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Prague Soundscapes
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Prague Soundscapes

Prague Soundscapes is the first book focusing on music in Prague from other than musical-historical perspectives. It approaches musical events in present-day Prague from an ethno-musicological position, sometimes called musical anthropology. We take in, for instance, the Refufest festival, a punk concert at the Modrá vopice club,a performance of Dvořák’s Rusalka at the National Theatre or accompany followers of the Hare Krishna and their procession through Prague – not just to see and "hear" their music, but also to learn who makes and listens to it and why. An abundance of photographs accompany the book‘s text, helping the reader become one of the participants. Prague Soundscapes is a wonderful book whose content is presented in an original and convincing manner... I feel that this will contribute significantly to the development of a new field of musical anthropology – a field that has up to this point been the home, especially in the USA, of urban ethnomusicology. Speranţa Rădulescu, National University of Music Bucharest

Music – Memory – Minorities: Between Archive and Activism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 162

Music – Memory – Minorities: Between Archive and Activism

What can music say about group specifics, especially the specifics of ethnic minorities? In this volume, the focus is on one distinctive aspect of minority culture – collective memory. This is not an imprint of the past: it arises as an image, created from the motives of the past, but shaped by the needs and interests of the present, and various actors participate in its creation. If the medium of remembrance is music – a powerful medium which, thanks to its polysemantic character, makes it possible to connect the individual and the collective, to represent communities, and to rewrite group boundaries – who are the actors and what images do they create? The book Music – Memory – Minorities: Between Archive and Activism focuses on the musical remembrance of Roma and Jews. In addition to exploring individual cases, the text presents and follows a remarkable arc that allows us to observe the role of music in the ethno-emancipatory process of minorities.

Pražské hudební světy
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 303

Pražské hudební světy

Pražské hudební světy jsou první knihou, která se věnuje hudbě v Praze z jiné než hudebně historické perspektivy: k hudebním událostem dnešní Prahy přistupuje z pozice etnomuzikologie, někdy nazývané také hudební antropologie. Dostáváme se tak kupříkladu na festival Refufest, na punkový koncert do klubu Modrá vopice a na představení Dvořákovy Rusalky do Národního divadla nebo doprovázím oddané Haré Kršny při jejich průvodu centrem Prahy; nejen proto, abychom je viděli a "slyšeli" jejich muziku, ale zejména proto, abychom se dozvěděli, kdo a proč ji provozuje a poslouchá. Kniha je bohatě ilustrována fotografiemi, které čtenáři pomáhají stát se jedním z účastníků popisovaných událostí.

Landscapes and Landforms of the Czech Republic
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 422

Landscapes and Landforms of the Czech Republic

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-03-08
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  • Publisher: Springer

The book aims to present the unique geomorphological landscapes of the Czech Republic. The geomorphic uniqueness of this country benefits from the proximity to two distinct European geological domains: the old cratonized Bohemian Massif and the relatively young Tertiary fold and thrust belt of the Western Carpathians. Landscapes and Landforms of the Czech Republic introduces general physiographical characteristics of the landscape and presents the main driving factors leading to the evolution of the present landscape. The book contains twenty two chapters describing the most interesting geomorphic landscapes of the Czech Republic. The selection of individual landscapes was based on visual exceptionality (e.g. sandstone landscapes of the Northern Bohemia), scientific importance (e.g. patterned grounds in the Sudetic Mountains) and historical relevance (e.g. mining of the Nízký and Hrubý Jeseník Mountains). The final chapters of the book discuss the protection of geomorphic heritage in the Czech Republic.

Bulletin Muzea romské kultury
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 524

Bulletin Muzea romské kultury

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Hudební věda
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 446

Hudební věda

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Abused, Battered, or Stalked: Violence in Intimate Partner Relations Gendered
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 171

Abused, Battered, or Stalked: Violence in Intimate Partner Relations Gendered

The monograph is based on data from the survey “Intimate partner violence: follow-up research to IVAWS 2003.” Framed by the gender (a-)symmetry hypothesis it offers the possibility of comparing data from two representative samples of men and women as collected during 2012 and 2013. The book demonstrates basic prevalence of the intimate partner violence in respect of both forms, the physical violence and the psychological abuse. It deals with contexts and consequences including a reaction of victims as well. The monograph has covered also actual data on stalking as a new phenomenon in a transforming society.

Boat Number Five
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 212

Boat Number Five

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-10-15
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  • Publisher: Unknown

The moving yet humorous story of a girl struggling to care for herself and others in post-communist Slovakia. Emotionally neglected by her immature, promiscuous mother and made to care for her cantankerous dying grandmother, twelve-year-old Jarka is left to fend for herself in the social vacuum of a post-communist concrete apartment-block jungle in Bratislava, Slovakia. She spends her days roaming the streets and daydreaming in the only place she feels safe: a small garden inherited from her grandfather. One day, on her way to the garden, she stops at a suburban railway station and impulsively abducts twin babies. Jarka teeters on the edge of disaster, and while struggling to care for the babies, she discovers herself. With a vivid and unapologetic eye, Monika Kompaníková captures the universal quest for genuine human relationships amid the emptiness and ache of post-communist Europe. Boat Number Five, which was adapted into an award-winning Slovak film, is the first of two books that launch Seagull's much-anticipated Slovak List.

Transcendent Individual
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 231

Transcendent Individual

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002-11
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Transcendent Individual argues for a reappraisal of the place of the individual in anthropolgical theory and ethnographic writing. A wealth of voices illustrate and inform the text, showing ways in which individuals creatively 'write', narrate and animate cultural and social life. This is an anthropology imbued with a liberal morality which is willing to make value judgements over and against culture in favour of individuality. Rapport draws widely on ethnographic and theoretic materials bringing into the debate a range of voices, among them Nietzsche, Wilde, George Steiner, Richard Rorty, John Berger and Anthony Cohen. In doing so he approaches individuality in terms of a range of issues: biological integrity, consciousness, agency, democracy, discourse, globalism, knowledge and play.

Intimate Violence. A Czech Contribution on International Violence Against Women Survey
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 221

Intimate Violence. A Czech Contribution on International Violence Against Women Survey

Kniha Marie Zimmermannové je věnována odbornému dílu Josefa Hronka (1890–1954), řádného profesora katechetiky a pedagogiky na Cyrilometodějské bohoslovecké fakultě v Praze. Kromě biografie podává zevrubný přehled Hronkova díla a seznamuje s oborovým kontextem, v němž působil. Jádrem monografie je tematická analýza Hronkova katecheticko-pedagogického díla a jeho zhodnocení vzhledem ke stavu soudobé teologie i pracím Hronkových souputníků. Ukazuje Hronka jako výraznou vědeckou osobnost, jejíž dílo bylo dosud neprávem opomíjeno. Knihu doplňují rozsáhlé přílohy.