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For more than 40 years I have been engaged in timberline research. Thus, one could suppose that writing this book should not have been too difficult. It was harder, however, than expected, and in the end I felt that more questions had arisen than could be answered within its pages. Perhaps it would have been easier to write the book 30 years ago and then leave the subject to mature. Lastly it was the late Prof. Heinz Ellenberg who had convinced me to portray a much needed and complete picture of what we know of the timberline with special respect to its great physiognomic, structural and ecological variety. The first version of this book was p- lished in the German language (Holtmeier, 2000)...
Enthält: "Aus einem Bruderzwist geboren: Die Preisfrage des Johann Bernoulli", und "Ein 'Lichtblitz' von Fermat: Johann Bernoullis Lösung" (S. 19-32).
Fourteen papers explore a variety of inter-disciplinary approaches to understanding the Viking past, both in Scandinavia and in the Viking diaspora. Contributions employ both traditional inter- or multi-disciplinarian perspectives such as using historical sources, Icelandic sagas and Eddic poetry and also specialised methodologies and/or empirical studies, place-name research, the history of religion and technological advancements, such as isotope analysis. Together these generate new insights into the technology, social organisation and mentality of the worlds of the Vikings. Geographically, contributions range from Iceland through Scandinavia to the Continent. Scandinavian, British and Con...
Die 1999 beschlossene Bologna-Erkl„rung, die bis Ende 2010 einen einheitlichen europ„ischen Hochschulrahmen schaffen soll, brachte radikale Ver„nderungen von Lehr- und Lernprozessen in jeglicher Hinsicht mit sich. Die vorliegende Studie stellt sich daher die Frage: Wie k”nnen Leistungsnachweise an Hochschulen im Sinne von Bologna angepasst oder ver„ndert werden? Sind hier elektronische Prfungen eine zeitgem„áe L”sung? K”nnen die neuen Techniken effizienter genutzt werden, indem man sich an Kriterien und Empfehlungen orientiert? Fr die Beantwortung dieser Fragen sollen anhand etablierter Analyseverfahren von elektronischen Prfungen Gtekriterien fr elektronische Klau...