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Polish Camp Literature expands the boundaries of Polish camp literature, which has so far been defined too narrowly. This restricted outlook has been determined by politics, ideology, the scarcity of historical knowledge, the lack of literary research, and frequent manipulation concerning terms such as "concentration camp", "forced labor camp", and "death camp". Camp literature was initially limited to "Lager" literature (pertaining to Nazi German camps). Over time, gulag literature (pertaining to Soviet camps) came to be included as well. It turns out that Polish camp literature is much more extensive and richer. This volume consists of mini-monographs on Polish literary works concerning ei...
This volume emerged from the conference "Polish Literature Since 1989" held at the University College London School of Slavonic and East European Studies. It shows how the profound political and economic transformation that has taken place in Poland since the end of communism in 1989 has affected literary culture and literary scholarship, such as: changing conceptions of Polish nationhood and identity * the impact of European integration (since 2004) * the effects of migration * revised conceptions of the foreign or the marginal, and new understandings of what is understood by emigre or emigrant literature * sensitivity to issues of gender and sexual identity, as well as the impact of feminism and queer studies * the huge impact of revived interest in the Jewish heritage, in Holocaust memory, and in Polish-Jewish relations. (Series: Polonistik im Kontext - Vol. 2)
Marta Tomczok presents all Polish postmodern novels about the Holocaust, starting with “The First Splendor” by Leopold Buczkowski and ending with “The Suspected Dybbuk” by Andrzej Bart. She also presents their rich relationships with selected foreign-language prose, which intensified especially at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The culmination of the entire trend is a discussion around two novels: “Tworki” by Marek Bieńczyk and “Fly Trap Factory” by Andrzej Bart, which reveals the aestheticizing and post-memorial profile of Polish postmodernization and its advantage over the historiosophical trend. This monograph is not only the first such collection of post-Holocaust postmodern novels, but also the first comprehensive study of postmodernism in the literature about the Holocaust, which, thanks to comparative analysis, tries to analyze and explain the circumstances of the appearance and later disappearance of this trend from cultural landscape of the world and Poland.
In recent decades, there has been a marked tendency to look at war literature from a perspective that reaches beyond the experiences of particular nations. Characteristically, though poetry and prose from Poland, Hungary and former Czechoslovakia are included in multi-national anthologies, the war literatures of Eastern Europe seem to have been ignored in critical studies. The Myth of War in British and Polish Poetry. 1939-1945 aims to fill in this critical vacuum. This study concentrates on the processes through which British and Polish poetry contributed to the shaping of myths of war, each offering creative interpretations of historical facts and developments. Both poetic traditions are a...
Nie ma potrzeby przekonywać, że Stanisław Barańczak to znakomity poeta i tłumacz, jego miejsce w historii literatury jest pewne i niebudzące wątpliwości. Nasz niewielki tom jest głosem młodych głównie badaczy, którzy odkrywają dzieło autora Widokówki z tego świata dla siebie i dla odbiorców tej bogatej twórczości. Chcemy zaznaczyć niniejszą publikacją, że pozostaje nam we wdzięcznej pamięci Osoba, która odeszła tak nagle 26 grudnia 2014 roku, a która obdarowała nas wspaniałą poezją, przekładami, tekstami o literaturze. (ze Wstępu)
Książka Justyny Budzik poświęcona jest twórczości siedmiu polskich poetów (kilku pokoleń) osiadłych w Kanadzie w różnych dekadach po zakończeniu II wojny światowej. Poezja Bogdana Czaykowskiego, Andrzeja Buszy, Floriana Śmieji, Wacława Iwaniuka, Edwarda Zymana, Marka Kusiby i Romana Sabo posłużyła Autorce do wnikliwej refleksji na temat sytuacji polskiego twórcy w Kraju Klonowego Liścia, „ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dychotomii zadomowienia i wyobcowania" (jak czytamy we Wstępie). W pracy znajdziemy rozważania na temat wielorakich aspektów ( psychologicznych, społecznych, filozoficznych bądź artystycznych), jakie wiążą się z sytuacją wygnania. Studium...