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Companion to Contemporary Architectural Thought
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 673

Companion to Contemporary Architectural Thought

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003-09-02
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Architecture has attracted increasing worldwide attention in recent years, not only because of its cultural significance but also because of concern over the performance and resource implications of buildings. 101 in-depth articles by international scholars and practitioners bring the subject into focus by examining issues from various viewpoints. Please contact your representative for a leaflet detailing full contents and contributors. It also includes sample pages and several illustrations from the book.

Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 1003

Pharmakologie und Toxikologie

Ihr Wegweiser durch die Welt der Arzneimittel Was machen Betablocker? Wie beeinflussen Wirkstoffe unseren Hormonhaushalt? Und wie kann ich mir die vielen Antibiotika merken? In diesem Buch werden alle wichtigen Arzneimittel, gegliedert nach Organsystemen, umfassend dargestellt. Dabei wird in jedem Kapitel neben Wirkmechanismus, Kinetik, unerwünschten Wirkungen, Interaktionen und Indikationen auch die Pharmakotherapie beschrieben. Die allgemeinen und die molekularen Grundlagen werden ausführlich erklärt und helfen, Wirkmechanismen besser zu verstehen. Um die große Menge an Lernstoff besser bewältigen zu können, gibt es ein durchdachtes didaktisches Konzept: • Arzneimittel-Steckbriefe für den schnellen Überblick • Lernziele am Kapitelanfang • Fallbeispiele für die Praxis • Cave- und Merksätze für die wichtigsten Fakten

Wide Area Workflow Management
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 325

Wide Area Workflow Management

In this volume Gerold Riempp examines the interaction of different workflow management systems (WFMS) in geographically-distributed and legally-separate organisations. This is an emerging field of research known as Wide Area Workflow Management (WAWM). He examines the technical and managerial aspects of workflow management via a framework which he has developed to describe the problems involved in WAWM and to find viable solutions. Based on this theoretical framework, the author also develops a prototype software framework - the Wide Area GroupFlow System - to demonstrate the solutions via practical software tools. The tools will be available to the reader via the WWW. Also included are the results of case studies from some of the 15 developers who have been using this software over the past two years.

Mental Health in English Language Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 261

Mental Health in English Language Education

Mental health has become a growing concern in today's society, with schools emerging as focal points for addressing this topic. The present volume takes this as a starting point to explore the relevance of curricula and competencies, texts and materials, (digital) culture and communication, and teacher education in the context of mental health and English language education. This, for instance, includes insights into interrelated topics such as gender, climate change, stress, and conspiracy theories. A variety of texts including multimodal novels, video games, and songs provides practical impulses for integrating mental health related topics into English lessons. As such, this volume brings together scholars from various fields who discuss the relationship between mental health issues and English as a foreign language learning from a variety of theoretical, empirical, and practice-oriented perspectives.

The Work
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1344

The Work

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-07-19
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  • Publisher: Birkhäuser

As an architect, urban planner and sculptor, Rob Krier has created a multifaceted oeuvre which is presented here in a comprehensive manner for the first time. After graduating, Krier first worked with O. M. Ungers and Frei Otto before setting up his own studios in Vienna and Berlin. He later taught at the Vienna University of Technology from 1976 to 1998 and as a visiting professor at Yale University in 1986. Drawing on a wealth of historical models and archetypal patterns, he developed new typologies of streets and public squares as an architect and urban planner, and was responsible for numerous urban development projects throughout Europe. These included the perimeter block development on Ritterstrasse for the IBA in Berlin, the residential complex on Breitenfurter Strasse in Vienna, the Kirchsteigfeld district in Potsdam, and numerous projects in the Netherlands.

Roads and Airports Pavement Surface Characteristics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1067

Roads and Airports Pavement Surface Characteristics

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-06-05
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Roads and Airports Pavement Surface Characteristics contains the papers presented at the 9th International Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics (SURF 2022, Milan, Italy, 12-14 September 2022). The symposium was jointly organized by the Italian company that manages Italy’s National Roads (ANAS –Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group), the World Road Association (PIARC) and Politecnico di Milano. The contributions aim to improve the quality of pavement surface characteristics while accomplishing efficiency, safety, sustainability, and addressing new generation mobility needs. The book covers topics from emerging research to engineering practice, and is divided in the following sectio...

