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Bireyin doğumu ile başlayan yaşamı, bebeklik, çocukluk ve okul dönemleri ile devam eder. Her bir dönem yeni bir serüven, yeni bir öğrenmedir. Yaşamın en çok şeyin öğrenildiği dönemi olan çocukluk, insan yaşamının en özel dönemlerinden biridir. Bu kitap; anne-babalara, psikolojik danışmanlara, psikologlara, öğretmenlere, konuyla ilgili uzmanlara ve eğitim görenlere, çocuğun doğum öncesi döneminden başlayarak ergenlik sonuna kadar süregelen tüm gelişimine ve karşılaşılan sorunlara yönelik detaylı bir inceleme sunmak üzere yazılmış bir kitaptır.
>>„Tato skvělá kniha rozbije vaše představy o tom, co je třeba ke zlepšení a úspěchu.“ — Serena Williams, vítězka 23 grandslamů ve dvouhře<< # O knize Čím je determinován úspěch? Talentem, každodenní dřinou, nebo snad rodinným zázemím? Adam Grant nabízí překvapivý pohled na to, jak můžeme sebe i ostatní pozvednout do nečekaných výšin. Růst totiž vyžaduje mnohem víc než pouhý trénink a nastavení mysli. Závisí především na sadě dovedností, které bohužel nevědomky přehlížíme. Na základě rozsáhlých výzkumů i skutečných příběhů Grant dokazuje, že náš pokrok nespočívá ani tak v tvrdé práci, jako v rozvinutí schopno...
Bestsellerauteur over het benutten van je verborgen potentieel. Voor lezers van Atomic habits van James Clear, Grip van Rick Pastoor en Outliers van Malcolm Gladwell We leven in een wereld die geobsedeerd is door talent. We bewonderen getalenteerde studenten, atleten die schijnbaar moeiteloos tot wereldprestaties komen en wonderkinderen in de muziek. Maar het bewonderen van mensen die beginnen met aangeboren voordelen leidt ertoe dat we niet zien wat we zelf zouden kunnen bereiken. We onderschatten hoe goed we zouden kunnen worden als we nieuwe vaardigheden leren. We kunnen allemaal beter worden in het verbeteren van onszelf. Gebaseerd op wetenschappelijke inzichten en aan de hand van inspir...
We were established in 2020 as an academic studies group. The purpose of our group is to share academic information, write academic books, and share new views and ideas. Our group, which started its activities with this mission, has become an association in 2022. The Academic Studies Group is a group formed by faculty members from more than 20 countries. Our group consists of 800 academicians, 500 of whom are from Turkey and 300 from various countries of the world. We held our first congress together with Çağ University in May 2021. We held our second congress together with Karabuk University in October 2021 . We held our thırd congress together with Osmaniye Korkut Ata University in May 2022. IV. The International Congress of Academic Studies (ASC-2022 / FALL) held in Poland between 3-5 November 2022, hosted by Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy, POLAND, face-to-face and online. As the Academic Working Group, we are getting stronger with each congress. We would like to thank the organizing committee and our authors for their support at the congress. We hope to unite this cooperation under the roof of an institute or university in the coming years.
These proceedings from the 2013 symposium on "Chaos, complexity and leadership" reflect current research results from all branches of Chaos, Complex Systems and their applications in Management. Included are the diverse results in the fields of applied nonlinear methods, modeling of data and simulations, as well as theoretical achievements of Chaos and Complex Systems. Also highlighted are Leadership and Management applications of Chaos and Complexity Theory.
Viele Autoren haben die Gewohnheiten von Supertalenten beschrieben, die Spitzenleistungen erbringen. Doch Adam Grant zeigt: Wir alle können Großes erreichen! Denn unser Fortschritt hängt nicht davon ab, wie hart wir arbeiten, sondern davon, wie gut wir lernen. Unsere Entwicklung ist keine Frage der Talente, die uns gegeben sind, sondern der Einstellung. Grants Forschungen beweisen: Wenn wir gezielt unsere vorhandenen Fähigkeiten stärken und neue Motivationsstrukturen aufbauen, können wir unsere verborgenen Potenziale heben und Dinge erreichen, die wir nicht für möglich gehalten hätten!
Rien ne nous empêche de devenir ce que nous voulons... à part nous-même ! Contrairement aux idées reçues, avoir du talent ne tient pas du miracle : nous sommes tous capables de bien plus que ce que nous pensons ! Pour ce faire, il faut accepter de sortir de sa zone de confort et laisser réellement libre cours à toutes ses aspirations. À travers une série d’études scientifiques et sociologiques, accompagnées de récits inspirants allant des écoles primaires aux entretiens de la Nasa, Adam Grant nous montre comment développer nos « qualités de caractère », celles qui transcendent notre personnalité, boostent notre motivation et nous propulsent vers les sommets. Nous pouvons...
Personality Psychology: A Student-Centered Approach by Jim McMartin organizes the field of personality psychology around basic questions relevant to the reader’s past, present, and future selves. Answers to the questions are based on findings from up-to-date research and shed light on the validity of personality theories to help students deepen their understanding of their own personalities. Concise, conversational, and easy-to-understand, the Second Edition is enhanced with new chapters, new research that reflects the latest scholarship, and new photos and illustrations throughout.
The Chaos Theory of Careers outlines the application of chaos theory to the field of career development. It draws together and extends the work that the authors have been doing over the last 8 to 10 years. This text represents a new perspective on the nature of career development. It emphasizes the dimensions of careers frequently neglected by contemporary accounts of careers such as the challenges and opportunities of uncertainty, the interconnectedness of current life and the potential for information overload, career wisdom as a response to unplanned change, new approaches to vocational assessment based on emergent thinking, the place of spirituality and the search for meaning and purpose...
In this book, readers will discover a developmental view of social functioning in children at different stages. Chapters are based in transactional theory in that the environment plays a role in the development of social competence skills as well as the biological contributions the child brings to his/her experiences. The familial and school contributions to social understanding are discussed in this volume.