innovative approaches and identifies promising tools (including new information technologies)for engaging citizens in policy making. It proposes a set of ten guiding principles.
In this richly documented work, Serge Courville tells the geographical history of Quebec from the appearance of the first humans through to the present day. This detailed and erudite book maps major stages of Quebec’s development, providing a geographical record of the many social relationships that over time created a sense of place. Landscape, Courville shows, is the keeper of memory, the record of successive changes, and a witness to the genesis of the new. Places that were once agricultural, then left to waste and ruin, are today revivified by tourism. Areas that now house office buildings were long ago open playgrounds where children ruled. Drawing on vast research, Courville shows how, in spite of the turbulence Quebec often endures – or perhaps because of it – the land itself may be seen as an important participant in the history of its peoples. Quebec: A Historical Geography was originally published by Les Presses de l’Université Laval as Le Québec: Genèses et mutations du territoire.
Alors que la vaste majorité des études scientifiques insistent sur l’importance d’agir pour lutter contre les changements climatiques, il devient essentiel d’adopter des politiques publiques innovantes favorisant le développement durable. Les politiques publiques doivent aujourd’hui s’appuyer sur une conception du développement économique s’inscrivant dans une perspective à long terme et tenant compte des contraintes environnementales et sociales. Le Québec peut déjà se targuer de faire bonne figure en la matière, dans le contexte nord-américain. Il fait partie du marché du carbone, qui vise la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, et peut compter sur un...
Health Reform explores the challenges facing health care provision in the advanced economies. The book exposes the limitations of market-led health reform and demonstrates the indispensable role of a vibrant public authority in the renewal of modern health care systems. Issues covered include: * cost-containment and privatisation strategies in an international perspective * the role of business and the private sector in setting the agenda for health care reform * the restructuring of Anglo-Saxon health systems and the shift in state/market boundaries in Canada, the USA, the UK and Australia * the frontier of health care reform in terms of health and social cohesion *the role of patient choice in health care reform.
In the 1970s, Hydro-Qu?bec declared “We Are Hydro-Qu?b?cois.” The slogan symbolized the intimate ties that had emerged between hydroelectric development in the North and French Canadian aspirations in the South. Caroline Desbiens focuses on the first phase of the James Bay hydroelectric project to explore how this culture of hydroelectricity hastened the erasure of Aboriginal homelands and the manipulation of Northern Quebec’s material landscape. She concludes that truly sustainable resource development will depend on all actors bringing an awareness of their cultural histories and visions of nature, North, and nation to the negotiating table.
Grow better not bigger with proven low-tech, human-scale, biointensive farming methods Making a living wage farming without big capital outlay or acreages may be closer than you think. Growing on just 1.5 acres, Jean-Martin and Maude-Helene feed more than 200 families through their thriving CSA and seasonal market stands. The secret of their success is the low-tech, high-yield production methods they've developed by focusing on growing better rather than growing bigger, making their operation more lucrative and viable in the process. The Market Gardener is a compendium of proven horticultural techniques and innovative growing methods. This complete guide is packed with practical information ...
Examines the implications of health policy on five key areas: clinical practice, politics, economics, ethnics and law, and proposes new directions for Canadian health care. One of Canada's preeminent social thinkers, John Ralston Saul, begins the book with a reminder that public policy can be successful only when driven by the humanistic principles which fueled its formulation. Once saving money becomes a goal in itself, rather than something we do on the side, public policy has little chance of survival. Do We Care? is the result of a conference entitled Directions for Health Care: A framework for Sound Decisions held in Toronto in October 1998.
Le premier guide complet et facile à consulter avec chenilles et cartes de répartition. Les papillons vous fascinent? Découvrez toutes les espèces diurnes de nos régions dans le premier ouvrage sur le marché à vous offrir non seulement des centaines de photos de grande qualité de tous les papillons, mais aussi des illustrations saisissantes de nos chenilles. En plus de textes éclairants sur la biologie et l'écologie de ces captivants insectes, le guide présente des fiches complètes d'identification par espèce (description, espèces semblables, périodes de vol, habitat, plantes hôtes, abondance, etc.). Tout pour combler le débutant comme l'observateur chevronné.
Le Québec a-t-il une politique étrangère? Un ouvrage incontournable sur cette question complexe et délicate.