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Image – Action – Space
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 216

Image – Action – Space

  • Categories: Art

Screen-based media, such as touch-screens, navigation systems and virtual reality applications merge images and operations. They turn viewing first and foremost into using and reflect the turn towards an active role of the image in guiding a user’s action and perception. From professional environments to everyday life multiple configurations of screens organise working routines, structure interaction, and situate users in space both within and beyond the boundaries of the screen. This volume examines the linking of screen, space, and operation in fields such as remote navigation, architecture, medicine, interface design, and film production asking how the interaction with and through screens structures their users’ action and perception.

Social Class and Transnational Human Capital
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 217

Social Class and Transnational Human Capital

Due to globalization processes, foreign language skills, knowledge about other countries and intercultural competences have increasingly become important for societies and people’s social positions. Previous research on social inequality, however, has dominantly focused on the reproduction of class structures within the boundaries of a particular nation-state without considering the importance of these specific skills and competences. Within Social Class and Transnational Human Capital authors Gerhards, Hans and Carlson refer to these skills as ‘transnational human capital’ and ask to what extent access to this increasingly sought-after resource depends on social class. Based on Pierre...

Digital Design
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

Digital Design

A groundbreaking history of digital design from the nineteenth century to today Digital design has emerged as perhaps the most dynamic force in society, occupying a fluid, experimental space where product design intersects with art, film, business, engineering, theater, music, and artificial intelligence. Stephen Eskilson traces the history of digital design from its precursors in the nineteenth century to its technological and cultural ascendency today, providing a multifaceted account of a digital revolution that touches all aspects of our lives. We live in a time when silicon processors, miniaturization, and CAD-enhanced 3D design have transformed the tangible world of cars and coffee mak...

On the Road
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 549

On the Road

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-12-14
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  • Publisher: Fuego

Das wilde Leben und die impulsive, rebellische Literatur der Beat-Generation glichen nicht selten einer Höllenfahrt. Hans-Christian Kirsch porträtiert die Leitfiguren der literarischen Untergrundbewegung der 50er und 60er Jahre in den USA und setzt der Beat-Literatur mit liebevoller, aber keineswegs unkritischer und bisweilen ironischer Reverenz ein sehr persönliches Denkmal.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 209


A provocative, raucous dark comedy about race and racism in America, now back in print after twenty-five years and with a new preface by the author. Darius James’s scabrous, unapologetically raunchy, truly hilarious, and deeply scary Negrophobia is a wild-eyed reckoning with the mutating insanity of American racism. A screenplay for the mind, a performance on the page, a work of poetry, a mad mix of genres and styles, a novel in the tradition of William S. Burroughs and Ishmael Reed that is like no other novel, Negrophobia begins with the blonde bombshell Bubbles Brazil succumbing to a voodoo spell and entering the inner darkness of her own shiny being. Here crackheads parade in the guise of Muppets, Muslims beat conga drums, Negroes have numbers for names, and H. Rap Remus demands the total and instantaneous extermination of the white race through spontaneous combustion. By the end of it all, after going on a weird trip for the ages, Bubbles herself is strangely transformed.

Hitler's First War
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 467

Hitler's First War

The story of Hitler's formative experiences as a soldier on the Western Front - now told in full for the first time, presenting a radical revision of Hitler's own account of this time in Mein Kampf.

Beyond the Wall
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 354

Beyond the Wall

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-04-06
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  • Publisher: Random House

AN INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE TIMES * SUNDAY TIMES * TELEGRAPH * SPECTATOR * PROSPECT 'Utterly brilliant . . . Authoritative, lively and profoundly human, it is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand post-World War II Europe' Julia Boyd 'One of the best young historians writing in English today. . . Well-researched, well-written and profoundly insightful, Beyond the Wall explodes many of the lazy Western cliches about East Germany' Andrew Roberts In 1990, a country disappeared. When the iron curtain fell, East Germany simply ceased to be. For over forty years, from the ruin of the Second World War to the cusp of a new millennium, the GDR p...

Babylon - Mallorca
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 406

Babylon - Mallorca

Die Studie unternimmt am Beispiel des deutschsprachigen Exilromans zur Zeit des ‚Dritten Reichs‘ den Versuch, die Ästhetik des Komischen als Teil einer modernen Exilpoetik zu etablieren. Sie berücksichtigt dabei das gesamte Spektrum komischer Schreibformen von der Satire über den Humor bis hin zum Grotesken, zum Pikaresken und zum Witz. In drei historisch-systematischen Grundlagenkapiteln und drei Fallstudien zu Alfred Döblin, Veza Canetti und Albert Vigoleis Thelen erfolgt die Analyse der Funktionen, Potentiale und Grenzen dieser komisierenden Erzählverfahren. Der Band versteht sich als Beitrag zur Rehabilitierung der komischen Dimension der Exilliteratur bzw. überhaupt erst zur Kenntlichmachung des Komischen als ernstzunehmender Schreibstrategie im Exil.

Geschichten von drüben
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 170

Geschichten von drüben

Eine Hamburger Journalistin zieht Anfang 2005 aufs Land ins Herzogtum Lauenburg, 400 Meter vom ehemaligen Todesstreifen entfernt. Sie entdeckt das andere Deutschland, die ehemalige DDR und stellt fest, dass sie von den Aborigines, den Ureinwohnern Australiens, mehr weiß als von den Menschen „drüben“. Sie fragt, hört zu, schreibt auf. Herausgekommen sind 17 spannende, anrührende und auch komische „Geschichten von drüben“. Sie erzählen von Ostdeutschen, die westwärts bis nach Amerika gegangen sind; von Westdeutschen, die sich im Osten niedergelassen haben; von Fluchtversuchen, die im DDR-Ge-fängnis endeten; von DDR-Bürgern, die mit Stasi-Spitzeln und Sperrgebiet zurecht kommen mussten und von der Erfurter Sängerin Gerda Gabriel, die 21 Jahre nach dem Tod ihres Entdeckers Dean Reed einen neuen amerikanischen Freund fand.

장벽 너머
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 1009

장벽 너머

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-03-20
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  • Publisher: 서해문집

철의 장막이 무너지면서 동독은 더 이상 존재하지 않는 나라가 되었다. 제2차 세계대전의 폐허에서 새로운 밀레니엄의 시작에 이르는 40여 년 동안 독일민주공화국은 이전과 현재의 독일과는 근본적으로 다른 독일을 보여 주었다. 사회주의 연대, 비밀경찰, 중앙 계획, 철조망 등 이데올로기와 지정학의 단층선 위에 세워진 독일이었다. 동독에서 태어나 영국에서 활동하고 있는, 저명한 역사학자 카트야 호이어는 사라진 이 나라에 대한 만화경 같은 새로운 시각을 제시한다. 히틀러에게 추방당한 독일 마르크스주의자들의 쓰라...