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Caterina Albert i Paradís predates Federico García Lorca and D. H. Lawrence in her portrayal of women's sexual passions. She was an unsung pioneer of modernist literature at the beginning of the twentieth century, writing in the ancient Catalan language of Spain. Published under the nationalist (and necessarily male) pseudonym of Víctor Català, Solitude is regarded as the most important Catalan novel to appear before the Spanish Civil War.
Turn-of-the-Century Barcelona comes to life in this rediscovered classic from one of Catalan's most beloved female authors
Caterina Albert i Paradis (1869-1966) began her career with a scandal. Her dramatic monologue "The Infanticide," delivered by a young woman, won prizes and garnered the attention of the Catalan literary world, but its harsh theme drew outrage when the anonymous author was revealed to be a woman. In the tradition of George Eliot, George Sand, and other controversial women authors, Albert had assumed a man's name, Víctor Catala. She continued to write unflinching narratives, mostly in Catalan, of the people and life around her, producing a body of work still enlisted today to help the Catalan language resist the dominance of Peninsular Spanish. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Estudi minuciós dels derivats i compostos que apareixen a la gran novel·la Solitud, de Víctor Català, que comprova la seva productivitat a l'hora de formar mots i deixa constància de l'aportació de creativitat lèxica de Víctor Català a la llengua literària catalana.
Biografía de la escritora Caterina Albert i Paradis, cuya obra literaria se halla firmada bajo el seudónimo de Victor Català. Esta catalana llegó a su consagración como escritora por su novela "Solitud"
First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Little attention has been paid to Merce Rodoreda (1908-1983) as a modernist writer. This study addresses the relationship of her production with Catalan, Spanish, and European modernism. Foregrounded is Rodoreda's negotiation of the overlapping subjects of gender, class, modes of representation, and national identities. In the first three chapters her pre-Civil War novels Soc una dona honrada?, Un dia de la vida d'un home, and Del que hom no pot fugir are read against key Catalan texts, particularly Eugeni d'Ors', to emphasize debates surrounding modernist aesthetics and models of Catalan national identity. The modernist preoccupation with high versus low literature is developed in Aloma, while El carrer de les Camelies reconfigures the flaneur vis-a-vis the female writer's positioning in the modernist enterprise. The modernist debt to realism and the revindication of early Catalan modernism in the 1970s are examined in Mirall trencat. Christine Arkinstall is a Senior Lecturer in Spanish at The University of Auckland.
La personalitat de Víctor Català és l'obra d'art total que Caterina Albert construeix al llarg de la seva vida, amb els "silencis" que tan bé va saber interpretar Maria-Aurèlia Capmany inclosos, com un mosaic fet de múltiples peces que l'escriptora va controlar amb "l'energia i la seguretat" pròpies de l'artista professional que sap que la disposició final de les peces no depèn ja d'ella, sinó de la recepció de l'obra. Una " obra completa" que Caterina Albert va deixar plantejada com un work in progress que s'havia d'anar (re)configurant al ritme dels temps i d'acord amb la recepció que, en cada circumstància històrica, política i cultural, es pugui fer d'una obra oberta a la ...