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The Long Covid Self-Help Guide
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 209

The Long Covid Self-Help Guide

The first practical, accessible self-help guide to managing symptoms of Long Covid. More than 1 million people suffer from Long Covid in the UK (with 400,000 people suffering symptoms for over a year), and many more globally. Yet there is no clear guidance available to the general public, and lots of misinformation out there. This handbook cuts through the confusing advice. Written by the medical experts working with Long Covid patients at one of the first specialist clinics set up, it is filled with helpful case studies and was written with the involvement of real Long Covid sufferers. The focus is on self-management with a simple, consistent message about improving symptoms. Each chapter takes a different issue in turn and offers clear, friendly guidance on key areas such as breathlessness, psychological aspects, brain fog, fatigue, returning to exercise and returning to work.

The Long Covid Self-Help Guide
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 226

The Long Covid Self-Help Guide

The first practical, accessible self-help guide to managing symptoms of Long Covid. More than 1 million people suffer from Long Covid in the UK (with 400,000 people suffering symptoms for over a year), and many more globally. Yet there is no clear guidance available to the general public, and lots of misinformation out there. This handbook cuts through the confusing advice. Written by the medical experts working with Long Covid patients at one of the first specialist clinics set up, it is filled with helpful case studies and was written with the involvement of real Long Covid sufferers. The focus is on self-management with a simple, consistent message about improving symptoms. Each chapter takes a different issue in turn and offers clear, friendly guidance on key areas such as breathlessness, psychological aspects, brain fog, fatigue, returning to exercise and returning to work.

Postcovid: En självhjälpsguide
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 161

Postcovid: En självhjälpsguide

Över 30 000 svenskar har drabbats av postcovid sedan pandemin startade och globalt sett är det många, många fler. Ändå saknas tydliga råd som är riktade mot allmänheten, och det finns en stor förvirring om vad som faktiskt hjälper. Den här handboken samlar kunskapen och de viktigaste råden om hur livet med postcovid kan underlättas. Boken är skriven av de medicinska experter som arbetar med postcovidpatienter på en av de första specialistklinikerna som startats upp efter att pandemin började. Den tar upp många hjälpsamma fallstudier och har utformats tillsammans med personer som lider av postcovid. Fokus ligger på att lära sig att förstå, hantera och lindra symptomen: trötthet, andnöd, sömnstörningar, psykologiska aspekter, försämrat luktsinne, problem med balansen, samt att återgå till träning, arbete och att hantera det dagliga livet, med tips från andra med postcovid ... och mycket mer.

Svépomocný průvodce long covidem
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 272

Svépomocný průvodce long covidem

První praktický, přístupný, svépomocný a odborný průvodce pro zvládání příznaků chronického covidu čili long-covidu pro širokou veřejnost, která je v České republice odkázána na své praktické lékaře a je často bezmocná. Bez jasných medicínských rad, uprostřed dezinformací a nedůvěry k této diagnóze, kterou v EU trpí přibližně 17 milionů osob, je tato kniha potřebným rádcem pro každého, kdo bojuje s následky pandemie dlouho po jejím odeznění. Kniha je sestavena z kapitol psaných multidisciplinárním týmem lékařských odborníků pracujících s pacienty s postcovidem na jedné z prvních specializovaných klinik v Oxfordu. Je plná konkrétních rad a doporučení, se zapojením užitečných případových studií pacientů trpících těmito symptomy. Každá kapitola pojednává o jiném příznaku onemocnění a nabízí jasné, přátelsky podané pokyny v klíčových oblastech, jako je dušnost, poruchy spánku, smyslová poškození, psychologické aspekty, mozková mlha, únava, návrat k pohybu a návrat do práce, s důrazem na sebepéči.

Long covid zelfhulpgids
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 173

Long covid zelfhulpgids

De 'Long covid zelfhulpgids' is het langverwachte handboek met alle belangrijke informatie voor iedereen die na corona kampt met long covid-klachten. De 'Long covid zelfhulpgids' is het eerste Nederlandstalige boek dat voor jou alle beschikbare en betrouwbare informatie over long covid bundelt. Dit boek is geschreven door de experts van de post-covidkliniek in Oxford én long covid-patiënten. Het bevat praktisch advies over hoe om te gaan met klachten als vermoeidheid, kortademigheid, hoofdpijn of zelfs depressie.

The Future of the Professions
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 589

The Future of the Professions

With a new preface outlining the most recent critical developments, this updated edtion of The Future of the Professions predicts how technology will transform the work of doctors, teachers, architects, lawyers, and many others in the 21st century, and introduces the people and systems that may replace them.

Das Long Covid Selbsthilfe-Buch
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 315

Das Long Covid Selbsthilfe-Buch

Long Covid bewältigen: Praxis-Tipps im Umgang mit der neuen Volkskrankheit Bleierne Müdigkeit, Watte im Kopf, Atembeschwerden, Schlafstörungen, Herzklopfen, Brustschmerzen, Geruchsverlust: Hunderttausende Menschen leiden in Deutschland schon ein Jahr oder länger unter Long Covid, viel mehr als eine Million schon mindestens drei Monate. Die Krankheit ist nicht leicht zu erkennen, aber inzwischen weiß man mehr: Wann es Long Covid ist und wann nicht, wie man es behandeln kann – und was jeder selbst tun kann, um damit fertigzuwerden. Dieses Buch präsentiert das gesammelte Wissen einer Pionier-Einrichtung, in der viele Hundert Patient:innen behandelt worden sind. Leicht verständlich gibt es ganz praktische Tipps, um die Symptome zu lindern, zu meistern und in den Alltag oder das Berufsleben zurückzufinden. Ein wertvoller Ratgeber für Betroffene, ihre Angehörigen und medizinisches Fachpersonal. Mit Check-Listen zum Download.

Bringing User Experience to Healthcare Improvement
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 257

Bringing User Experience to Healthcare Improvement

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-01-06
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

This work includes a foreword by lynne Maher. Head of Innovation Practice, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, University Of Warwick, Coventry. "Experience Based Design" (EBD) is a new way of bringing about improvements in healthcare services by being user-focussed. Facilities, healthcare professionals, carers, family and friends are all involved in the patient experience and systems and policies need to adapt to take this into consideration. By exploring the underlying concepts, methods and practices of EBD, this exciting guide offers a unique approach to healthcare customer satisfaction. It offers recommendations for the future and many interesting points for discussion. It will ...

Long Haul COVID: a Survivor's Guide
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 120

Long Haul COVID: a Survivor's Guide

Redefine your pain, overcome obstacles, and live a meaningful life with evidence-based tools for coping with illness, fear, and change.

COVID and Post-COVID Recovery
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 54

COVID and Post-COVID Recovery

At a time when COVID-19 has gripped our world, forcing us to frantically search for the best ways to survive and thrive, Dr Vishakha Shivdasani shares her 6-point plan to help us accomplish just that. Using the same principles of healing that have helped thousands of her patients reverse chronic lifestyle diseases, Dr Shivdasani (popularly known as DoctorVee) has developed a new protocol that will show us how to expedite recovery from COVID-19, reduce the chances of post-COVID complications and recover from them. This protocol also works on new COVID strains that are emerging. Offering practical strategies that are easy to implement, Covid and Post-Covid Recovery is an essential read