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This volume draws attention to and moves beyond the traditional methodological frames that have governed knowledge production in the academic study of Islam. Departing from Orientalist and largely textual studies, the chapters collected herein revolve around three main themes: gender, the political, and what has come to be known as "lived Islam." The first involves ascertaining how to read gender and gender issues into traditional sources. The second encourages an attunement to the often delicate intersection between the spheres of religion and politics. The final provides a corrective to our traditional over-emphasis on the interpretation of texts and a preoccupation with studying (mainly m...
A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more. For centuries, the Mosque of Eyüp Sultan has been one of Istanbul’s most important pilgrimage destinations, in large part because of the figure buried in the tomb at its center: Halid bin Zeyd Ebû Eyûb el-Ensârî, a Companion of the Prophet Muhammad. Timur Hammond argues here, however, that making a geography of Islam involves considerably more. Following practices of storytelling and building projects from the final years of the Ottoman Empire to the early 2010s, Placing Islam shows how different individuals and groups articulated connections among people, places, traditions, and histories to make a place that is paradoxically defined by both powerful continuities and dynamic relationships to the city and wider world. This book provides a rich account of urban religion in Istanbul, offering a key opportunity to reconsider how we understand the changing cultures of Islam in Turkey and beyond.
Roads to Paradise: Eschatology and Concepts of the Hereafter in Islam offers a multi-disciplinary study of Muslim thinking about paradise, death, apocalypse, and the hereafter. It focuses on eschatological concepts in the Quran and its exegesis, Sunni and Shi‘i traditions, Islamic theology, philosophy, mysticism, and other scholarly disciplines reflecting Islamicate pluralism and cosmopolitanism. Gathering material from all parts of the Muslim world, ranging from Islamic Spain to Indonesia, and the entirety of Islamic history, this publication in two volumes also integrates research from comparative religion, art history, sociology, anthropology and literary studies. Unparalleled and unprecedented in its scope and comprehensiveness, Roads to Paradise promises to become the definitive reference work on Islamic eschatology for the years to come. Available as: • Hardback (ISBN 978-90-04-33313-0, 2 volumes) • E-Book (ISBN 978-90-04-33315-4) • Paperback (ISBN 978-90-04-72491-4, 2 volumes) Paperback volumes are also available separately: • Paperback, Volume 1 (ISBN 978-90-04-71180-8) • Paperback, Volume 2 (ISBN 978-90-04-71249-2)
Tarih boyunca Yüce Allah’ın ve Sevgili Peygamberimizin övgüsüne mazhar olan âlimler bulunmuş, hayatları ve eserleri tabakat adlı eserlerle ölümsüzleştirilerek günümüze kadar ulaşmıştır. Biz de, hem günümüz insanlarının hem de kıyamete kadar gelecek insanların istifadesine sunmak üzere günümüz Türkiye’sinde yetişmiş değerli ilim adamlarını ve çalışmalarını tanıtmak istedik. Hepsini tanıtmak elbette gücümüzü aşan bir durumdu. Biz de bu çalışmada ülkemizin Akademisyen İslam Hukukçularının kısa da olsa hayatlarını ve kaleme aldıkları değerli eserlerini tanıttık. Rabbim hayırlara vesile kılsın. Âmin.
Through a study of a variety of Ottoman and modern Turkish accounts of the Ottoman-Habsburg sieges of Nagykanizsa Castle (1600-01) including official documents, correspondence, histories, and more literary genres such as gazavatnames [campaign narratives], Plural Pasts explores Ottoman literacy practices. By considering the diverse roles that the various accounts served – construction of identities, forging of diplomatic alliances and legitimization of political ideologies and geo-political imaginations – it explores the cultural and socio-political significance the various accounts had for different audiences. In addition, it interweaves theoretical reflection with textual analysis. Usi...
How Turkish poetry became the preferred mode for communicating, debating, and shaping political and social experience in the early Ottoman Empire Occasions for Poetry is a history of how Turkish poetry became the preferred mode for communicating, debating, and shaping political and social experience in the early Ottoman Empire. After the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, Ottoman elites at the imperial court turned to poetry to craft distinctive modes of expression in order to articulate their own place within the Ottoman sultanate. Placing Ottoman court poetry in its social and historical context, Oscar Aguirre-Mandujano argues that poetry functioned as a political act. Aguirre-Mandujano e...
This book will be a major resource for all academic researchers and practitioners interested in issues dealing with the development of tourism, its potential and challenges, and policy and regulatory issues in the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. These countries are gaining more attention as emerging destinations. There is limited research that focuses on these countries with respect to their potential and characteristics as tourism destinations. This book aims to be an invaluable source for both practitioners and academicians who are in international marketing and tourism. The central Asia region (also termed the Silk Road region) as an emerging destination is ripe for future tourism development. The region is rich with historical, cultural, and natural beauty that could provide significant utility to many potential visitors. This book brings together key writings on this topic in a single resource.
Hamdullah b. Hayreddin (ö. 1575?) adında önemli bir şahsiyet daha vardır. Ayasofya Camii’nde kırk yıl hatiplik ve müderrislik yaptığı için Ayasofya Hatibi olarak da bilinen Hamdullah b. Hayreddin, öyle anlaşılıyor ki kurra arasındaki ihtilaflı döneme şahitlik etmiş ve telif ettiği eserleriyle döneminde yapılan yanlışlara dikkati çekmeye çalışmıştır. Özellikle o kıraat-i aşere ile ilgili Fuyûzu’l-İtkân fî Vücûhi’l-Kur’ân adlı eserinde tablo ve şemalar kullanmak suretiyle on kıraat hakkında bilgi vermiştir. Bu eserinde o Kıraat-i Seb‘a imam ve ravileriyle ilgili rumuzlarda Şâtıbiyye’yi esas almasına karşılık Kıraat-i Aşere imamları ve ravileriyle ilgili bizzat kendisinin belirlediği rumuzlar halen kabul görmektedir.