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Indigenous People and the Christian Faith: A New Way Forward provides detailed historical, cultural and theological background and analysis to a very delicate and pressing subject facing many people around the world. The book is “glocal”: both local and global, as represented by international scholars. Every continent is represented by both Indigenous and non-indigenous people who desire to make a difference with the delicate problematics and relationships. The history of Indigenous people around the world is inextricably linked with Christianity and Colonialism. The book is completely interdisciplinary by employing historians, literary critics, biblical scholars and theologians, sociologists, philosophers and ordained engineers. The Literary Intent of the book, without presuming nor claiming too much for itself, is to provide practical thinking that will help all people move past the pain and dysfunction of the past, toward mutual understanding, communication, and practical actions in the present and future.
In Deutschland existieren seit über 50 Jahren koreanische Migrationskirchen. Sie haben der ersten Generation Koreaner eine geistliche und sozio-kulturelle Heimat geboten. In den letzten 30 Jahren haben sich christliche Gemeinschaften der zweiten Generation Koreaner gebildet, insbesondere in Form von Jugendverbänden, die neue kontextuelle Ausdrucksformen des christlichen Glaubens geprägt haben. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Gestalt von “Christsein im Zwischenraum”, die im Zuge von Inkulturationsprozessen entstanden ist und sich einer eindeutigen landeskirchlichen, freikirchlichen oder migrationskirchlichen Zuordnung entzieht. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich der empirisch-theologischen Analyse dieses inkulturierten Christseins in unterschiedlichen kirchlichen Kontexten der zweiten Generation Koreaner und fragt nach dessen Bedeutung für die Gestaltung des kirchlichen Lebens in Deutschland.
The book presents accounts of women reformers in the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY). The editors collected their stories and put them in a historic context, covering a period of 150 years starting from the arrival of Gustava Lundahl from Sweden in 1870 with her vision of a girls' school. A large field of experiences is covered from slaves to high standing women; illiterate ones and Bible translators; teachers and medical professionals; women with family responsibilities and those, who dedicated their lives to the gospel; women who were imprisoned and those holding leading positions.
»Mission in crisis« – this diagnosis makes immediate sense in view of the rapid decline of European Christian churches. However, there is a great deal of controversy as to what exactly this crisis consists of, what its actual causes are and what dynamics the crisis discourse itself exhibits. The contributions in this volume were held on an international conference that took place from November 25–27, 2022 at the University of Zurich. They pursue these questions from a mission-theological perspective and seek to open up new perspectives for the future of the church in both secular and plural societies. With contributions from: Heike Breitenstein, John G. Flett, Ralph Kunz, Sabrina Müll...
A bible theological didactic is not principally reduced to learning and teaching Bible alone but rather extended to understanding and interpreting Bible in one's own religious and pedagogical context. Bible didactic, moreover, does not circumscribe itself only to biblical knowledge in virtue of deducing some abstract and moral principles, but it rather prospects to strengthen and reconstruct one's identity within the choices offered by culture and context. This book aims to engage in an intercultural interpretation of the parables and the miracles of Jesus by dialoging with the culture of Tamils. This comparative study subsequently proposes an alternative synchronic hermeneutic in biblical d...
Long before the Lele people of Papua New Guinea had significant contact with the Western world and Christianity, they had developed a framework for understanding sickness and healing with a strong emphasis on the unseen world. This study examines how mature Lele Christians of the Evangelical Church of Manus assess traditional health concepts in light of their Christian faith and Scripture. By using cognitive theory as an interpretive approach, this research serves as a case study to illustrate the mental processes that take place when Christians in an animistic context make sense of their traditional culture. Simon Herrmann spent 15 years in Papua New Guinea, the United States and Malaysia. He now works as a lecturer in Intercultural Theology at the Internationale Hochschule Liebenzell (IHL).
Prosperity Teaching is fast becoming a standard part of contemporary African Christianity. This teaching is best understood in the Charismatic and Pentecostal churches in Africa. The varied expressions and nuances call for a critical analysis of the phenomenon. Prosperity Teaching affirms wealth, divine healing, good health and long-life as manifestations of God's blessing. Conspicuous consumption is often seen as a sign of a successful life and suffering has no place in the divine order of God's sovereignty. This book, Who Wants to be a Millionaire? seeks to bring some understanding to this teaching and shows the extent of its impact in the wider society.
In this volume, the author, former Director of missiology and for may years professor of missiology, religious anthropology and interreligious dialogue at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, "goes spiritually throughout the whole world" in order to study the interplay between "white supremacy" and christianization of the poeples. Where does this interplay happen and under which conditions ..., slavery, colonialism, economical factors and so forth. A great difference in "doing mission" becomes visible between Asia, (India, China, Japan) and the rest of the world. Currently Dr.Thomas Mooren, Ofmcap, teaches in Papuanewguinea and the Philippines.
As an adjunct to the Best Practices in Church Management Series, Creativity in Church Management covers a number of topics that, while important, do not warrant their own volumes in the series. Topics include co-responsibility, managing parish diversity, and issues surrounding parish reconfiguration and consolidation.
The joy over the growth of Christianity in Africa is also a challenge to all concerned to help Christianity take roots, ennoble and become one with the cultural life of the numerous tribes of Africa. This missionary expectation is not yet fully realized in many local churches in Africa. From these perspectives, Adolphus Chikezie Anuka inaugurates a new brand of concrete, target-oriented emphasis on dialogical inculturation. In this book, the Mmanwu cultural institution of the Igbo people of south eastern Nigeria stands in central focus, opening itself to the influences of Christian values as well as speaking to the religious assumptions of Christianity. The theoretical results of this research work and its practical pastoral suggestions are both enlightening and appealing.