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Buku Ajar Nifas DIII Kebidanan Jilid II merupakan media pembelajaran yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk membantu jalannya proses perkuliahan sejak awal semester sampai akhir semester. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan latihan soal pada masing-masing babnya. Buku ajar ini diimplementasikan dari kurikulum kesehatan yang terbaru sehingga ilmu yang disajikan dalam buku ajar ini dapat menjadi rujukan yang tepat untuk mahasiswa DIII Kebidanan. Buku ini ditulis tim dosen yang ahli dibidangnya, kemudian melewati proses tinjauan (Review) dan pengeditan (editing) yang cukup ketat hingga tangan panel expert dan proofreading. Harapan kami, buku ini dapat memperkaya pengetahuan mahasiswa terkait ilmu kesehatan dan kemampuan dalam menjawab latihan soal berbentuk kasus, sehinggan dapat mengantarkan calon tenaga kesehatan yang sukses dan professional. Salam Cumlaude
Uji kompetensi merupakan suatu tolak ukur dan implementasi kurikulum bagi mahasiswa kesehatan di Indonesia. Setiap tahunnya, masih ada beberapa mahasiswa yang belum mampu melewati proses tersebut. Buku latihan soal ini disajikan untuk mahasiswa Profesi Bidan sebagai media belajar untuk mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi uji kompetensi. Buku ini ditulis oleh tim dosen yang ahli dibidangnya, kemudian melewati proses review yang cukup ketat hingga ke tangan panel expert dan proofreading. Harapan kami, buku ini dapat memperkaya pengetahuan mahasiswa terhadap soal-soal berbentuk kasus dan melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menaklukkan soal uji kompetensi. Salam Kompeten.
Dr. Pensak teaches the business underdog to find the root of problems and then find lucrative solutions.
This book aims at contributing to address some of the challenge that developing countries, especially the least-developing countries, face in the design of trade in service policies and to provide governments with tools to better incorporate services in their export strategies, including negotiations and cooperation with trading partners, and unilateral reforms. This book helps to identify key policy challenges faced by developing country trade negotiators, regulatory policy officials and/or service suppliers. Management of both policy reforms and trade agreements requires investments in sounder regulatory regimes and the establishment of enforcement mechanisms to help countries gradually op...
"The central theme of this book is the utility of bilateralism and multilateralism in Southeast Asia international relations. The intention was to examine a sufficient number of empirical cases in the Southeast Asian region since the mid-1970's so as to establish a pattern of interactions informing a wider audience of interactions unique to the region. Through these case studies, we seek to identify how this pattern of interaction compares with similar experiences elsewhere vis-a-vis the theoretical underpinnings of multilateralism and bilateralism. Consequently, this book also examines the theoretical drift in international relations literature at the broadest level and the overall drift of Southeast Asian international relations between the nations themselves and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)."--P. xv.
The ultimate aim of reading is not the process but to understand what we read and comprehension can take place at many different levels. There has been an increasing emphasis on the importance of reading comprehension in recent years but despite this there is very little written on this vital topic accessible to trainee and practicing teachers. The Handbook of Reading Comprehension presents an overview of recent findings on reading comprehension and comprehension problems in children. It provides a detailed examination of the characteristics of children who have reading comprehension difficulties, and examines ways in which comprehension can be supported and improved. It is accessibly writte...
Especially since the Cold War, research relating to international relations is Asia has grown expoentially and, to make sense of what is now a vast and unweidly corpus of literature, this collection from the Critical Issues in Modern Politics series brings together the best and most influential work in the field.
Part of a series designed for teachers and teacher trainees who wish to improve their classroom teaching. It provides practical suggestions for lessons and activities, adopting an integrated approach which examines teaching across the skills, rather than one skill at a time.
As much as skills and styles matter when it comes to design, every visual begins with a fundamental element that can be enhanced or expanded into an aesthetically pleasing and meaningful piece of work. Whether they serve as simple points of focus or building blocks for complex patterns, these elements present countless possibilities when combined with purpose and principles like contrast, balance, rhythm, and white space. Going back to basics, DOT, LINE, SHAPE is a comprehensive collection of projects that manifest the three elements in inspiring and ingenious ways to bring unique creative visions to life. No matter how trends or platforms change over time, they serve as timeless components that provide designers and artists around the world with infinite means of expression to make a lasting impact.