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Apresenta as coleções etnográficas do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo procedentes do território brasileiro.
The book discusses the representation of Amazonian indigenous cultures in art and anthropological exhibitions through the analysis of a series of case studies of temporary exhibitions taking place in museums and biennials in Brazil, Europe and the United States spanning a period of 25 years from the mid-1980s. The book puts forward the concept of ‘minor curating’ as a strategy to amplify access to collections of historical relevance for indigenous peoples and to enable them to develop projects that are politically, historically and culturally meaningful for their own societies through curatorial authorship.
An iconographic study of the Gold Museum of the Banco de la Republica, Columbia.
Focusing on the Bororo people of west-central Brazil, this book addresses the construction of self-identity through interethnic interaction. By presenting the images the Bororo have of themselves as well as the images of others who have interacted with them, Brazilian anthropologist Sylvia Caiuby Novaes argues convincingly that Bororo self-images are constructed with the aid of a peculiar looking-glass—it is in the images of others that they see themselves. Incorporating contributions from psychology, psychoanalysis, linguistics, and semiotics, Play of Mirrors focuses on symbols, images, discourse, and meanings rather than solely on the problem of acculturation. It thus reflects the thinking of a new generation of Brazilian anthropologists who have shifted their focus from native communities as isolated entities to an examination of their embeddedness within broader national and international arenas.
Numa edição primorosa, os autores relatam a revolução pela qual passou a Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, fundada em 1962. O volume mostra de que modo foram criados o logotipo, as coleções, a identidade da editora, os projetos gráficos etc. Descreve, sobretudo, os caminhos que fizeram da Edusp uma das mais atuantes e influentes editoras universitárias do país. O leitor descobre, enfim, por que ela tornou-se exemplo de como divulgar o conhecimento produzido na academia. Prêmio Fernando Pini de Excelência Gráfica 2002
Eine Yupik-Maske aus Alaska, eine Malerei der Aborigines, eine Miniaturlandschaft aus der Song-Dynastie, ein holländisches Interieurgemälde aus dem 17. Jahrhundert, abstrakte Kunst aus dem 20. Jahrhundert: Was ein Bild zeigt oder gerade nicht zeigt, enthüllt ein bestimmtes figuratives Schema, das durch die formalen Mittel und durch die Anordnung, mit der es seine Wirkungskraft entfaltet, gekennzeichnet ist. Bilder ermöglichen uns so einen Zugang zu dem, was unterschiedliche menschliche Lebensformen ausmacht. Gestützt auf einen globalen und historisch weit ausgreifenden Vergleich von Werken einer atemberaubenden Vielfalt entwickelt Philippe Descola in seinem Buch die Grundlagen für eine...
Old Poisons, New Problems is a timely and welcome practical guide to identifying, testing for, and dealing with contaminated cultural materials archived in museum collections. With increasing indigenous involvement in the collection, handling, and_more recently_the repatriation of cultural artifacts formerly held in museum archives, there is an increasing need to educate both the museum community and tribal members about the potential risks of pesticide contamination on museum collections, and provide the means to test for, identify, analyze, and safely handle these artifacts. Special features include worksheets for performing basic tests, charts of scientific and historical information on known pesticides, data resources, and illustrations. This book will be widely used by members of the museum community, as well as the tribal groups, involved with the managing of these collections.