Investigation of the Self-organising Behaviour of Laser Implanted Tool Surfaces
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 154

Investigation of the Self-organising Behaviour of Laser Implanted Tool Surfaces

The alignment of defined surface structures on sheet metal surfaces for metal forming operations by skin-pass rolling is a common approach for improving the formability, the durability of the used forming tools, and the optical appearance of the final product. Especially automotive applications impose high requirements on the properties and the repeatability of surface structures. Different roll structuring techniques have therefore been developed during the last decades and found entrance into industrial application. However, the lifetime of the structured rolls is still not satisfying, which necessitates expensive and time consuming chrome plating and roll replacement. Furthermore, a study...

Jeffrey Sachs
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 209

Jeffrey Sachs

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-04-15
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  • Publisher: Verso Books

An investigation of Sachs’s schizophrenic career, and the worldwide havoc he has caused. Jeffrey Sachs is a man with many faces. A celebrated economist and special advisor to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, he is also no stranger to the world of celebrity, accompanying Bono, Madonna and Angelina Jolie on high-profile trips to Africa. Once notorious as the progenitor of a brutal form of free market engineering called ‘shock therapy’, Sachs now positions himself as a voice of progressivism, condemning the ‘1 per cent’ and promoting his solution to extreme poverty through the Millennium Villages Project. Appearances can be deceiving. Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr Shock and Mr Aid is the story of an evangelical development expert who poses as saviour of the Third World while opening vulnerable nations to economic exploitation. Based on documentary research and on-the-ground investigation, Jeffrey Sachs exposes Mr Aid as no more than a new, more human face of Dr Shock.

Hybrid Friction Eutectic Bonding (HFEB) – stoffschlüssiges Fügen von Aluminium und Kupfer unter Nutzung der eutektischen Reaktion
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 190

Hybrid Friction Eutectic Bonding (HFEB) – stoffschlüssiges Fügen von Aluminium und Kupfer unter Nutzung der eutektischen Reaktion

Der zunehmende Einsatz von Aluminium-Kupfer-Mischverbindungen für Anwendungen im Bereich E-Mobility führt zu Herausforderungen an die einzusetzenden Fügetechnologien. In dieser Arbeit wurde daher gezielt die Bildung einer eutektischen Schmelze zwischen Aluminium und Kupfer während eines Pressschweißprozesses ausgelöst, um den Lösungsraum zwischen Press- und Schmelzschweißverfahren zu nutzen. Während der Initialkontakt durch den Fügedruck beschleunigt wird, findet die Vergrößerung der Fügefläche durch die Bildung einer eutektischen Schmelze zwischen den festen Grundwerkstoffen innerhalb von weniger als einer Sekunde statt. In Abhängigkeit der Prozessführung kann der Pressschweißprozess erneut genutzt werden, um die Schmelze aus der Fügezone zu verdrängen. Die Bildung weiterer spröden Phasen wird durch die Limitierung der Spitzentemperatur und des Energieeintrags minimiert. Durch eine geeignete Prozessführung zeigen sich Vorteile beim Übertrag auf weitere Verfahren und Bauteilgeometrien.

Science, Characterization and Technology of Joining and Welding
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

Science, Characterization and Technology of Joining and Welding

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-05-22
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  • Publisher: MDPI

As the Guest Editor of this Special Issue entitled "Science, Characterization, and Technology of Joining and Welding" of Metals, I am pleased to have this book published by MDPI. Joining, including welding, soldering, brazing, and assembly, is an essential requirement in manufacturing processes and is classified as a secondary manufacturing process. This Special Issue of Metals includes technical and review papers on, but not limited to, different aspects of joining and welding, including welding technologies (i.e., fusion-based welding and solid-state welding), characterization, metallurgy and materials science, quality control, and design and numerical simulation. This Special Issue also i...