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How can the church navigate the challenges of our secular age? In The Church in a Secular Age, Norwegian and Pentecostal scholar Silje Kvamme Bjørndal takes on three dynamic thinkers, each in their own way, in search for insights to this question. Philosopher Charles Taylor offers the backdrop for the conversation, as Bjørndal carefully sifts out some of his most central tenets for understanding our secular age. Bjørndal then turns to the theologian and ethicist Stanley Hauerwas and critically engages his notion of the church as a community set apart from our secular age. By bringing several of Hauerwas’s interlocutors into the conversation, Bjørndal manages to bring out both the acute...
This volume is about ecclesiology and ethnography and what really matters in such academic work. How does material from field studies matter in a theological conversation? How does theology, in various forms, matter in analysis and interpretation of field work material? How does method matter? The authors draw on their research experiences and engage in conversations concerning reflexivity, normativity, and representation in qualitative theological work. The role and responsibility of the researcher is addressed from various perspectives in the first part of the book. In the next section the authors discuss ways in which empirical studies are able to disrupt the implicit and explicit normati...
In a postsecular cultural situation the conditions for understanding and communicating a Christian tradition have changed. None of the established religions can any longer claim monopoly in the "marketplace of religions." A claim of this study is that a postsecular situation characterized, among other things, by dwindling memberships in established churches as well as a new visibility of alternative religious expressions, opens up a need to reflect on alternative ways of understanding Christianity in its context. This study focuses on the question, how can a Christian tradition be communicated understandably in a postsecular context? In traditional terms: how can Christian witness be underst...
Eccentricity in Anthropology brings into conversation a constructive, critical interpretation of David Kelsey's Eccentric Existence with a central--yet often overlooked--debate in theological anthropology: the substantive-relational imago Dei. Milford's work explores new insights into human identity and dignity. In particular he demonstrates the value of an alternate constructive of humanity in the image of God. This construction utilizes an interpretation of Kelsey's anthropological formula so as to describe human identity as part of the created order in terms of its myriad features, which are externally rooted. Eccentricity in Anthropology demonstrates that an alternate approach to this de...
Must the church be either charismatic or sacramental? In this book, Terje Hegertun argues that she has the privilege of being both. The Day of Pentecost formed her identity and shaped her conviction of being lifted on the arms of grace and pushed forward by the power from on high. In the midst of her vulnerability and failure, the worldwide faith community is a composition of the Spirit. One of the greatest gifts the church may offer the world is simply to be church: a charismatic-sacramental fellowship, a dwelling place of God's Spirit. A church nurtured by graceful charismatic and sacramental gifts fosters a mature congregational spirituality distinguished by hospitable relations. Thus, the Spirit of God plays the main role of being the comprehensive principle of Christian unity across denominational lines.
Why do some late modern churches grow, counter to the trend in Western Europe? Why do people identify with such churches – and does identification lead to morally transforming commitments beyond late modern consumerism? This case study investigates these questions based on ‘real life’ or empirical research, which include both the level of individual life strategies and organisational practice in two growing European churches. This innovative and interdisciplinary study draws on recent findings in theology, moral philosophy, sociology and organisational psychology. Its findings may prove useful not only for scholars in these disciplines, it may also enrich the reflection of practitioners who seek to perform the difficult art of transformational leadership in a late modern context.
This book offers the first sustained, full-length treatment of the wide-ranging work of major Anglican theologian Oliver O'Donovan. Analyzing such key texts as Resurrection and Moral Order, The Desire of the Nations and Ethics as Theology, Samuel Tranter shows that the relationship between eschatology and ethics is an area of significant tension in O'Donovan's evolving vision of moral theology. Tranter traces this tension as it relates to O'Donovan's writing and contemporary discussion around natural law, divine command and human flourishing, as well as to particular topics such as poverty, marriage and singleness and biotechnology. He also connects it with the broader doctrinal features of ...
How can the church navigate the challenges of our secular age? In The Church in a Secular Age, Norwegian and Pentecostal scholar Silje Kvamme Bjorndal takes on three dynamic thinkers, each in their own way, in search for insights to this question. Philosopher Charles Taylor offers the backdrop for the conversation, as Bjorndal carefully sifts out some of his most central tenets for understanding our secular age. Bjorndal then turns to the theologian and ethicist Stanley Hauerwas and critically engages his notion of the church as a community set apart from our secular age. By bringing several of Hauerwas's interlocutors into the conversation, Bjorndal manages to bring out both the acute relev...
Efter journalist og forfatter Charlotte Rørths bog ”Jeg mødte Jesus” udkom i 2015 har hun modtaget op mod 1000 henvendelser fra andre mennesker, som har oplevet uforklarlige hændelser a la hendes. Blandt andet journalisten Jesper, lægen Jette, og BMW-direktøren, nu søster Mechtild, som hun opsøger og samtaler med i ”Vi mødte Jesus”. Fælles for de op mod 50 spirituelle hændelser, hun omtaler i bogen og for mange af de mennesker, hun taler med, er, at oplevelserne har været tabubelagte, og at de ikke er blevet fortalt til andre - før nu. I bogen interviewer Charlotte Rørth også forskere, som kommer med naturvidenskabelige forklaringer på fænomenerne, og teologer, der advarer mod personfiksering, og samfundsforskere, der ser en åbenhed om det enkelte menneskes tro og oplevelser som et råb i tiden mod magtfuldkommenhed og fremmedgørelse.
Hvordan har kristendommen preget de verdiene vi bygger det norske samfunnet på? Grunnloven sier at Norges verdigrunnlag «forblir vår kristne og humanistiske arv». Men er det riktig å sette den «kristne og humanistiske arven» i en særstilling i et stadig mer flerkulturelt og samfunn? Virker dette diskriminerende, og hva er det ved denne arven vi ønsker å bevare? I Hvor kristent skal Norge være? Trekker Halvor Nordhaug og Henrik Syse noen historiske linjer fra kristendommens opprinnelse fram til i dag, for å vise hvordan kristendommen har påvirket dagens menneskesyn, lovverk og samfunnsliv. Halvor Nordhaug er biskop i Bjørgvin. Henrik Syse er filosof, forsker og medlem at Den norske Nobelkomité.